The latest updates and information Mississippi Medicaid providers need to know is posted in Late Breaking News
January Provider Bulletin now available
The January issue of the MS Medicaid Provider Bulletin is now available online for read or download. The Provider Bulletin aims to inform providers of Medicaid news, policy changes, and provides contact information for provider field representatives listed by county, and more.
Previous issues of the Provider Bulletin are archived online at
Mississippi Outcomes for Maternal Safety (MOMS) Initiative
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) is pleased to announce the Mississippi Outcomes for Maternal Safety (MOMS) Initiative. The MOMS Initiative is a value-based payment (VBP) program aimed at enhancing maternal health outcomes across the state. To address Mississippi’s high rates of severe maternal morbidity (SMM), the MOMS Initiative will support redesigned care delivery by incorporating new discharge protocols and requirements for post-discharge follow-up appointments. DOM has initiated and filed a preprint with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to allow incentive payments to maternity hospitals and outpatient providers.
The MOMS assessment evaluates the real-time condition and factors linked to SMM risk of each patient. The MOMS assessment generates a numerical score that assigns the patient to a MOMS risk level ranging from Level 1 to Level 3. Risk levels determine the urgency of the patient’s initial postpartum follow-up visit. Level 1 patients must be seen within 5 days, Level 2 patients within 10 days, and Level 3 patients within 30 days post discharge.
Hospitals play a pivotal role in assessing maternal health risk and identifying patients at heightened risk for adverse outcomes. To qualify for an incentive payment under the MOMS Initiative, for each managed care patient, hospitals will be eligible to receive a $250 incentive when completing a MOMS assessment and sharing the risk score prior to discharge. By integrating this assessment into routine procedures, hospitals contribute to early detection and proactive planning for postpartum care.
Outpatient providers also play a crucial role. To qualify for an incentive payment under the MOMS Initiative, for each managed care patient, outpatient providers will be eligible to receive a $250 incentive when a patient completes a postpartum follow-up visit within the timeframe specified by their MOMS risk score. These follow-up appointments are essential to ensuring that patients receive timely care during the critical postpartum period, reducing the likelihood of complications such as readmissions or emergency department visits. By tying financial incentives to timely follow-up visits, the program helps improve access to postpartum care and encourages providers to adopt practices that address patients’ specific needs based on their risk profiles.
These incentives aim to promote better maternal health outcomes for Medicaid beneficiaries by encouraging comprehensive assessments and timely follow-up care. These measures are critical to reducing maternal morbidity statewide.
We will be conducting a joint training session with the three CCOs to provide an overview of the program, including the MOMS Assessment form, ADT requirements, roles and responsibilities, best practices for discharge planning, and guidance on incentive payment allocation. The training webinar is scheduled for January 28th from 1:00 to 2:30 PM CT.
You can sign up for and access the webinar using the following link: MOMS Initiative Training Webinar
This webinar will be recorded and made available on the DOM Website:
Should you have any questions regarding this new initiative, please send them to:
Disenrollment Due to Claims Inactivity
In accordance with upcoming requirements to improve the accuracy of provider directories, any enrolled Medicaid provider not appearing on a submitted claim within the past 12 months will be disenrolled, effective February 1, 2025. For further details, please see the Mississippi Administrative Code, Title 23, Part 200, Rule 4.2 (A) 17.
My provider enrollment was just approved, what can I do to ensure I am not disenrolled for claim inactivity?
Newly enrolled providers will have up to one (1) year to appear on a submitted claim before being subject to disenrollment. To prevent disenrollment, providers should submit claims as services are rendered to Medicaid members.
If I have multiple service location enrollments will all locations be disenrolled if only one location does not have any claims activity?
No, only the servicing locations with no claim activity will be disenrolled.
How will I be notified if I am disenrolled?
Each disenrolled provider will receive a notification letter informing them of the disenrollment by mail. As noted in the December 30, 2024, Late Breaking News article, the notification will also be available for viewing in the provider portal.
What can I do if I am disenrolled?
Providers disenrolled due to inactivity may submit an application to re-enroll in the Medicaid program at any time.
For more information, call the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at 1-800-884-3222 or your designated field representative:
We Want Your Feedback: Help Us Improve the MESA Portal Claims Submission Process
At the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM), we are committed to ensuring that the claims submission process is efficient, user-friendly, and meets the needs of our providers. To achieve this, we need your valuable input.
We want to hear about your experiences with the claim’s submission functionality of the MESA portal. Whether you use the portal regularly or rely on paper submissions, your feedback is essential in identifying challenges and areas for improvement.
Your insights will help us:
- • Understand the pain points you face when using the portal.
- • Prioritize updates and changes to enhance your experience.
- • Streamline the process to save you time and effort.
Please share your feedback and suggestions by emailing us at Be as specific as possible, and feel free to include examples of issues or ideas for improvement. Your input will directly influence future enhancements, and together we can make the MESA portal work better for everyone.
Thank you for partnering with us to improve the claims submission experience for all Medicaid providers!
Attention Ambulatory Surgical Centers
The Division of Medicaid will no longer require Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASCs) to obtain prior authorization for procedure code G0330. This change is effective for dates of service on and after December 1, 2024.
Letters Available in Provider Portal
Effective immediately, providers will be able to view copies of letters received by mail directly in the Provider Portal. Access to these letters will be determined by the status of the application and the age of the letter. Please refer to the following instructions for guidance on how to access letters within the Provider Portal. At this time, providers will continue to receive letters via mail, in addition to having the ability to view them online.
Accessing Letters for Enrolled Providers
Once logged in, enrolled providers can access recent letters directly from the Provider Portal dashboard. Letters sent within the past 90 days will be available in a new section titled View Letters, located under the “Secure Correspondence” link on the right side of the page. A notification will appear below this link when new letters are available.
By clicking the View Letters link, providers can view letters generated in the last 90 days. Unviewed letters will be displayed in bold with a “New” status.
To view a letter, click Download. The letter will download and open in a PDF viewer.
After being viewed, the letter’s status will change to “Viewed,” and it will no longer appear in bold. These letters will remain accessible for 90 days.
Letters older than 90 days can be accessed via the Resources Tab through the Report Download functionality. Select the letter name from the Report dropdown menu and specify the desired date range.
Note: This same functionality is available to Medicaid beneficiaries within the Medicaid Member Portal.
Accessing Letters for Applying Providers
Letters associated with enrollment applications can be accessed through the Enrollment Status search.
To view a letter related to a submitted application, enter the Tracking Number, Tax ID Number. Once the status is displayed a new area titled Provider Letters will appear if the application has been submitted.
Enter the Password for the application. All letters related to the application that have been mailed to the provider will be displayed.
For more information, call the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at 1-800-884-3222 or your designated field representative:
Provider Enrollment Application Fee Increased for 2025
The enrollment application fee for institutional providers for the 2025 calendar year has increased from $709 to $730. See the following announcement:
This application fee will be required in the following instances:
• Initial enrollment, reactivation, revalidation or reenrollment of providers in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
• Addition of New Owners – Change of Ownership
• Providers adding a new Medicaid practice location
Note: Simple changes to the provider enrollment information, that is, new phone numbers, new bank account information, new billing address, change in the name of the provider or other such updates are not subject to the fee.
Providers required to submit a fee are:
Taxonomy | Taxonomy Description |
251E00000X | Home Health |
251G00000X | Hospice Care, Community Based |
261QA1903X | Clinic/Center – Ambulatory Surgical |
261QE0700X | Clinic/Center – End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Treatment |
261QF0400X | Clinic/Center – Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) |
261QM0801X | Clinic/Center – Mental Health (Including Community Mental Health Center) |
261QR0400X | Clinic/Center – Rehabilitation |
261QR0401X | Clinic/Center – Rehabilitation, Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility (CORF) |
261QR1300X | Clinic/Center – Rural Health |
273R00000X | Psychiatric Unit |
273Y00000X | Rehabilitation Unit |
282E00000X | Long Term Care Hospital |
282N00000X | General Acute Care Hospital |
282NC0060X | General Acute Care Hospital – Critical Access |
282NC2000X | General Acute Care Hospital – Children |
282NR1301X | General Acute Care Hospital – Rural |
282NW0100X | General Acute Care Hospital – Women |
283Q00000X | Psychiatric Hospital |
291U00000X | Clinical Medical Laboratory |
292200000X | Dental Laboratory |
293D00000X | Physiological Laboratory |
314000000X | Skilled Nursing Facility |
332B00000X | Durable Medical Equipment and Medical Supplies |
332BC3200X | Durable Medical Equipment and Medical Supplies – Customized Equipment |
332BP3500X | Durable Medical Equipment and Medical Supplies – Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition |
332BX2000X | Durable Medical Equipment and Medical Supplies – Oxygen Equipment and Supplies |
333600000X | Pharmacy |
3336C0003X | Pharmacy – Community/Retail Pharmacy |
3336H0001X | Pharmacy – Home Infusion Therapy Pharmacy |
3336S0011X | Pharmacy – Specialty Pharmacy |
335V00000X | Portable X-Ray Supplier |
341600000X | Ambulance |
3416L0300X | Ambulance – Land Transport |
Providers submitting their application fee should make their check out to the Mississippi Division of Medicaid, annotating on the check the application tracking number (ATN) and mail to:
- Gainwell Technologies
P.O. Box 6014
Ridgeland, MS 39158.
Providers who have already paid the application fee to Medicare or another state’s CHIP or Medicaid program have fulfilled the requirement and do not have to pay the fee to Mississippi Medicaid.
For more information, call the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at 1-800-884-3222 or your designated field representative:
Update Provider File and Directory with American Sign Language Capability
In accordance with Section 5123 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, providers now have the option to indicate their ability to communicate in American Sign Language (ASL). This information will be displayed in the Provider Directory, which members use to search for providers, helping them identify those who can meet their language needs. Providers can update their language preferences at any time. To do so, log into the portal, navigate to the “Characteristics” section, select “American Sign Language” from the dropdown menu, and click “Add.” Additionally, providers undergoing recredentialing or revalidation can select this option from the Language dropdown while completing the application.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
Guidance for Retrospective Requests submitted to Telligen
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) contracts with Telligen, as the Utilization Management/Quality Improvement Organization (UM/QIO) vendor, for fee-for-service Medicaid members. Prospective Reviews, also referred to as prior authorization or precertification, include the review of medical necessity for the performance of services or scheduled procedures before the service is rendered or before admission occurs. Concurrent Reviews are medical necessity decisions made while the patient is currently in an acute or post-acute setting or when an episode of care needs to continue beyond the initial authorization period.
In certain circumstances, Retrospective Review may be allowed, which may include but is not limited to the following:
- • Beneficiary receives retroactive eligibility – Requests should be submitted as soon as possible but no later than 90 days of the system add date of the eligibility determination, in accordance with Administrative Code Part 200, Chapter 1, Rule 1.8.A.1.a. Administrative Code (
- • Advanced Imaging – limited to medically urgent procedures done before authorization could be obtained. Requests should be submitted as soon as possible but no later than five (5) calendar days after the date of service.
- • Dental related requests – when additional services occur during a dental procedure that were not included in the initial authorization. Requests should be submitted as soon as possible but no later than five (5) calendar days after the date of service.
- • Expanded Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) Physician Office Visits for EPSDT-eligible members – limited to physician office visits that exceed the annual visit limit of 16. Requests should be submitted as soon as possible but no later than thirty (30) calendar days after the date of service. When a submitted claim denies that exceeds this 30-day timeframe, the provider will need to include a copy of the denied claim or denial posted to the remittance advice, when requesting the authorization.
- • Managed Care Recoupments – If a claim payment was recouped by a managed care organization due to a change in payor (CCO to fee-for-service), the provider has ninety (90) days from the date of recoupment to request an authorization from the UM/QIO. Documentation (remittance advice) of the recoupment must be included with the request.
- • Inpatient admissions:
- o Limited to emergent and urgent admissions and must be authorized on the next working day after admission, in accordance with Administrative Code Part 202, Chapter 1, Rule 1.3.A.1.a.
- • Retroactive requests are used after the fact, typically when a service has already been provided or the patient has been discharged from inpatient care.
- • Concurrent reviews are used while the patient is still receiving care, such as during an ongoing inpatient stay. If the patient has an approved authorization and the provider anticipates the need for extending the inpatient stay, a continued stay request should be submitted prior to the last approved day to get approval for the additional time.
- o Limited to emergent and urgent admissions and must be authorized on the next working day after admission, in accordance with Administrative Code Part 202, Chapter 1, Rule 1.3.A.1.a.
Please refer to Telligen’s website at, or call Telligen directly at 1-855-625-7709 for assistance. To submit authorization requests, providers are encouraged to register for access to Telligen’s provider portal, Qualitrac, by completing the Telligen Provider Portal Registration.
New Reprocessing Outpatient Crossover Claims with 5518 Denial
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) will reprocess Outpatient Crossover claims that processed between 10/01/2022 and 02/14/2023 that had a detail denial with error code 5518 – Home Health Days Limited To 36 Days Per State Fiscal Year when the Type of Bill (TOB) was not between 310-392.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
New Taxonomies for Provider Enrollment
Effective July 1, 2024, Mississippi Medicaid has introduced an additional 123 eligible taxonomies to better align with the services rendered and billed by providers. These taxonomies are now available for selection during enrollment through the MESA Web Portal. A complete list of all eligible taxonomies for Mississippi Medicaid enrollment can be found at:
Since these taxonomies were not previously available, currently enrolled providers may request an update to their existing taxonomy code if they wish to align with one of the new eligible taxonomies.
Providers can submit taxonomy change requests through the following secure methods:
- Online – MESA Provider Portal
- Access the Secure Correspondence link on the MESA Provider Portal:
- For requests involving multiple Medicaid IDs, please attach a spreadsheet listing each update as a separate row.
- Note: Preferred method for tracking purposes.
- Fax
- Fax Number: (866) 644-6148
- Attention: Provider Enrollment
- Mailing Address: Provider Enrollment, P.O. Box 23078, Jackson, MS 39225
When submitting your request, please include the 9-digit Medicaid ID and the new taxonomy code you are requesting.
The requested taxonomy code must match the taxonomy reported in the NPPES NPI Registry to ensure accuracy and compliance.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or refer to the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website, which includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This list is available at
October Provider Bulletin now available
The October issue of the MS Medicaid Provider Bulletin is now available online for read or download. Following the Mississippi Division of Medicaid’s transition to a new fiscal agent, the quarterly Provider Bulletin has shifted to a January-April-July-October publication schedule.
The Provider Bulletin aims to inform providers of Medicaid news, policy changes, and provides contact information for provider field representatives listed by county, and more.
Previous issues of the Provider Bulletin are archived online at
Reprocessing Inpatient Crossover Paper Claims
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) reprocessed Inpatient Crossover paper claims erroneously denied with the following EOB message: 1064 – Header Medicare Co-Insurance/Deductible/Copay amounts submitted are zero and Medicare paid date is missing or invalid. The reprocessed claims will be reflected on your Remittance Advice dated 10/07/2024.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
Home and Community-Based Services Rate Study Project Update
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM), in collaboration with Milliman and various stakeholders, has completed a comprehensive rate study for all 1915(c) waiver and 1915(i) State plan home and community-based services. The draft report and final stakeholder update presentation are available at the links below. All rates outlined in Appendix 1 of the report under “Total Modeled Rate” study are strictly proposals. Implementation of these proposed service rates will require legislative action, increased state appropriations and approval by CMS. The legislative request was included in DOM’s FY2026 budget submission. Any questions or feedback regarding the report or associated proposed rates can be emailed to us at
New coverage requirements for eligible incarcerated youth
Beginning January 1, 2025, the Division of Medicaid is required to provide coverage for specific screening, diagnostic, and targeted case management services to eligible juveniles who are being held post adjudication as inmates of a public institution. These services are required to be covered in the 30 days prior to their release and for at least 30 days following release. Required Medicaid and CHIP services include medical (including immunizations), behavioral health, and dental screening and diagnostic services and targeted case management.
Types of carceral facilities affected include the following public institutions:
State prisons, local jails, tribal jails and prisons, and all juvenile detention and youth correctional facilities in the state.
An Incarcerated Youth Survey has been developed to collect data in support of implementation. Affected facilities are asked to complete the online survey. A pdf fillable form is also available here and can be completed and returned to the following email inbox: Questions or comments about the new coverage requirements or the survey should also be sent to this inbox.
Due to the impending federal implementation deadline of January 1, 2025, we ask that you please submit your completed survey by Thursday, October 31st.
For more information, visit:
Provider Portal-Newborn Enrollment
Coming soon, the Newborn Application submission process will include validation logic to determine if it is appropriate for a newborn form to be submitted. If the mother’s eligibility status does not align for a deemed infant, the following message will display, “This child is not eligible for the newborn enrollment form process due to the mother’s Medicaid status. The mother should apply for herself and/or her newborn via” Additionally, newborn form applications may not be submitted for infants older than 12 months old. Doing so will result in the following error message, “This application cannot be submitted since the child is more than 12-months old.”
Long Term Care and Hospice Room and Board Rate Adjustments
Effective 9/30/2024, Long Term Care and Hospice Room and Board rate adjustments will process and finalize with an internal control number (ICN) beginning with “55 – Automated Rate Adjustments”. Depending on the rate change, the ICNs could result in a recoupment or a payment that will be seen on the provider’s weekly Remittance Advice. The last page of the Remittance under EOB Code Descriptions will display EOB message: 8185 – Adjustment Generated Due to Nursing Facility Rate Change.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
PRTF Reporting Method Changes Effective Immediately
Telligen has designated the following email address for PRTF providers to submit serious incident reports, discharges, and monthly seclusion/restraint logs:
Serious Incidents
Per Admin Code Part 207, Chapter 4, Rule 4.15: Reporting Requirements, B. states: “Serious incidents must also be reported to the appropriate agencies or entities according to applicable state and federal regulations. These include, but are not limited to:
1. Department of Human Services (DHS).
2. Mississippi State Department of Health, Bureau of Health Facilities Licensure and Certification (MSDH).
3. Disability Rights Mississippi (DRM) formerly known as the State Protection and Advocacy office.
4. Regional Office of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
5. Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, Attorney General (MFCU)
6. Utilization Management and Quality Improvement Organization (UM/QIO) for the Division of Medicaid.”
PRTF providers are expected to report discharge dates to Telligen within 7 days of discharge. Existing PAs will be updated accordingly.
Seclusion/Restraint Logs
Per Admin Code, Part 207, Chapter 4: Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility, Rule 4.12: Special Procedures, G., 3. indicates: “Information regarding the number of times seclusion or restraint have been employed by a facility must be included each month as part of the facility’s census report to the UM/QIO.”
Please note that is only to be used to report the items outlined above. PA related inquiries should not be submitted using this email address.
Any questions or concerns related to this notice should be directed to or Telligen Program Manager,
Increase in Claim Denials Related to Telligen Prior Authorization Transmission Errors
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM), Gainwell and Telligen are working to address claim denials related to prior authorization (PA) transmission issues, which are caused by technical file discrepancies that prevent the prior authorization from successfully transmitting to MESA. Once the transmission errors are resolved and successfully loaded to MESA, providers will be notified via another LBN to resubmit impacted claims. Impacted claims may have received one of the following PA related denial codes. Keep in mind that some PA-related denials are valid and are not impacted by the transmission errors.
• 3100 PA required – PA missing or invalid
• 3101 PA number not on file
• 3111 PA /date of service conflict
• 3114 Pricing PA required
• 3115 Insufficient available PA units
• 3116 Insufficient available PA dollars
• 3117 Inpatient PA not found
Telligen is responsible for authorization requests for fee-for-service (FFS) Medicaid beneficiaries. Visit Telligen’s Mississippi website for more information, or call Telligen directly at 1-855-625-7709 for assistance.
Inpatient Claims with Alliant and Telligen Authorization Numbers
Hospital providers with inpatient authorizations issued by both the previous Utilization Management/Quality Improvement Organization (UM/QIO), Alliant, and Telligen, may be experiencing claim denials due to multiple authorization numbers for a single inpatient stay. Hospital providers impacted by this issue are advised to include a copy of the Alliant authorization when submitting a continued stay request to Telligen. This will allow Telligen to backdate the admission date, as only one authorization is permitted per claim (refer to LBN 4/4/2024: MESA Claims Limited to One Prior Authorization Number).
Providers with an approved authorization from Telligen, may submit the MS Change Request Form along with the approved Alliant authorization, relevant clinical documentation, and an explanation for the extension in the comments section of the form.
For any questions regarding this process, please contact Telligen via email at or phone at 1-855-625-7709.
Qualified Providers can now apply to participate in Medicaid Presumptive Eligibility for Pregnant Women
Qualified health care providers can now apply and undergo training to participate in the Mississippi Division of Medicaid’s Presumptive Eligibility for Pregnant Women.
Under Presumptive Eligibility for Pregnant Women (PEPW), eligible pregnant individuals can receive coverage for ambulatory prenatal care services while their full Medicaid application is being processed. PEPW is aimed at improving individuals’ access to Medicaid and covered services by providing another channel to apply for coverage.
To make PEPW determinations, a provider must:
• Participate as a Medicaid provider.
• Be an OB/GYN, primary care provider, Federally Qualified Health Center, Rural Health Clinic, or Mississippi Department of Health employee.
• Submit a qualified provider application to
• When approved, submit an executed Memorandum of Understanding.
• Agree to make PEPW determinations consistent with Medicaid’s policies and procedures.
• Not be disqualified from making PE determinations for failure to meet performance standards.
By becoming a presumptive eligibility provider, health care facilities can play a pivotal role in delivering early intervention services that contribute to positive maternal and infant health outcomes.
• Click here to download the Presumptive Eligibility for Pregnant Women Provider Application
For more information about PEPW, visit
Reprocessing Fee-for-Service (FFS) Claims Paid Erroneously should have denied with Edit 2017/EOB 0287
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) will reprocess fee-for-service (FFS) claims that erroneously paid when they should have denied with edit 2017/EOB 0287 – Member is enrolled in a State-contracted Managed Care Program. This will result in a recoupment of previous incorrect payments impacting claims submitted to MESA prior to 07/22/2024. Providers will need to include supporting documentation from the remittance advice (RA) that reflects the Medicaid claim recoupment when submitting the claim to the appropriate Coordinated Care Organization (CCO).
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
Reprocessing Professional Claims: Mental Health Claims for Wraparound and Targeted Case Management for the Community Support Program
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) will reprocess Professional Claims for the dates of service 11/01/2023 through 12/12/2023 due to a fee change for HCPCS code T2023. The reprocessed claims will appear on your Remittance Advice dated July 5, 2024. No further action on the part of the provider is needed.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
ATTENTION SWING BED PROVIDERS: Provider Authorization Requirements
• Swing Bed Prospective Review/Prior Authorization – DOM requires prior authorization to be initiated by the provider within one (1) business day prior to swing bed admission. The initial authorization shall be for up to 30 days.
• Swing Bed Concurrent Review – In order to provide the UM/QIO the opportunity to evaluate the ongoing medical necessity of care provided, DOM requires concurrent reviews to be submitted no later than 2 calendar days prior to the end of the current authorization period.
• Weekend/Holiday Swing Bed Admission – The provider shall request authorization for a Weekend or Holiday Admission by close of the next business day.
• Retrospective Review – Requests for post service reviews will be considered when prior authorization was not obtained due to extenuating circumstances. (i.e., beneficiary was unconscious upon arrival, acts of nature impairing the provider’s ability to verify the beneficiary coverage/eligibility status, services authorized by another payer who subsequently determined member was not eligible at the time of service, etc.)
Billing of preferred diabetic supplies allowed via pharmacy claims
Effective 7/1/2024, diabetic supplies will be allowed to be billed on pharmacy claims. Diabetic supplies allowed to be billed via pharmacy claims are blood glucose meters and test strips, continuous glucose monitors (CGMs), disposable insulin pumps and components, insulin pen needles and syringes. Please see the MS Medicaid Diabetic Supplies Preferred Product List at
Billing via medical claims by DME providers will still be allowed to minimize access issues for members.
July Provider Bulletin now available
The July issue of the MS Medicaid Provider Bulletin is now available online for read or download. Following the Mississippi Division of Medicaid’s transition to a new fiscal agent, the quarterly Provider Bulletin has shifted to a January-April-July-October publication schedule.
The Provider Bulletin aims to inform providers of Medicaid news, policy changes, and provides contact information for provider field representatives listed by county, and more.
Previous issues of the Provider Bulletin are archived online at
Medicaid to implement single Pharmacy Benefit Administrator for all pharmacy claims on July 1, 2024
On July 1, the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) will implement a single Pharmacy Benefit Administrator (PBA) to streamline and enhance the processing and management of pharmacy claims for all Medicaid members, including those enrolled in MississippiCAN and CHIP.
Operated by Gainwell Technologies, the PBA will also assume all pharmacy prior authorization responsibilities for drugs submitted on pharmacy claims. DOM will continue to require the use of the Universal Preferred Drug List (PDL). This decision comes after careful consideration and evaluation of various factors aimed at enhancing efficiency and transparency in the Medicaid delivery system.
Members should notice no disruption in their care if providers are prepared for this change.
Pharmacy Providers:
Billing Directions
Pharmacy providers must ensure their pharmacy software is configured to submit NCPDP D.0 pharmacy claims, with dates of service of 7/1/2024 and thereafter, for all Medicaid members (fee-for-service-FFS, MSCAN and MSCHIP) to Gainwell using the following billing values:
• BIN – 025151
Retroactive Billing Directions
To bill pharmacy claims with dates of service prior to 7/1/2024, providers must ascertain which Coordinated Care Organization (CCO) in which the beneficiary was enrolled on that date and submit to that CCO’s PBM. For example, if the member was enrolled with Molina, the claim (s) should be submitted to CVS Caremark. The MSCAN and MSCHIP BIN/PCN values in effect prior to 7/1/2024 should be used. Retroactive billing will be possible for claims with dates of service a year back from 6/30/24.
To streamline billing for pharmacy providers, all claims will be subject to the same billing rules, regardless of fee for service (FFS), MSCAN or MSCHIP enrollment of the member.
These billing rules will be consistent with the FFS billing rules for claims submitted to GWT prior 7/1/2024.
Medicaid Member ID#
Submit only the first nine (9) digits of the ID Number displayed on the Medicaid card. Do not submit a Person Code.
All Medicaid members receive one of these type of ID cards:
Please note: New plan-specific ID cards have been mailed to members enrolled in MSCAN and MSCHIP plans.
DAW Codes
The only DAW codes recognized in adjudication logic are ‘0’ and ‘7’.
Use of DAW ‘7’ for Narrow Therapeutic Index (NTI) Brand Name Drugs (UPDATE)
Medicaid allows the generic mandate requirement to be overridden for brand name narrow therapeutic index (NTI) drugs to include Coumadin, Dilantin, Lanoxin, Synthroid, and Tegretol.
Pharmacists may now override the generic mandate for NTI drugs by submitting a DAW of ‘7’ on the POS claim for prescriptions on which the prescriber specifies ‘Do Not Substitute’.
Pharmacy Help Desk and Prior Authorization Unit
The Gainwell pharmacy call center phone number is 833-660-2402. This is a direct line to the Gainwell pharmacy help desk to aid with pharmacy claims and pharmacy prior authorizations. All pharmacy claims and prior authorization assistance should be directed to this number.
The GWT pharmacy help desk is open Monday-Friday 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. CST. The GWT help desk is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for emergency PA/claims issues.
Prescribing Providers:
DOM requires most prior authorization (PA) requests be signed/submitted by prescribers.
Prescribers and their administrative staff must submit all requests to Gainwell on July 1, 2024, and thereafter. The preferred method of submission is via the MESA Portal for Providers.
PA requests may also be faxed to Gainwell at 866 -644-6147. If PA assistance is needed providers can call 833-660-2402.
General Prior Authorization Instructions can be found on DOM’s website at
PA reconsideration requests and appeals can also be sent to Gainwell directly via fax at 866- 644-6147.
In an effort for a smooth transition to the single PBA, GWT has attempted to convert all MSCAN and MSCHIP PAs with approval dates in effect on/after 7/1/2024. In some cases, new PA requests may be required from prescribers.
Link to PAs Forms –
Voluntary 90-Day Maintenance Drug List
DOM is in the process of expanding this list. The GWT pharmacy help desk will issue PAs for 90-days supplies for members on a case-by-case basis.
Weekly Remittance Advice (RA) Statements
Pharmacy providers will receive one weekly payment for all claims. FFS, MSCAN and MSCHIP claims will appear on a single, weekly RA from GWT.
Reimbursement change for CHIP claims
MSCHIP claims will be reimbursed using the same methodology used for fee-for-service and MSCAN claims.
Billing of preferred diabetic supplies allowed via pharmacy claims
Effective 7/1/2024, diabetic supplies will be allowed to be billed on pharmacy claims. Diabetic supplies allowed to be billed via pharmacy claims are blood glucose meters and test strips, continuous glucose monitors (CGMs), disposable insulin pumps and components, insulin pen needles and syringes. Please see the MS Medicaid Diabetic Supplies Preferred Product List at
Billing via medical claims by DME providers will still be allowed to minimize access issues for members.
Pediatric Providers: New Lead Risk Screening Questionnaire
Effective June 3, 2024, All Medicaid providers must use the new Lead Risk Screening Questionnaire. The new questionnaire is located on the Division of Medicaid’s website:
As a reminder, any child identified with a capillary lead level of ≥3.5µg/dL, must receive a confirmatory venous test. Providers are required to report any blood lead level of ≥3.5µg/dL or greater to the MS Department of Health Lead Poisoning Prevention and Healthy Homes Program using the Lead Levels Reporting Form:
Additional information regarding Lead testing is available on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website:
Provider Revalidation
Effective October 1, 2023, provider revalidation has resumed.
Background: On May 11, 2023, the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) ended the extended revalidation dates for Medicaid providers that were implemented during the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE). Following this, the Mississippi Division of Medicaid reinstated the revalidation process starting October 1, 2023. This requires all Mississippi Medicaid providers to verify the information in their provider files. According to 42 C.F.R. § 455.414 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), all state Medicaid agencies must revalidate provider enrollments at least every five years.
Revalidation Requirements:
- Providers must verify or revalidate their current information.
- Providers must complete and sign a new Provider Disclosure form and a new Provider Agreement.
- The state will conduct a full screening according to the provider’s risk level in compliance with 42 C.F.R. Part 455, Subparts B & E.
- Providers must comply with any state requests during the revalidation process within the specified timeframe.
Notification Process: Starting October 2023, notification letters were mailed to providers enrolled with Medicaid for five years or more. Revalidation notices will be issued on a staggered schedule until all providers due for revalidation have been notified. These letters will include instructions for completing the revalidation and the due date. Providers may need to submit additional documentation and/or meet other screening requirements, such as providing fingerprints or undergoing a site visit conducted by Medicaid’s fiscal agent.
Application Fee: Certain providers must pay an enrollment application fee. For a list of institutional providers required to pay the fee, visit Provider Enrollment Application Fee. Providers who have already paid the application fee to Medicare or another state’s CHIP or Medicaid program for the same provider type are exempt and should select the appropriate option when completing the revalidation application.
Revalidation Submission: Providers can revalidate through the MESA Provider Portal using a step-by-step process. It is crucial to submit the revalidation by the submission date in the notification letter to allow processing time before the deadline. Failure to complete revalidation by the deadline will result in termination requiring the provider to reapply.
Preparation Steps:
- Register for MESA Provider Portal Access: All enrolled providers must register to revalidate electronically. Visit MESA Provider Portal and click “Register Now.”
- Refer to DOM’s Website: Check the “Provider Six Month Revalidation Due List” at DOM’s website. This list is updated monthly.
- Review Revalidation Presentation: The Provider Revalidation Presentation, available under “MESA Tips” at MESA Portal for Providers, offers a walkthrough and tips for providers.
- Verify Address Information: Ensure the “Mail To” address on file is correct to receive notifications. If updates are needed, complete the Provider Change of Address form at Provider Forms.
- Submit Change of Address Form: Submit the completed and signed form to Gainwell Technologies via secure correspondence in the MESA Provider Portal, fax, or mail:
- Fax: (866) 644-6148 (Attention: Provider Enrollment)
- Mail: Provider Enrollment/MississippiCAN/MSCHIP, PO Box 23078, Jackson, MS 39225
Assistance: For help, contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or refer to the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website, which includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This list is available at
Qualified Primary Care Providers Must Self-Attest to Receive Increased PCP Reimbursement
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) reimburses attested and qualified primary care providers at 100 percent (100%) of the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule for certain primary care Evaluation and Management (E&M) and Vaccine Administration codes. This applies to providers who self-attest to a specialty designation in family medicine, general internal medicine, obstetric/gynecologic medicine, pediatric medicine, or subspecialities recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS), American Board of Physician Specialties (ABPS), American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), or American Osteopathic Association (AOA).
Providers with an existing attestation are no longer required to attest effective June 30, 2024.
To receive the increased payment, qualified providers must send a completed and signed Self-Attestation statement form to Gainwell Provider Enrollment through one of the following means:
- Email:
- Fax: 866-644-6148
- Post mail: P.O. Box 23078, Jackson, MS 39225
Qualified providers may be eligible for increased payment of certain primary care E&M and Vaccine Administration codes, which can be identified by the rate type of the comprehensive fee schedule, located on DOM’s Fee Schedules page.
Providers should update their provider file, including updated or rescinding the primary care provider self-attestation form, with Gainwell when changes occur that impacts the information in the provider file.
Additional information can be found on the DOM website under Provider Forms. Refer to the link to locate the PCP Self-Attestation Statement form.
New Email Address for Provider Document Submission
A new email address has been created for submission of supporting documents related to provider enrollment applications, revalidations, and recredentialing. If a Gainwell Provider Enrollment Analyst requests missing or corrected documents via email or by a Return-To-Provider (RTP) letter, please send them to the new email address: This will ensure the provider enrollment team receives your documents should you encounter issues uploading them through the web portal.
Remember to include the application tracking number (ATN) in the subject line of your email.
Note: This email address is for supporting documents only. For provider and claim inquiries, continue to use the email address of
Expired Provider License Updates Required
It is imperative for providers to promptly provide their updated licensure information to Medicaid, as failure to do so will result in the closure of their Medicaid provider number and interruption of claim payments.
Who is impacted?
Under the guidelines of 42 CFR § 455.412, the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) is required to have current licenses in the provider file for both fee-for-service/MississippiCAN providers and CHIP providers.
When should licenses be updated?
As a part of this process, providers whose licenses have expired or are expiring will be notified via mailed notifications from Gainwell Technologies. We also encourage providers to consult DOM’s official website, where the Provider Six-Month License Due List is available at This list will be refreshed monthly to ensure the latest information is accessible.
How can a provider submit the updated license?
To facilitate the submission of licensure information, Gainwell Technologies’ Provider Enrollment Department offers multiple secure channels, including the MESA Provider Portal, fax, or mail. Here are the details for each method:
Online: MESA Provider Portal: (via the Secure Correspondence link)
Fax: Provider Services Fax Number: (866) 644-6148
Attention: Provider Enrollment
Mail: Provider Services Mailing Address:
Provider Enrollment/MississippiCAN/MSCHIP
PO Box 23078
Jackson, MS 39225
If a provider fails to send in the updated license timely can a provider be reinstated?
Complying with the provisions outlined in the Mississippi Administrative Code Part 200, Chapter 4, Rule 4.5 (B) (C), DOM will reinstate closed provider numbers due to license expiration, retroactive to the date of license renewal, provided the closure duration is under one (1) year and the provider is not past due for revalidation or recredentialing. For this to happen, the provider must furnish a current license copy and rectify any changed or inaccurate information. If a Medicaid provider number has been closed due to license expiration for a period exceeding one (1) year, re-enrollment as a Medicaid provider will be necessary.
For any assistance required between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. CST, providers can contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222.
Telligen Change Request Form – How to Request Changes or Updates to an Existing Prior Authorization
Navigating the complexities of healthcare administration often involves managing prior authorizations (PAs) for various medical services and treatments. When an update or change to an existing PA is necessary due to evolving patient needs or administrative adjustments, this article outlines the steps and best practices for requesting changes or updates to an existing PA using Telligen’s Change Request Form.
Understanding Prior Authorizations (PAs)
Prior Authorizations are a prerequisite from Medicaid to approve a prescribed treatment, procedure, or medication before it is provided. This process ensures that the service is medically necessary.
When to Use a Change Request Form
The Change Request Form is essential for situations where an existing PA needs modification, which can include, but are not limited to:
• Adding or changing service codes
• Updating the quantity of services approved
• Modifying patient or provider information
• Adding appropriate billing modifiers
*Please note that the Change Request Form should not be used for reconsiderations of denied PAs. A separate process is utilized that typically involves a 1st level appeal and/or reconsideration request.
Steps to Request Changes or Updates
1. Access the Change Request Form on the Telligen website:
2. Complete the form accurately by providing all required information such as the original PA number, patient details, provider details, and specifics about the changes requested. The specific nature of the change needs to be clearly documented, whether it’s adding a service, modifying quantities, or updating information.
3. Ensure supporting documentation is attached, which may include any relevant medical records, notes from providers, or other documentation that supports the requested change.
4. Submit the form in one of the following methods:
a) Email the completed form and supporting documentation to
b) Fax the form to (800) 524-5710
5. Follow Up
a) After submission, follow up with the recipient to confirm receipt and to inquire about the status of your request.
b) Keep records of all correspondence and submissions for your records.
Best Practices
• Timely Submission: Submit change requests as soon as the need for a modification is identified to avoid delays in patient care.
• Clear Communication: Ensure all information is clearly and accurately provided to prevent processing delays.
• Maintain Documentation: Keep copies of all submitted forms and related correspondence.
• Note: Telligen cannot revise a PA for which a claim has already been paid. The paid claim must be voided before the PA can be changed. The Change Request form must be received within 90 days of the date of the approval on the PA decision letter.
Managing PAs effectively is essential for seamless healthcare delivery. Using the Change Request Form to update or modify an existing PA ensures that patient care is not disrupted, and administrative processes remain smooth. By following the outlined steps and best practices, providers can efficiently handle necessary changes to PAs.
Fee-for-Service Prior Authorization Resource Document
To identify if a procedure code requires prior authorization (PA) for straight Medicaid claims, please refer to the resource document located on DOM’s website: The first page of the resource document contains helpful descriptions and the program service area key.
Attention Orthodontic Provider: MS SPA 23-0030 Orthodontic Services approved by CMS
State Plan Amendment (SPA) 23-0030 Orthodontic Services was submitted to allow the Division of Medicaid (DOM) to increase reimbursement rates for orthodontic services by ten percent (10%), effective October 1, 2023.
Orthodontic services are covered when medically necessary and prior authorized by the Division’s UM/QIO or a contracted CCO’s UM/QIO for EPSDT-eligible beneficiaries. Effective October 1, 2023, Orthodontia-related services are limited to $4,620 per beneficiary per lifetime. DOM and Gainwell are actively working to update the system and will mass adjustment impacted claims with dates of service (DOS) 10/01/2023 and after. Providers do not have to refile their claims. Visit to see the updated fees. Please contact the Division of Medicaid, Office of Medical Services at 601-359-6150, if you have questions.
Reprocessing Professional Claims Denied with Error Code 4801 for Procedure Code J0185
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) will reprocess Professional Claims for the dates of service 07/01/2022 – 1/5/2024 with procedure code J0185 that denied with error code 4801- No Billing Rule for Procedure. The reprocessed adjustments will appear on Remittance and Status dated May 20, 2024.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list to identify your designated representative at The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative.
Claims for Tobacco Cessation Counseling
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) will reprocess Professional Claims that denied with procedure code 99406 or 99407 for dates of service July 1, 2023 and after. DOM covers Tobacco Cessation Counseling in accordance with State Plan Amendment 23-0024, which allows 12 sessions per state fiscal year for MD/Nurse Practitioner/Physician Assistant when billed without a pregnancy diagnosis code. For all other providers, a pregnancy diagnosis code will be required. The reprocessed claims will appear on your Remittance Advice dated May 20, 2024.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list found at to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative.
Eligibility Verification Information
The Web Portal has been updated to include some additional information on the Eligibility Verification tab to assist with determining the patient’s coverage.
Eligibility Verification:
1. A link is added on the top right section of the Eligibility Verification Request panel that will open a new window on the user’s browser showing the Job Aid with detailed coverage description on the DOM’s website.
2. The Eligibility Verification Response section is updated to display the following additional information for the member in the header section:
a. Head of household name
b. Authorized Rep indicator
c. Authorized Rep Name
d. Authorized Rep phone number
3. The Benefit Details will also display the Aid Category code and the member’s coverage can be viewed by hovering over the Aid Category description.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative.
The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
Medicaid to implement single Pharmacy Benefit Administrator for all pharmacy claims on July 1
On July 1, the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) will implement a single Pharmacy Benefit Administrator (PBA) to streamline and enhance the processing and management of pharmacy claims for all Medicaid members, including those enrolled in MississippiCAN.
Operated by Gainwell Technologies, the PBA will also assume all pharmacy prior authorization responsibilities for drugs submitted on pharmacy claims. DOM will continue to require the use of the Universal Preferred Drug List (PDL). This decision comes after careful consideration and evaluation of various factors aimed at enhancing efficiency and transparency in the Medicaid delivery system.
Members should notice no disruption in their care if providers are prepared for this change.
Pharmacy Providers:
Billing Directions
Pharmacy providers must ensure their pharmacy software is configured to submit NCPDP D.0 pharmacy claims, with dates of service of 7/1/2024 and thereafter, for all Medicaid members (fee-for-service, MSCAN and MSCHIP) to Gainwell using the following billing values:
- BIN – 025151
Retroactive Billing Directions
To bill pharmacy claims with dates of service prior to 7/1/2024, providers must ascertain which Coordinated Care Organization (CCO) in which the beneficiary was enrolled on that date and submit to that CCO’s PBM. For example, if the member was enrolled with Molina, the claim (s) should be submitted to CVS Caremark. The MSCAN and MSCHIP BIN/PCN values in effect prior to 7/1/2024 should be used. Retroactive billing will be possible for claims with dates of service a year back from 6/30/24.
Pharmacy Help Desk
The Gainwell pharmacy call center phone number is 833-660-2402. This is a direct line to the Gainwell pharmacy help desk to aid with pharmacy claims and pharmacy prior authorizations. All pharmacy claims and prior authorization assistance should be directed to this number.
Weekly Remittance Advice (RA) Statements
Pharmacy providers will continue to receive weekly payment for claims and all claims (fee-for-service, MSCAN and MSCHIP) will appear on a single RA.
Reimbursement change for CHIP claims
MSCHIP claims will be reimbursed using the same methodology used for fee-for-service and MSCAN claims.
Prescribing Providers:
DOM requires most prior authorization (PA) requests be signed/submitted by prescribers.
Prescribers and their administrative staff must submit all requests to Gainwell on July 1, 2024, and thereafter. The preferred method of submission is via the MESA Portal for Providers.
PA requests may also be faxed to Gainwell at 866-644-6147. If PA assistance is needed providers can call 833-660-2402.
General Prior Authorization Instructions can be found on DOM’s website at
PA reconsideration requests and appeals can also be sent to Gainwell directly via fax at 866-644-6147. More details regarding the PA transition will be shared before July 1, 2024.
Urgent: Provider Recredentialing Mississippi Medicaid Managed Care Programs
All providers participating in MississippiCAN or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) are required to be credentialed by the Mississippi Division of Medicaid. Failure to complete credentialing/recredentialing will result in termination from these programs and will require reenrollment. There are a significant number of providers currently due for recredentialing that need to complete the process. Providers terminated for failing to recredential may reenroll for Medicaid’s managed care programs (MSCAN/CHIP) through the MESA Provider Portal.
During the 2021 Mississippi Legislative Session, Senate Bill 2799 was enacted into law that requires the Medicaid Coordinated Care Organizations (CCO) to follow a uniform credentialing process for provider enrollment in the Managed Care Programs. On July 1, 2022, in accordance with this new requirement, the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) amended the CCO contracts to require the CCOs to accept DOM’s provider enrollment and screening process, and not require providers be credentialed by CCOs for Medicaid or CHIP.
Beginning October 1, 2022, providers seeking participation in MississippiCAN and/or CHIP are now required to be enrolled, credentialed, and screened by DOM, and subsequently contract with their CCO of choice. As part of the implementation of the Medicaid Enterprise System Assistance (MESA), DOM implemented a new centralized credentialing process along with NCQA certified Centralized Verification Organization (CVO) that will be responsible for credentialing and recredentialing Medicaid providers seeking to enroll or currently enrolled with our coordinated care programs (MSCAN/CHIP). This new process eliminates the need for a provider to be credentialed or recredentialed multiple times.
The CVO will perform recredentialing for both current providers and new providers every three (3) years unless the provider is credentialed by a DOM-approved Delegated Credentialing Entity. Providers identified for recredentialing will receive notification from Gainwell Technologies by letter which is sent to the providers “mail to” address on their provider record. This letter is generated six months in advance of the recredentialing due date on the provider’s record in MESA and a link will be available in the portal to start the process.
Facilities with multiple service locations and provider IDs will receive a recredentialing notice for each provider ID. Only one provider ID for the same tax ID and service location address will need to submit the recredentialing application which will pick up and credential all the taxonomies at that location. If recredentialing is either denied or not completed by the recredential due date, all the facility enrollments at that location will be terminated and claims can no longer be paid. A new application for each taxonomy at that service location will be required to re-enroll in the Mississippi Medicaid program.
Individual providers with multiple provider IDs sharing the same NPI will receive a recredentialing notice for each of the provider IDs. The provider will only need to recredential one of the IDs to satisfy the requirement for all. If recredentialing is either denied or not completed by the recredential due date, all the individual provider’s enrollments will be terminated, and claims can no longer be paid. A new application for each service location will be required to re-enroll in the Mississippi Medicaid program.
To prepare for recredentialing, all Medicaid providers should take the following steps immediately:
• Each enrolled provider must register for access to the MESA Provider Portal to recredential electronically. This will streamline the process and allow providers to enter their own information. Providers can register now by going to and clicking the “Register Now” link.
• In addition to the notices mailed by Gainwell Technologies, providers can refer to DOM’s website where we are posting the Provider Six Month Recredentialing Due List” at This listing will be updated monthly.
• Review the Provider Recredentialing Presentation found under “MESA Tips” at which is a PowerPoint that includes a recredentialing walk through and tips for providers.
• Providers should verify that the address information on file is correct. The notifications will be mailed to the “Mail To” address on their file. To ensure each individual provider receives a notification, please validate your addresses on file, and correct them if necessary.
• If changes are needed, complete the Provider Change of Address form, located under Provider Forms at
• The Provider Change of Address form must be completed, signed by the individual provider or authorized official if enrolled provider is a business, and submitted to the Provider Enrollment Department of Gainwell Technologies via secure correspondence in the MESA Provider Portal, fax, or mail. The following correspondence information is provided:
o Provider Services Fax Number:
(866) 644-6148
Attention: Provider Enrollment
o Provider Services Mailing Address:
Provider Enrollment/MississippiCAN/MSCHIP
PO Box 23078
Jackson, MS 39225
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located
April Provider Bulletin now available
The April issue of the MS Medicaid Provider Bulletin is now available online for read or download. Following the Mississippi Division of Medicaid’s transition to a new fiscal agent, the quarterly Provider Bulletin has shifted to a January-April-July-October publication schedule.
The Provider Bulletin aims to inform providers of Medicaid news, policy changes, and provides contact information for provider field representatives listed by county, and more.
Previous issues of the Provider Bulletin are archived online at
Modivcare to replace MTM as the new Non-Emergency Transportation (NET) Broker
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) will begin the transition to a new NET Broker starting on May 24, 2024. The new broker, Modivcare will begin scheduling and conducting rides on Saturday, June 8, 2024. All rides occurring prior to June 8th will be handled by MTM. All rides occurring on or after June 8th will be handled by Modivcare.
Important dates:
• MTM will continue handling NET services from May 24, 2024 thru June 7, 2024.
• Starting June 8, 2024, Modivcare will handle all Fee For Service/traditional Medicaid beneficiary trips.
The Toll-free numbers for Member Reservations and Member Ride Assist will not change. These numbers, as shown below, are the current phone numbers used by MTM and will remain unchanged for ModivCare.
Member Reservations | Ride Assist: (Where’s My Ride) |
866-331-6004 |
866-334-3794 |
Facility providers will have a new toll-free number and fax number that will be utilized by ModivCare.
• Facilities: 866-381-4850
• Facility Fax: 866-333-4523
Hearing/Speech Impaired/TTY: 711
REVISED 1/19/2024 Post – DENTAL Billing Updates for Ambulatory Surgical Centers
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) has revised the Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) dental policy with a retroactive, effective date of January 1, 2024. This revision includes the following:
• The addition of D-codes and HCPCS code G0330-FACILITY SERVICES FOR DENTAL REHABILITATION PROCEDURE(S), which is replacing code 41899 effective for dates of service on and after 1/1/2024.
• G0330 requires prior authorization. No ancillary code is required for billing.
• No Prior Authorization will be required for ASC Dental (CDT) Codes.
Codes require PA are found on DOM website at
Providers will need to resubmit impacted FFS claims:
• For dates of service (DOS) 12/01/2023 – 12/31/2023 to receive the new fee for procedure code 41899 as outlined in approved SPA 23-0032.
• For DOS on and after January 1, 2024, to comply with the new ASC Dental Policy.
The ASC fee schedule is available on DOM’s website located at
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
Increase in Duplicate and Suspect Duplicate Claim Denials
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) and Gainwell Technologies are aware of an increase in claim denials associated with several duplicate related edits. DOM and Gainwell are working diligently on a system fix to address the following MESA Edits:
• Edit 5000/EOB 5000 – This is a duplicate of another claim.
• Edit 5002/EOB 5002 – This is a duplicate of another claim. Posts only to dental claims.
• Edit 5005/EOB 5005 – Inpatient services performed three days after outpatient date of service.
• Edit 5006/EOB 5006 – Outpatient services performed three days after inpatient admission.
• Edit 5009/EOB 5009 – Waiver services not payable with inpatient service with overlapping dates of service.
• Edit 5020/EOB 5020 – This is a suspect duplicate of another claim.
• Edit 5022/EOB 5022 – This is a duplicate of another claim. Posts only to dental claims.
DOM and Gainwell are actively working to resolve this claim processing issue with a series of system updates, that will be completed soon. Gainwell and DOM will identify impacted claims and perform a mass adjustment. Please continue to monitor DOM’s Late Breaking News page for future announcements related to this system update.
Notice to pharmacy providers
From Monday, April 22, 2024, 12:01 a.m., through Tuesday, April 23, 2024, 10:56 a.m., pharmacy claims for fee-for-service members on which Medicaid was the secondary payer (that contained COB/Other Payer) returned a “Host Processing Error” message even though they had actually paid.
If provider then resubmitted these claims, they would have received a “Duplicate of Paid” response status. Please contact the Gainwell pharmacy help desk at 1-833-660-2402 if you need assistance with these claims.
Medical Supply Authorization Updates with SC Modifier
Telligen has completed authorization updates for medical supply requests that require the SC modifier. Providers are advised to resubmit impacted claims that denied due to the SC modifier not being on the authorization. Telligen’s Qualitrac portal now contains the SC modifier as an option for medical supply requests.
Change Healthcare ready to resume submitting X12 Transactions
In effort to assist DOM providers impacted by the Change Healthcare security breach, after thorough security testing by the Change Healthcare team, DOM and Gainwell Technologies have reactivated Change Healthcare’s access to once again submit transactions for processing. We appreciate your understanding as we have worked through this issue with Change Healthcare to ensure the protection of data housed in the Gainwell systems.
Should further assistance be needed please contact your Change Healthcare account representative for specific information regarding your account.
MESA Provider Portal Updates – Eligibility Verification
We would like to inform you that the MESA Portal was recently modified to include additional service limit information, as shown in the image below. When a provider logs into their secure portal account to check a member’s eligibility, they can enter a date to search for the service limits under the Limit Details section. They can click on a service limit row, and a new sub-section will display the dates when that service was utilized.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The resource document is located at
Drug Code J1588 (Xembify) Opened for Coverage
Drug Code J1558 (Xembify) has been opened for coverage, effective July 1, 2020. Mississippi Division of Medicaid Physician Administered Drugs PAD claims processed on or after the effective date will be adjusted. The mass adjustment will appear on a remittance advice dated April 15, 2024. No further action on the part of the provider is needed.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The resource document is located at
Pharmacy POS network upgrade scheduled
We would like to inform you that the current network connection being utilized for the Cover My Meds (CMM, formerly Relay Health), Change Healthcare (CHC), and RedSail Pharmacy POS transaction processing is going to be upgraded as follows:
• Date: April 21, 2024 (details as follows):
- o 10:00 PM Central – Network upgrade Activity start time.
- o 11:59 PM Central – Network upgrade complete
- o 12:00 AM Central – the Pharmacy POS transactions that are submitted to MS Medicaid, via either Cover My Meds, Change Healthcare or RedSail will be processed using the upgraded network.
Providers are encouraged to not submit claims during this window of time. Should you need additional information, please contact the Gainwell pharmacy help desk at (833) 660 2402.
Updates to Procedure Codes 99238 and 99239
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) and Gainwell have made updates to Procedure Codes 99238 and 99239 to remove the place of service (POS) restrictions, effective January 1, 2023. Claims that were denied will be identified and resubmitted.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The resource document is located at
Reminder: Dental claims must be submitted on 2012 ADA claim form
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) requires dental claims be submitted on the 2012 American Dental Association (ADA) claim form. As a reminder, claims must be submitted with appropriate Current Dental Terminology procedure codes (CDT). DOM accepts both electronic and paper dental claims. Dental providers are strongly encouraged to bill electronic claims.
Outpatient Hospital Providers: Coding fix in the works
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) and Gainwell Technologies are aware of an issue where claims are denying and/or paying inappropriately for Revenue Code 636 Specific Drug Codes Requiring Detailed Coding. A system fix is currently being analyzed and coded. Providers are reminded that it is their responsibility to maintain sufficient documentation in the medical records to support the service rendered for proper billing.
Once the system fix is implemented, we will advise through Late Breaking News/RA banner messages, and a mass adjustment will be completed. No further action on the part of the provider is needed.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on DOM’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
MESA Claims Limited to One (1) Prior Authorization Number
Providers are reminded that the MESA Provider Portal only accepts one (1) prior authorization number per claim. When obtaining prior authorization from Telligen, please ensure all procedure codes are included in the request. If a claim includes multiple services that need prior approval, all required authorizations must be obtained within the same prior authorization for the specified date range submitted with a single claim. If the prior authorization requires updates, please contact Telligen directly. Visit Telligen’s Mississippi UM/QIO website for instructions on Qualitrac portal access.
• 1-855-625-7709
Please refer to DOM Policy and the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) technical requirements available on DOM’s website:
• MESA electronic claims submitted via 837I 5010 X12 transaction files should include the prior authorization number in Loop 2300 (Claim Information Loop: Data Element REF02).
• MESA electronic claims submitted via 837P & 837D 5010 X12 transaction files should include the prior authorization number applicable to the entire claim in Loop 2300 (Claim Information Loop: Data Element REF02, whereas the prior authorization number applicable to the detail lines should be included in Loop 2400 (Service Line Information Loop: Data Element REF02).
DME Provider Claims Impacted by COBA Rendering Provider Issue
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) and Gainwell completed system changes on March 24, 2024, to prevent denials impacting Durable Medical Equipment (DME) provider claims for EOB 1085 – Provider is a Facility or Group Provider. A Rendering Provider is Required. The issue only impacted COBA claims crossing over from CGS-DME MAC Jurisdiction due to CGS-DME_MAC not including the rendering provider NPI on the claims as part of the crossover files. A mass adjustment for affected claims has been requested and is forthcoming.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
DME PROVIDERS: Code A9276 (Disposable Sensor) Rate Change effective April 1
The new daily rate on code A9276 will change from $168.66 to $16.87 effective 4/1/2024.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
Physician Administered Drugs: Prior Authorization Requirements
Effective April 1, 2024, the Division of Medicaid (DOM) requires prior authorization (PA) of the following physician administered drugs (PADs):
HCPCS | Description | Brand |
C9166 | Injection, secukinumab | Cosentyx |
C9168 | Injection, mirikizumab-mrkz | Omvoh |
J0177 | Inj, aflibercept HD, 1 mg | Eylea HD |
J0589 | Inj daxibotulinumtoxinA-lanm | Daxxify |
J1202 | miglustat oral 65 mg | Opfolda |
J1203 | Inj, cipaglucosidase, 5 mg | Pombiliti |
J1323 | Inj, elranatamab-bcmm, 1 mg | Elrexfio |
J2277 | Inj, motixafortide, 0.25 mg | Aphexda |
J2782 | Inj avacincaptad pegol 0.1 mg | Izervay |
J3055 | Inj talquetamab-tgvs 0.25 mg | Talvey |
J7354 | cantharidin top, applicator | Ycanth |
Q5133 | Inj, tofidence, 1 mg | Tofidence |
Q5134 | Inj, tyruko, 1 mg | Tyruko |
Telligen is responsible for authorization requests for fee-for-service (FFS) Medicaid beneficiaries. Please refer to Telligen’s website at, or call Telligen directly at 1-855-625-7709 for assistance. To submit authorization requests, providers are encouraged to register for access to Telligen’s provider portal, Qualitrac, by completing the Telligen Provider Portal Registration.
Pharmacy POS network upgrade will be rescheduled
The previously planned Pharmacy POS network upgrade will be postponed due to an unexpected resource unavailability issue, and it will be rescheduled to occur during the month of April. We apologize for any inconvenience this delay may cause.
Should you have questions or need additional information, please contact the Gainwell pharmacy help desk at (833) 660-2402.
2024 Provider Workshops set for April, May
Mississippi Medicaid is holding a series of provider workshops throughout April and May designed to educate providers on issues such as contracting, prior authorizations and claims. For convenience, three of the workshops will be offered as virtual webinars, and two will be held in-person. To learn more about the sessions and to register, open the flyer or click on the image below.
Pharmacy POS network upgrade set for March 24
We would like to inform pharmacy providers that the current network connection being utilized for the Cover My Meds (CMM, formerly Relay Health), Change Healthcare (CHC), and RedSail Pharmacy POS transaction processing is going to be upgraded as follows:
- • Date: March 24, 2024 (details as follows):
- o 10:00 p.m. Central – Network upgrade Activity start time.
o 11:59 p.m. Central Network upgrade complete
o 12:00 a.m. Central – the Pharmacy POS transactions that are submitted to MS Medicaid, via either Cover My Meds, Change Healthcare or RedSail will be processed using the upgraded network.
Providers are encouraged to not submit claims during this window of time. Should you need additional information, please contact the Gainwell pharmacy help desk at (833) 660 2402.
Establishing a new Trading Partner Agreement with Mississippi Medicaid
If Change Healthcare is operating as your trading partner and your ability to submit claims to the Mississippi Division of Medicaid has been impacted by the recent data breach at Change Healthcare, instructions for establishing a new Trading Partner agreement and connection may be found at Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Enrollment and Testing – Mississippi Division of Medicaid (
Submitting a claim for full-benefit dual eligible members to Medicaid when Medicare denied services
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) would like to clarify the process for submitting claims to Medicaid for full-benefit dual eligible members with Medicare when Medicare denied services billed. Claims that fit this scenario must be submitted to Medicaid by Provider Portal, 837 EDI transaction, or paper, as a Medicaid Only claim with the Medicare EOMB attached showing Medicare denied the services. The claims will suspend up to 21 days awaiting receipt of attachment. Once the attachment is received, the claim will be reviewed to validate the Medicare denial reason(s). If Medicare denied for “Not Medically Necessary,” the claim will be denied by Medicaid. Claims will process according to all Medicaid policies and billing rules for any other denial reasons.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
Reprocessing of Healthier Mississippi Waiver (HMW) Related to Crossover Claims Denied with Error 4371/EOB 1379 and Error 4374/1378
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) will reprocess Inpatient, Professional, and Outpatient Crossover claims that have a Healthier Mississippi Waiver (HMW) benefit plan, and the claims were denied with errors 4371 or 4374. The impact involves claims being denied due to the claim type associated with the member’s benefit plan, which predominantly affects members enrolled in the HMW benefit plan and also have Medicare coverage.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
Telligen Authorization Status Inquiries
Providers are reminded to register with Telligen for Qualitrac portal access to submit fee-for-service authorizations. Providers who submit requests to Telligen via Qualitrac can also check case status within the Qualitrac portal. Additionally, the automated call system has an option to check case status by following the prompts below.
• Call 1-855-625-7709 and select “If you would like to check the status of a pending case, press 1”.
• Select “If you would like to check the status of the case using our automated system, please press 1”.
• Please enter your Case ID.
• Please enter the member’s date of birth. Enter 2 digits for the month, 2 digits for the day, and 4 digits for the year.
• Receive your case information and approval details.
Visit Telligen’s Mississippi UM/QIO website to register for Qualitrac portal access. Look for the Provider Portal Registration option, as indicated in the red box below.
Inpatient DRG Claims Mass Adjustments
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid will mass adjust Inpatient DRG Claims with discharge dates between April 1, 2023, and September 18, 2023, to apply the APR-DRG GPCS Content version updates. The adjustments will appear on your Remittance Advice dated 02/12/2024.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
EOB 5583 Hospital Visits Limited to Two Per Day
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) is currently evaluating policy related to EOB-5583 Hospital Visits Limited to Two Per Day. Effective January 5, 2024, this edit will pay and post. Claims that have denied for dates of service between October 3, 2022 and January 4, 2024 will be mass adjusted and appear on a remittance advice at a future date.
Please stay informed by checking the Division of Medicaid’s Late Breaking News for updates. No further action on the part of the provider is needed.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
Physician Administered Drugs: Prior Authorization Requirements
Please be advised that effective October 1, 2023, the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) requires prior authorization (PA) of the following physician administered drugs (PADs):
HCPCS | Description | Brand |
C9155 | Inj epcoritamab-bysp | Epkinly |
C9157 | Inj tofersen, 1 mg | Qalsody |
J0349 | Inj rezafungin, 1 mg | Rezzayo |
J9345 | Inj retifanlimab-dlwr, 1 mg | Zynyz |
J2781 | Inj pegcetacoplan, 1 mg | Syfovre – This drug previously required PA under C9151 |
Telligen is responsible for authorization requests for fee-for-service (FFS) Medicaid beneficiaries. Please refer to Telligen’s website at, or call Telligen directly at 1-855-625-7709 for assistance. To submit authorization requests, providers are encouraged to register for access to Telligen’s provider portal, Qualitrac, by completing the Telligen Provider Portal Registration.
DME Provider Claims Impacted by COBA Rendering Provider Issue
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) and Gainwell are working on a system update that will address denials impacting Durable Medical Equipment (DME) provider claims for EOB 1085-Provider is a Facility or Group Provider. A Rendering Provider is Required. The issue is only impacting COBA claims crossing over from CGS-DME MAC Jurisdiction due to CGS-DME_MAC not including the rendering provider NPI on the claims as part of the crossover files. Please monitor the Late Breaking News page for future updates. Once the system update is complete, Gainwell will adjust impacted claims.
Reprocessing Inpatient and Inpatient Crossover Claims Denied for EOB 1511
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) will reprocess Inpatient and Inpatient Crossover claims that were erroneously denied with EOB message 1511: The ICD Procedure Code is not Payable for the Dates of Service for claims submitted between October 1, 2022, and November 22, 2023. The reprocessed claims will appear on your Remittance Advice dated 02/05/2024.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
Physician Administered Drugs: Prior Authorization Requirements
Effective February 1, 2024, the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) requires prior authorization (PA) of the following physician administered drugs (PADs):
HCPCS | Description | Brand |
J1412 | Inj valoctocogene roxaparvovec | Roctavian |
J1413 | Inj delandistrogene mox rokl | Elevidys |
J2508 | Pegunigalsidase alfa-iwxj | Elfabrio |
J3401 | Beremagene geperpavec-svdt top gel | Vyjuvek |
J9324 | Inj, pemetrexed, 10 mg | Pemrydi RTU |
J9333 | Inj ronzanolixizum-noli 1 mg | Rystiggo |
J9334 | Inj efgartigimod alfa 2mg hya-qvfc | Vyvgart Hytrulo |
Telligen is responsible for authorization requests for fee-for-service (FFS) Medicaid beneficiaries. Please refer to Telligen’s website at, or call Telligen directly at 1-855-625-7709 for assistance. To submit authorization requests, providers are encouraged to register for access to Telligen’s provider portal, Qualitrac, by completing the Telligen Provider Portal Registration.
January Provider Bulletin now available
The January issue of the MS Medicaid Provider Bulletin is now available online for read or download. Following the Mississippi Division of Medicaid’s transition to a new fiscal agent, the quarterly Provider Bulletin has shifted to a January-April-July-October publication schedule.
The Provider Bulletin aims to inform providers of Medicaid news, policy changes, and provides contact information for provider field representatives listed by county, and more.
Previous issues of the Provider Bulletin are archived online at
FQHCs, RHCs Advised to Include Rendering Provider Taxonomy on all FFS claims
Effective immediately, FQHC and RHC providers are advised to include the Rendering Provider Taxonomy on all fee-for-service (FFS) claims. The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) and Gainwell are working on a system update that will address denials impacting FQHC and RHC FFS claims that include the following EOBs:
Additional system logic will be added to the MESA Provider Portal that considers the Rendering Provider Taxonomy when determining if a service is a duplicate. Please monitor the Late Breaking News page for future updates. Once the system update is complete, Gainwell will adjust impacted claims.
Physician Administered Drug: J0517 – FASENRA (INJ., BENRALIZUMAB, 1 MG)
Physician administered drug J0517 – FASENRA (INJ., BENRALIZUMAB, 1 MG) has been opened for coverage in professional settings retroactive to dates of service on and after 2/1/2023, covering ages 12 and older and requiring prior authorization (PA). Providers are advised to resubmit claims that previously denied.
Telligen is responsible for authorization requests for fee-for-service (FFS) Medicaid beneficiaries. Please refer to Telligen’s website at, or call Telligen directly at 1-855-625-7709 for assistance. To submit authorization requests, providers are encouraged to register for access to Telligen’s provider portal, Qualitrac, by completing the Telligen Provider Portal Registration.
DOM to Adjust Impacted Vision Claims
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) and Gainwell recently completed system updates related to fee-for-service (FFS) vision claim processing. DOM and Gainwell are now working to adjust impacted claims. The claim adjustment project will include denied claims that received the following EOBs:
Additionally, some vision claims are suspending for review by DOM for further processing. Impacted claims associated with this review include suspended claims that received the following EOBs:
• 5515 Eye Refraction Limit 2 per State Fiscal Year – Under 21
• 5519 Eye Refraction Limit 1 per 5 years – 21 & older
Please monitor DOM’s Late Breaking News page for future updates.
Eligibility Verification Search for Members by Providers – SSN Requirement
Providers have the capability to verify members’ eligibility through the MESA Provider Portal. The portal has been updated to enhance user experience, displaying comprehensive member coverage details on the main search results page upon clicking the “Submit” button during eligibility verification. The displayed sections include:
• Demographic Details
• Benefit Details
• Medicare Coverage Detail
• Managed Care Assignment Details
• Lock-In Details
• Living Arrangement Details
• EPSDT Well Child Service Details
• Limit Details
Providers can initiate a search using the member’s First Name and Last Name, along with Date of Birth if the Member ID is unknown. Effective from the recent changes introduced on 1/14/2024, SSN is now a mandatory requirement for eligibility verification searches, in addition to the member’s First Name, Last Name, and Date of Birth. Recognizing the inconvenience caused to the provider community, Gainwell is actively working on eliminating the SSN requirement when the member’s First Name, Last Name, and Date of Birth are provided.
During this interim period, providers can still perform eligibility verification searches by accessing the “Member Focused Viewing” link located in the left bottom corner of their secure portal account. See screenshot below.
Providers can run a search using the member’s First Name, Last Name, and Date of Birth if the Member ID is not available. See screenshot below.
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid appreciates your understanding and patience as we work toward resolving this issue.
Reprocessing of Professional Claims for Multiple Surgery
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) will reprocess Professional Claims erroneously denied with EOB message 5050 A Surgical Procedure Code for the Same Physician for the Same Date of Service Has Been Previously Paid. The reprocessed claims will appear on your Remittance Advice dated 01/22/2024.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
1/19/2024 – RESCINDED – See LBN posted 5/3/2024 “REVISED – DENTAL Billing Updates for Ambulatory Surgical Centers.”
Billing Updates for Ambulatory Surgical Centers
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) has updated ASC procedure code 41899 to align with approved SPA 23-0032. DOM will update the Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) fee schedule to adopt the 2024 Medicare ASC Final Rule Dental Policy, effective January 1, 2024. This update will include the following:
• The addition of D-codes and HCPCS code G0330-FACILITY SERVICES FOR DENTAL REHABILITATION PROCEDURE(S), which is replacing code 41899 effective for dates of service on and after 1/1/2024.
• G0330 will require at least one covered dental ancillary code for billing.
• Some codes will require prior authorization. PA requirements can be found at Procedure Code PA Requirement – Mississippi Division of Medicaid (
Providers will need to resubmit impacted FFS claims:
• For dates of service (DOS) 12/01/2023 – 12/31/2023 to receive the new fee for procedure code 41899 as outlined in approved SPA 23-0032.
• For DOS on and after January 1, 2024, to comply with the new ASC Dental Policy.
The ASC fee schedule is available on DOM’s website on the Fee Schedules and Rates page.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
Telligen Portal Issue Impacting Some Inpatient Stay Requests
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) and Telligen are aware of an issue impacting some Inpatient Hospital Admission requests related to the selection of the enrolled Medicaid treating provider. Telligen is actively working to resolve the issue. Please monitor Telligen’s Mississippi Provider News page for future updates related to this issue.
Telligen’s Contact Information:
- Helpdesk:
- Phone: 1-855-625-7709
- Fax: 1-800-524-5710
Telligen’s Portal Registration Questions
- Email:
- Phone: 1-855-625-7709
Flovent HFA Discontinuation on the MS Medicaid Universal Preferred Drug List
Flovent HFA Discontinuation on the MS Medicaid Universal Preferred Drug List (PDL)
Flovent HFA (fluticasone propionate inhalation aerosol) was recently discontinued by its manufacturer, GlaxoSmithKline. This is a business decision made by GlaxoSmithKline and not related to any new safety or efficacy information.
Fluticasone propionate HFA (generic for Flovent HFA; 44, 110, & 220 mcg/act inhaled aerosol; 120 actuations with 1 canister) is indicated for the maintenance treatment of asthma as prophylactic therapy in patients aged 4 years and older.
Based on the discontinuation of the name brand Flovent HFA the Division of Medicaid has made the following policy changes.
1. Fluticasone HFA will remain non-preferred, however, there will be automatic approval (electronic prior authorization) of Fluticasone HFA for children aged 4- 5 years, who have a diagnosis of asthma.
2. Age waiver prior authorization submission will be required for Fluticasone HFA for children less than 4 years of age.
3. For children >6 years of age, providers should prescribe the most cost-effective drugs to the state – the preferred drugs in the Inhaled Glucocorticoid Class; Asmanex Twisthaler (mometasone), budesonide 0.25mg and 0.5mg nebulizer suspension, Pulmicort Flexhaler (budesonide), and Qvar Redihaler (beclomethasone diproprionate).
Attention Providers Submitting Institutional Claims
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid reminds providers that MESA requires attending providers be enrolled as Mississippi Medicaid providers for the claim dates of service when submitting institutional claims. Failure to include a NPI of a valid and actively enrolled Mississippi Medicaid provider will result in medical claim denials that will post Edit 382/EOB 3382 – Attending Provider ID Missing/Unidentifiable.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
Reprocessing of Professional and Outpatient Crossover Claims
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid will reprocess Professional and Outpatient Crossover claims erroneously denied with the following EOB messages:
4402: Detail Medicare Co-Insurance, Deductible and Copay amounts submitted are zero and Medicare paid date is missing or invalid.
1064: Header Medicare Co-Insurance/Deductible/Copay amounts submitted are zero and Medicare paid date is missing or invalid.
Medicare Co-Insurance or Deductible or Copay must be submitted at the detail level for any Professional and Outpatient Crossover claim. The reprocessed claims will appear on your Remittance Advice dated 01/08/2024.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
Terminated Providers Retain Portal Access for One Year
Effective December 18, 2023, providers will retain access to their portal account for a duration of one year following the termination date. Claims for services rendered prior to the termination’s effective date may be submitted for processing, including adjustments or voids. However, claims for services rendered on or after the termination date will not be accepted.
Please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 if you need assistance between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. CST. Alternatively, you can refer to the Provider Field Representative list available on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list provides email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. You can access the resource document at
Verification of Provider Licenses for Mississippi Medicaid
Under the guidelines of 42 CFR § 455.412, the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) will be actively updating the licensure records of both fee-for-service/MississippiCAN providers and CHIP providers. As a part of this endeavor, providers whose licenses have expired or are expiring will be notified via official correspondence from Gainwell Technologies. We also encourage providers to consult DOM’s official website, where the Provider Six-Month License Due List is available at This list will be refreshed monthly to ensure the latest information is accessible. It is imperative for providers to promptly provide their updated licensure information to Medicaid, as failure to do so will result in the closure of their Medicaid provider number.
Complying with the provisions outlined in the Mississippi Administrative Code Part 200, Chapter 4, Rule 4.5 (B) (C), DOM will reinstate closed provider numbers due to license expiration, retroactive to the date of license renewal, provided the closure duration is under one (1) year. For this to happen, the provider must furnish a current license copy and rectify any changed or inaccurate information. If a Medicaid provider number has been closed due to license expiration for a period exceeding one (1) year, re-enrollment as a Medicaid provider will be necessary.
To facilitate the submission of licensure information, Gainwell Technologies’ Provider Enrollment Department offers multiple secure channels, including the MESA Provider Portal, fax, or mail. Here are the details for each method:
MESA Provider Portal:
Provider Services Fax Number: (866) 644-6148
Attention: Provider Enrollment
Provider Services Mailing Address:
Provider Enrollment/MississippiCAN/MSCHIP
PO Box 23078
Jackson, MS 39225
For any assistance required between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. CST, providers can contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222.
Register Now for Telligen MS UM/QIO Qualitrac Provider Portal Training
As previously announced, the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) will transition to Telligen, a new Utilization Management/Quality Improvement Organization (UM/QIO), on January 16, 2024.
Beginning Tuesday, January 16, 2024, Telligen will begin performing all new prior authorization reviews for fee-for-service (FFS) Medicaid requests. All authorization reviews submitted prior to January 16, 2024, will be completed by Alliant or Kepro by January 31, 2024. Effective February 1, 2024, all FFS Medicaid authorization related business will be handled by Telligen.
Telligen has prepared the following Provider Training Schedule and invites all Mississippi Medicaid Providers to participate in upcoming virtual training sessions. Training will give Providers a comprehensive overview of Qualitrac, Telligen’s robust portal system for authorization requests. Please use the registration links below to choose the session(s) you wish to attend.
The General Authorization sessions are geared towards providing a general overview of submitting authorizations in our Qualitrac system. The service specific training sessions provide a deeper dive into submitting authorizations for those service types.
REMINDER: Stay tuned for additional upcoming training sessions! Telligen will have more informative sessions planned to further support Mississippi Medicaid Providers in handling authorization requests.
Providers are encouraged to keep an eye on Telligen’s website for announcements regarding future training sessions. Telligen is committed to providing ongoing learning opportunities to enhance your skills and optimize the care provided to FFS Medicaid beneficiaries.
Should you need assistance, please contact Telligen’s Customer Service at: 1-855-625-7709.
Visit Telligen’s Mississippi UM/QIO website to register for portal access. Look for the Provider Portal Registration option, as indicated in the red box below.
Please note: Prior authorizations for members enrolled in MississippiCAN and CHIP will continue to be handled by the respective coordinated care organization.
DOM to Reprocess Claims
Reprocessing of Inpatient and Long-Term Care Claims Denied for EOB 5010
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) will reprocess inpatient and long-term care claims erroneously denied with EOB message 5010: This is a duplicate of another claim between October 1, 2022, and June 8, 2023. The reprocessed claims will appear on your Remittance Advice dated 12/25/2023.
Additional Reprocessing of Inpatient Claims Denied for EOB 1175
DOM will reprocess Inpatient claims erroneously denied with EOB message 1175: The patient status code is invalid or conflicts with Type of Bill (TOB) between October 3, 2022, and September 13, 2023. The reprocessed claims will appear on your Remittance Advice dated 12/18/2023.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
Reminder to Verify Member Eligibility
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) and Gainwell Technologies are seeing an increase in medical claim denials related to Edit 2017/EOB 0287 Member is enrolled in a State-contracted Managed Care Program for the date(s) of service. Providers are advised to verify Medicaid eligibility prior to service delivery and billing. Please refer to the previous late breaking news article posted on 8/22/2023 related to Updates to MESA Portal for Providers that explains more about eligibility verification and how to determine the Managed Care plan for members enrolled in MississippiCAN.
Family Planning Waiver (FPW) Claims paid with Non-FPW Diagnosis Codes
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) will reprocess all Inpatient, Outpatient, and Medical claims processed and paid between October 3, 2022, and August 15, 2023, for Family Planning Waiver (FPW) services when the claim contained Non-FPW diagnosis codes. FPW services are non-covered when (1) inpatient or outpatient claims contains non-FPW diagnosis codes or (2) medical claims contain non-FPW diagnosis codes that are pointed to a service line.
The claims will be reprocessed utilizing the DOM applicable policy for FPW, assuring the correct FPW diagnosis codes are billed. This will result in the recoupment of previous overpayments. The reprocessed claims should begin to appear on your Remittance Advice dated December 11, 2023, with EOB 3375 – FPW Services are Non-Covered When Claim Contains Non-FPW Diagnosis Codes.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
Provider Enrollment Application Fee Increased for 2024
The enrollment application fee for institutional providers for the 2024 calendar year has increased from $688 to $709. See the following announcement
This application fee will be required in the following instances:
• Initial enrollment, reactivation, revalidation or reenrollment of providers in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
• Addition of New Owners – Change of Ownership
• Providers adding a new Medicaid practice location
Note: Simple changes to the provider enrollment information, that is, new phone numbers, new bank account information, new billing address, change in the name of the provider or other such updates are not subject to the fee.
Providers required to submit a fee are:
Taxonomy | Description |
251E00000X | Home Health |
251G00000X | Hospice Care, Community Based |
261QA1903X | Clinic/Center – Ambulatory Surgical |
261QE0700X | Clinic/Center – End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Treatment |
261QF0400X | Clinic/Center – Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) |
261QM0801X | Clinic/Center – Mental Health (Including Community Mental Health Center) |
261QR0401X | Clinic/Center – Rehabilitation, Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility (CORF) |
261QR1300X | Clinic/Center – Rural Health |
282N00000X | General Acute Care Hospital |
283Q00000X | Psychiatric Hospital |
291U00000X | Clinical Medical Laboratory |
293D00000X | Physiological Laboratory |
314000000X | Skilled Nursing Facility |
3140N1450X | Skilled Nursing Facility – Nursing Care, Pediatric |
332B00000X | Durable Medical Equipment and Medical Supplies |
333600000X | Pharmacy |
341600000X | Ambulance |
Providers submitting their application fee should make their check out to the Mississippi Division of Medicaid, annotating on the check the application tracking number (ATN) and mail to Gainwell Technologies, PO Box 6014, Ridgeland, MS 39158. Providers who have already paid the application fee to Medicare or another state’s CHIP or Medicaid program have fulfilled the requirement and do not have to pay the fee to Mississippi Medicaid.
For more information, call the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at 1-800-884-3222 or your designated field representative: if you need assistance.
New Prior Authorization Provider Portal Available for Registration
As previously announced, the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) will transition to Telligen, a new Utilization Management/Quality Improvement Organization (UM/QIO), in early 2024.
To ensure you have adequate time to transition we ask that beginning December 1, 2023, providers begin registering with Telligen for the purpose of submitting prior authorization requests for Medicaid fee-for-service (FFS) members. Telligen will be the UM/QIO vendor to replace the following:
• Alliant Health Solutions ̶ responsible for medical authorization requests
• Kepro (formerly eQHealth Solutions) ̶ responsible for advanced imaging authorization requests
Providers are advised to visit Telligen’s Mississippi UM/QIO website beginning December 1, 2023 to register for portal access. Look for the Provider Portal Registration option, as indicated in the red box below.
Please note: Prior authorizations for members enrolled in MississippiCAN and CHIP will continue to be handled by the respective coordinated care organization.
Updates Related to Claims Denied with Error 4371/EOB 1379
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) posted a Late Breaking News article on 5/22/23, advising providers of DOM’s awareness of claim denials with error 4371 and explanation of benefits (EOB) code 1379, indicating a “claim type restriction on procedure coverage rule.”
The impact involves claims being denied due to the claim type associated with the member’s benefit plan which is predominantly affecting members enrolled in the Healthier Mississippi Waiver (HMW) benefit plan and also have Medicare coverage.
DOM and Gainwell are actively working to resolve this claim processing issue and offer the following updates on the resolution process:
1. System Update: Gainwell system logic will be updated to rectify the issue. The estimated completion date for this update is early 2024.
2. Claim Submission: DOM advises providers to continue submitting claims. Once the system logic is updated, all impacted claims will be adjusted by Gainwell.
There will be no further action needed from providers.
Please continue to monitor DOM’s Late Breaking News page for future announcements related to this system update.
ATTENTION DME PROVIDERS – Update on Non-Covered Codes
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid and Gainwell have been working to address claim denials related to non-covered Durable Medical Equipment (DME) codes. The most common denial reason associated with these claims was EOB 0116-Procedure code is not a benefit on date of service. Effective Oct. 30, 2023, many of the previously non-covered DME codes have been updated in MESA with coverage logic that requires an approved prior authorization for the service. Please note, this update will impact a large volume of wheelchair claims that previously denied with EOB 0116.
Gainwell will adjust impacted claims with dates of service 7/1/22-10/27/23. The mass adjustment will appear on a remittance advice at a future date. No further action on the part of the provider is needed. Providers who have claims still within the timely filing timeframe, can elect to resubmit impacted claims if they do not want to wait for the Gainwell initiated claim adjustment.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
11/7/2023 – Updated 11/13/2023
Submitting a claim for full-benefit dual eligible members to Medicaid when Medicare denied all services
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) would like to clarify the process for submitting claims to Medicaid for full-benefit dual eligible members with Medicare when Medicare denied all services billed. Claims that fit this scenario must be submitted to Medicaid as a Medicaid Only claim with the Medicare EOMB attached showing Medicare denied the services. The claims will suspend for review to validate Medicare denial reason(s). If Medicare denied for “Not Medically Necessary,” the claim will be denied by Medicaid. Claims will process according to all Medicaid policies and billing rules for any other denial reasons.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The resource document is located at
Urgent: Provider Recredentialing Mississippi Medicaid Managed Care Programs
All providers participating in MississippiCAN or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) are required to be credentialed by the Mississippi Division of Medicaid.Failure to complete credentialing/recredentialing will result in termination from these programs. There are a significant number of providers currently due for recredentialing that need to complete the process prior to the end of the year.
During the 2021 Mississippi Legislative Session, Senate Bill 2799 was enacted into law that requires the Medicaid Coordinated Care Organizations (CCO) to follow a uniform credentialing process for provider enrollment in the Managed Care Programs. On July 1, 2022, in accordance with this new requirement, the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) amended the CCO contracts to require the CCOs to accept DOM’s provider enrollment and screening process, and not require providers be credentialed by CCOs for Medicaid or CHIP.
Beginning October 1, 2022, providers seeking participation in MississippiCAN and/or CHIP are now required to be enrolled, credentialed, and screened by DOM, and subsequently contract with their CCO of choice. As part of the implementation of the Medicaid Enterprise System Assistance (MESA), DOM implemented a new centralized credentialing process along with NCQA certified Centralized Verification Organization (CVO) that will be responsible for credentialing and recredentialing Medicaid providers seeking to enroll or currently enrolled with our coordinated care programs (MSCAN/CHIP). This new process eliminates the need for a provider to be credentialed or recredentialed multiple times.
The CVO will perform recredentialing for both current providers and new providers every three (3) years unless the provider is credentialed by a DOM-approved Delegated Credentialing Entity. Providers identified for recredentialing will receive notification from Gainwell Technologies by letter which is sent to the providers “mail to” address on their provider record. This letter is generated six months in advance of the recredentialing due date on the provider’s record in MESA and a link will be available in the portal to start the process.
Facilities with multiple service locations and provider IDs will receive a recredentialing notice for each provider ID. Only one provider ID for the same tax ID and service location address will need to submit the recredentialing application which will pick up and credential all the taxonomies at that location. If recredentialing is either denied or not completed by the recredential due date, all the facility enrollments at that location will be terminated and claims can no longer be paid. A new application for each taxonomy at that service location will be required to re-enroll in the Mississippi Medicaid program.
Individual providers with multiple provider IDs sharing the same NPI will receive a recredentialing notice for each of the provider IDs. The provider will only need to recredential one of the IDs to satisfy the requirement for all. If recredentialing is either denied or not completed by the recredential due date, all the individual provider’s enrollments will be terminated, and claims can no longer be paid. A new application for each service location will be required to re-enroll in the Mississippi Medicaid program.
To prepare for recredentialing, all Medicaid providers should take the following steps immediately:
• Each enrolled provider must register for access to the MESA Provider Portal to recredential electronically. This will streamline the process and allow providers to enter their own information. Providers can register now by going to and clicking the “Register Now” link.
• In addition to the notices mailed by Gainwell Technologies, providers can refer to DOM’s website where we are posting the Provider Six Month Recredentialing Due List” at This listing will be updated monthly.
• Review the Provider Recredentialing Presentation found under “MESA Tips” at which is a PowerPoint that includes a recredentialing walk through and tips for providers.
• Providers should verify that the address information on file is correct. The notifications will be mailed to the “Mail To” address on their file. To ensure each individual provider receives a notification, please validate your addresses on file, and correct them if necessary.
• If changes are needed, complete the Provider Change of Address form, located under Provider Forms at
• The Provider Change of Address form must be completed, signed by the individual provider or authorized official if enrolled provider is a business, and submitted to the Provider Enrollment Department of Gainwell Technologies via secure correspondence in the MESA Provider Portal, fax, or mail. The following correspondence information is provided:
o Provider Services Fax Number:
(866) 644-6148
Attention: Provider Enrollment
o Provider Services Mailing Address:
Provider Enrollment/MississippiCAN/MSCHIP
PO Box 23078
Jackson, MS 39225
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located
Provider Revalidation has resumed effective Oct. 1, 2023
Effective May 11, 2023, the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) ended the flexibility of extended Medicaid provider revalidation dates that came due during the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE). With the ending of the Public Health Emergency, the Mississippi Division of Medicaid resumed the revalidation process effective Oct. 1, 2023, requiring Mississippi Medicaid enrolled providers to verify the information on their provider files. Medicaid provider revalidation is a requirement stemming from 42 C.F.R. § 455.414 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which requires all state Medicaid agencies to revalidate the enrollment of all providers at least every five years.
A revalidation requires a provider to verify or revalidate the information currently on the enrolled provider’s file. Providers also will need to complete and sign a new Provider Disclosure form and a new Provider Agreement. As part of the revalidation, the state must conduct a full screening appropriate to the provider’s risk level in compliance with 42 C.F.R. Part 455, Subparts B & E, and the provider must comply with any requests made by the state as part of the revalidation process within the specified time frame.
Beginning in October 2023, notification letters were mailed to providers who have been enrolled with Medicaid for five years or more. Revalidation notices will be issued on a staggered schedule until notices have been issued to all providers due for revalidation. The revalidation notice will initiate the process with each provider. The letter will provide instructions for completing the revalidation and will indicate the due date. Revalidating providers may need to submit additional documentation and/or complete other required screening requirements (i.e., provide fingerprints and/or a site visit of the provider location conducted by Medicaid’s fiscal agent).
Certain revalidating providers must pay a provider enrollment application fee. Refer to for a list of institutional providers that have to pay the application fee. Providers who have already paid the application fee to Medicare or another state’s CHIP or Medicaid program for same provider have fulfilled the requirement and should choose the appropriate drop-down option when completing the revalidation application.
Providers will be able to revalidate through the MESA Provider Portal in a simple, step-by-step process. Providers should submit their revalidation by the submission date on their letter to allow time for processing before the deadline date. Providers whose revalidation is not processed before the deadline noted on the letter will be terminated and this termination will include participation in MississippiCAN and/or MississippiCHIP and the provider will therefore have to reapply.
Resumption of revalidation operations will eventually affect all providers, but DOM will begin with those providers who have been enrolled five years or more. Meanwhile, revalidation dates will be set for newer providers who have not yet been enrolled five years. To prepare for revalidation, all Medicaid providers should take the following steps immediately:
• Each enrolled provider must register for access to the MESA Provider Portal to revalidate electronically. This will streamline the process and allow providers to enter their own information. Providers can register now by going to and clicking the “Register Now” link.
• In addition to the notices mailed by Gainwell Technologies, providers can refer to DOM’s website where we are posting the Provider Six Month Revalidation Due List” at This listing will be updated monthly.
• Review the Provider Revalidation Presentation found under “MESA Tips” at which is a PowerPoint that includes a revalidation walk through and tips for providers.
• Providers should verify that the address information on file is correct. The notifications will be mailed to the “Mail To” address on their file. To ensure each individual provider receives a notification, please validate your addresses on file, and correct them if necessary.
• If changes are needed, complete the Provider Change of Address form, located under Provider Forms at
• The Provider Change of Address form must be completed, signed by the individual provider or authorized official if enrolled provider is a business, and submitted to the Provider Enrollment Department of Gainwell Technologies via secure correspondence in the MESA Provider Portal, fax, or mail. The following correspondence information is provided:
o Provider Services Fax Number:
(866) 644-6148
Attention: Provider Enrollment
o Provider Services Mailing Address:
Provider Enrollment/MississippiCAN/MSCHIP
PO Box 23078
Jackson, MS 39225
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located
Telligen to replace Alliant Health Solutions and Kepro as Medicaid UM/QIO Vendors
Early in 2024, the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) will transition to a new Utilization Management/Quality Improvement Organization (UM/QIO) vendor, Telligen.
Telligen will replace the following vendors:
- • Alliant Health Solutions, who was responsible for medical authorization requests for fee-for-service (FFS) Medicaid members, and
- • Kepro (formerly eQHealth Solutions), who was responsible for advanced imaging authorization requests for FFS Medicaid members.
To ensure a smooth transition, Telligen web portal registration instructions and educational materials will be shared in the upcoming weeks through a variety of communication avenues to ensure no provider lacks access to necessary resources and assistance. Updates will also publicized on the Mississippi Division of Medicaid website and Late Breaking News.
Please note: Prior authorizations for members enrolled in MississippiCAN and CHIP will continue to be handled by the respective coordinated care organization.
Reprocessing of Inpatient Claims
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid will reprocess Inpatient claims erroneously denied with EOB message 1175: The patient status code is invalid or conflicts with Type of Bill (TOB) between October 3, 2022, and September 13, 2023. The reprocessed claims will appear on your Remittance Advice dated 10/30/23. Affected inpatient crossover claims will be reprocessed utilizing the Medicare Coinsurance Cap pricing methodology and may result in the recoupment of previous overpayments for some providers. DOM is processing the recoupment of these funds at a rate of up to 10% of the total recoupment amount for up to ten (10) weeks or until the full balance is recouped.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
Mental Health Claims Mass Adjustment for Copay Deductions
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid will mass adjust Professional claims for billing taxonomies: 261QM0801X, 251S00000X, 385H00000X, 253Z00000X, 3747P1801X, 373H00000X, where the original claim deducted a $3.00 copay in error. The adjustments will appear on your Remittance Advice dated 10/30/2023.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
EOB 1748 – Member Birth Date does not Match File
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) and Gainwell Technologies are seeing an increase in medical claim denials related to Edit 2822/EOB 1748 – member birth date does not match with file, after DOM updated the claim disposition in August of 2023 to deny for all claim types. This edit/EOB will post to all claim types when the Member’s birth date submitted on the claim does not match the Member’s birth date in the MESA system. In order to allow providers time to adopt this change, DOM will be temporarily relaxing this edit through 11/30/2023. Providers are encouraged to resubmit impacted medical claims that posted with EOB 1748 with the corrected Member birth date.
If it is determined that a member’s date of birth in MESA is incorrect, the member or their designated representative should contact their local Medicaid Regional Office to make updates. Regional Office contact information can be found at
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at Provider Field Representatives.
October Provider Bulletin now available
The October issue of the MS Medicaid Provider Bulletin is now available online for read or download. Following the Mississippi Division of Medicaid’s transition to a new fiscal agent, the quarterly Provider Bulletin has shifted to a January-April-July-October publication schedule.
The Provider Bulletin aims to inform providers of Medicaid news, policy changes, and provides contact information for provider field representatives listed by county, and more.
Previous issues of the Provider Bulletin are archived online at
Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Implementation Phase II Go-Live Planned for December 2023
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) will be implementing Phase II of our Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) project with our partners, FEI Systems (FEI) and HHAeXchange (HHAX), in December. Onboarding for State Plan Private Duty Nursing/Personal Care and Home Health providers is now underway, and more information on set up and registration for informational sessions and training is available in the letter linked below. Providers are encouraged to complete the steps in the letter as soon as possible.
Additional information on separate training for the Phase II claims implementation for Phase I waiver providers will be sent out via provider’s HHAX EVV Communications portal.
Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) Steering Committee Convenes
A funding opportunity and working partnership between the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) and Mississippi Department of Mental Health (DMH) aims to transform mental health and substance use treatment for Mississippians.
Recently, the Substance Use and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) awarded DOM and DMH a one-year Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) Planning Grant. The grant will provide sustainable funding for robust community treatment services; it also charges the state’s steering committee to work together to design Mississippi’s approach to develop a clinic model.
A Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic is a specially designated clinic that provides a comprehensive range of mental health and substance use services.
Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics will help Mississippi:
• Improve access to and deliver community-based behavioral health services;
• Establish sustainable funding for additional investment in quality, evidence-based mental health and substance use services;
• Engage stakeholders and consumers of mental health services – including youth, family members, and community leaders – to provide input on a customizable approach to care that increases responsiveness to the needs of Mississippians;
• Hold Community Mental Health Centers accountable for quality outcomes: and,
• Address gaps or barriers to health care in Mississippi.
For more information, visit or email CCBHC Project Director Amy Swanson at
Providers – Pharmacy POS Network Cutover
Providers should be aware that the current network connection being utilized for the Cover My Meds (CMM, formerly Relay Health) and Change Healthcare (CHC) Pharmacy POS transaction processing is going to be moved to a new network connection as follows:
Date: October 1, 2023 (details as follows):
- 10:00 p.m. Central – Cutover Activity start time.
- 10:05 p.m. Central (estimated 10-minute duration) – Short down time as the current network connection is transitioned from the current connection to the new connection.
- 10:15 p.m. Central – the Pharmacy POS transactions that are submitted to MS Medicaid, via either Cover My Meds or Change Healthcare, will be processing through the new network connection.
- Pharmacies or Providers who submit through the RedSail switch vendor will NOT be impacted by this change.
Should you need additional information, please contact your Pharmacy POS transaction switch vendor or during this scheduled event you may contact Bruce Dunn (
Additional Enhancement for Timely Filing: Mesa Edit 512 (EOB 0841)
We are pleased to announce an additional collaborative effort between the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) and Gainwell Technologies to create a one-time job to identify all fee-for-service (FFS) claims that processed and denied with edit 512 since go-live (Oct. 1, 2022), through the week of Sept. 15, 2023. The system will actively search for any previously submitted paid or denied claim that meets the matching criteria for that claim. If a timely filed matching claim is found that was submitted within 365 days of the from date of service, and the matching claim that posted 512 is within 365 of the original submissions process date, that claim will be “resubmitted” to bypass the 512 edit. The resubmitted claim will appear on your remittance advice (RA) with the first two digits of 80 and will finalize on the September 25 financial cycle.
Please watch your remittance dated Sept. 25, 2023, for any system resubmitted claims.
Should you require any assistance or have inquiries, we encourage you to reach out to our Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222. Alternatively, you can leverage the Provider Field Representative list accessible on Medicaid’s official website. This list includes essential contact information, such as email addresses and phone numbers for each designated representative. For quick access, you can refer to the resource document located at:
CPT Code 27447 (Total Knee Arthroplasty) Covered in ASCs
Code 27447 (Total Knee Arthroplasty) is now open for coverage in ASCs effective 7/1/2023. Providers are advised to resubmit claims that previously denied.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
Drug Code J1558 (Xembify) opened for coverage
Drug code J1558 (Xembify) has been opened for coverage effective 7/1/2020. DOM PAD claims during these dates will be adjusted. The mass adjustment will appear on a remittance advice at a future date. No further action on the part of the provider is needed.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
Waiver Rate Study Update
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM), with support from Milliman, is in the process of performing a detailed payment rate rebase for services delivered under all of Mississippi’s HCBS waivers (AL, IL, TBI/SCI, E&D, ID/DD, and CSP). DOM and Milliman will be soliciting provider feedback on payment rate assumptions through smaller targeted workgroup sessions this fall, and hold an all-provider meeting to share the draft payment rates once they are ready.
Milliman will reach out directly to providers selected to participate in the workgroup sessions by 9/6/2023. Waiver providers who are not selected to participate in targeted sessions are welcome to provide feedback to DOM at any time by emailing Once the draft payment rates are ready, DOM will post another Late Breaking News update and send out communications to provider distribution lists to share the all-provider meeting details.
More information on the 1915(c) and 1915(i) programs as well as links to the CMS approved waiver applications are available at
Enhancement of Timely Filing Process: Changes to MESA Edit 512 (EOB 0841)
We are pleased to inform you about the ongoing collaborative efforts between the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) and Gainwell Technologies aimed at refining our timely filing procedures. Commencing from the week ending September 1, 2023, notable improvements will be introduced to the MESA Portal for Providers. This enhancement pertains to fee for service (FFS) claims processed and finalized during that week’s financial run, specifically those flagged with MESA Edit 512 / EOB 0841 – denoting cases where the Timely Filing Deadline was Exceeded. It’s important to note that these modifications will apply exclusively to straight Medicaid medical claims, excluding both crossover claims and pharmacy related claims.
The system will actively search for any previously submitted paid or denied claim that meets the matching criteria for that claim. If a timely filed matching claim is found that was submitted within 365 days of the last submitted claim, the claim will be reprocessed and bypass the timely filing edit. The resubmitted claim will appear on your remittance advice (RA) with the first two digits of 80 and will finalize in that week’s financial cycle.
Should you require any assistance or have inquiries, we encourage you to reach out to our Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222. Alternatively, you can leverage the Provider Field Representative list accessible on Medicaid’s official website. This list includes essential contact information, such as email addresses and phone numbers for each designated representative. For quick access, you can refer to the resource document located at:
Verification of Provider Licenses for Mississippi Medicaid
Under the guidelines of 42 CFR § 455.412, the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) will be actively updating the licensure records of both fee-for-service/MississippiCAN providers and CHIP providers. As a part of this endeavor, providers whose licenses have expired or are expiring will be notified via official correspondence from Gainwell Technologies. We also encourage providers to consult DOM’s official website, where the Provider Six-Month License Due List is available at This list will be refreshed monthly to ensure the latest information is accessible. It is imperative for providers to promptly provide their updated licensure information to Medicaid, as failure to do so will result in the closure of their Medicaid provider number.
Complying with the provisions outlined in the Mississippi Administrative Code Part 200, Chapter 4, Rule 4.5 (B) (C), DOM will reinstate closed provider numbers due to license expiration, retroactive to the date of license renewal, provided the closure duration is under one (1) year. For this to happen, the provider must furnish a current license copy and rectify any changed or inaccurate information. If a Medicaid provider number has been closed due to license expiration for a period exceeding one (1) year, re-enrollment as a Medicaid provider will be necessary.
To facilitate the submission of licensure information, Gainwell Technologies’ Provider Enrollment Department offers multiple secure channels, including the MESA Provider Portal, fax, or mail. Here are the details for each method:
MESA Provider Portal:
Provider Services Fax Number: (866) 644-6148
Attention: Provider Enrollment
Provider Services Mailing Address:
Provider Enrollment/MississippiCAN/MSCHIP
PO Box 23078
Jackson, MS 39225
For any assistance required between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. CST, providers can contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222.
Rates increased for Graduate Medical Education reimbursement
State Plan Amendment 23-0017 increased Graduate Medical Education reimbursement, effective July 1, 2023. The increase in payments for providers approved for GME reimbursement for this fiscal year (FY) will be $13,189,900, or an increase of 31.8%. Two new hospitals were approved for GME payments in FY2024, and there was an increase of 61 additional residents funded through this payment in FY2024, or an increase of 7.8%.
• FY2023 GME payments: $41,468,600 for 12 hospitals supporting 780 residents
• FY2024 GME payments: $54,658,500 for 14 hospitals supporting 841 residents
Updates to MESA Portal for Providers
Mississippi Medicaid’s web portal for providers had been modified with the following improvements to make information easier to locate.
Eligibility Verification Request:
• The ‘Eligibility Verification Request’ section was modified to allow the users to run a search for a span of 3 years. The system now allows running a search for eligibility up to 3 years in the past.
Note: The system currently allows searching for eligibility up to 4 months in the future.
• The ‘Eligibility Verification Request’ section was modified to rename the fields “Effective From” and “Effective To” to “Begin Date” and “End Date”.
• The Eligibility Verification Response section was modified to display the Aid Categories for the primary plan active during the search period.
• The Eligibility Verification Response section was modified to return the member’s primary aid category’s eligibility begin date and end date for the ‘Effective Date’ and ‘End Date’ fields. Member’s add date of eligibility and the last date of update for the aid category are being displayed.
• The Eligibility Verification Inquiry Response Section was modified to display members’ Hospital Presumptive Eligibility (HPE) along with the Effective Date, End Date, Add Date, and Last Update Date, if applicable. This section will not be displayed if there is no HPE data on the Members file.
Member Focus View Page:
• The ‘Member Focus View’ page was modified to display the member’s primary aid category and the effective and end dates of the primary aid category under the ‘Coverage Details’ section.
• The ‘Member Focus View’ page was modified to display the member’s Hospital Presumptive Eligibility (HPE) along with the Effective Date, and End Date, if applicable. This section will not be shown if there is no HPE data.
Coverage Details Page:
• The ‘Limit Details’ section on the ‘Coverage Details’ page has a new field for “Service Date” input to display the relevant service limits.
• The ‘Lock-In Details’ section on the Coverage Details page was modified to display the Lock-in plan start and end dates for the Effective and End Dates if the member has Lock-In coverage for the eligibility verification search duration.
• The ‘Lock-In Details’ section on the Coverage Details page was modified to display ‘None’ if the member does not have Lock-In coverage for the eligibility verification search duration.
• The ‘Living Arrangements Details’ section on the Coverage Details page was modified to also display the Provider NPI and Provider Name by adding two new fields ‘Provider NPI’ and ‘Provider Name’ if the member has Long-Term Care/Nursing Home facility coverage for the eligibility verification search duration. The ‘Level of Care’ field was renamed to ‘Level of Care Plan’.
• The ‘Living Arrangements Details’ section on the Coverage Details page was modified to display the Level of Care plan start and end dates for the Effective and End Dates if the member has Long-Term Care/Nursing Home facility coverage for the eligibility verification search duration.
• The ‘Living Arrangements Details’ section on the Coverage Details page was modified to display ‘None’ if the member does not have Long-Term Care/Nursing Home facility coverage for the eligibility verification search duration.
• The ‘Managed Care Assignment Details’ section on the Coverage Details page was modified to display the member’s PCP’s name and telephone number if the member is enrolled in a Managed Care plan for the eligibility verification search duration. The ‘Primary Care Provider’ and ‘Provider Phone’ are left blank if PCP is not selected by the member enrolled in a Managed Care plan for the eligibility verification search duration.
• The ‘Managed Care Assignment Details’ section on the Coverage Details page was modified to display the member’s active enrollment begin and end date along with the CCO of participation if the member is enrolled in a Managed Care plan for the eligibility verification search duration. Earlier, the Portal displayed the dates the eligibility verification search was being run for.
• The ‘Managed Care Assignment Details’ section on the Coverage Details page was modified to display ‘None’ if the member is NOT enrolled in a managed care plan for the eligibility verification search duration.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative.
The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
Physician Administered Drug PA Requirement: J0174 – Leqembi requires prior authorization
Radiopharmaceutical Code A9596 (Gallium GA-ILLUCCIX)
PET Scan radiopharmaceutical code A9596 (Gallium GA-ILLUCCIX) has been opened for coverage effective 1/1/2023 covering males aged 18 and older. Providers are advised to resubmit claims that previously denied.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
CPT Code 27130 (Total Hip Arthroplasty) Covered in ASCs and Outpatient Hospitals
Code 27130 (Total Hip Arthroplasty) is now open for coverage in ASCs and Outpatient Hospitals effective 1/1/2023. Providers are advised to resubmit claims that previously denied in these settings.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
90651 Gardasil, Maximum Age changed from 26 to 45
The maximum age on code 90651 has increased from 26 to 45 effective 5/1/2023 now covering ages 9 to 45. Providers are advised to resubmit claims that previously denied due to age.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
July Provider Bulletin now available
The July issue of the MS Medicaid Provider Bulletin is now available online for read or download. Following the Mississippi Division of Medicaid’s transition to a new fiscal agent, the quarterly Provider Bulletin has shifted to a January-April-July-October publication schedule.
The Provider Bulletin aims to inform providers of Medicaid news, policy changes, and provides contact information for provider field representatives listed by county, and more.
Previous issues of the Provider Bulletin are archived online at
PAD prior authorization requirements
- C9151Inj, Pegcetacoplan, 1 mg (Syfovre)
- J1440Fecal Microbiota, Live – JSLM, 1 ml (Rebyota)
- J9381Teplizumab-MZWV, 5 mcg (TZIELD) – This drug previously requires PA under C9149.
HHAeXchange (HHAX) Electronic Visit Verification Upgrade Phase 1 Go-Live effective 8/1/2023
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) has changed over from Medikey to its upgraded EVV solution with HHAX effective Aug. 1, 2023. For more information, please visit
Update on billing codes: EOB 1504/Edit 1946
Beginning Aug. 1, 2023, claims that have historically been placed in a PENDING status with Explanation of Benefit (EOB) Code 1504 (Performing Provider Number is Not Found) with corresponding Claim Adjustment Reason Code 206 (National Provider Identifier – missing.) and Remark Code N290 (Missing/incomplete/invalid rendering provider primary identifier.) will now be DENIED with the same EOB, Claim Adjustment Reason Code, and Remark Code combination.
The system uses the following information to assign the appropriate Mississippi Provider Medicaid ID to the claim for processing:
- NPI on provider file
- Taxonomy on provider file
The system will seek to find a unique match using the 2 data elements above submitted on your claim to a specific provider record in our system. If a unique match is not found – the edit is set, and you will receive the error code. For more details, please see:
Should you experience this issue and need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
Pharmacy Brand and Prescription Limit Denial Resubmission
On July 20, 2023, an issue regarding the pharmacy benefit limit of 2 Brand/6 Rx per month was identified. The MESA system was denying claims for the monthly brand and prescription limit error codes when the member had not actually reached their benefit limit. This issue was corrected, and claims began processing correctly on July 21, 2023.
While some pharmacy providers obtained a prior authorization to override this error or asked the member to return the next day, there may still be members in need of monthly medications. Please be advised the MESA system is working as expected and pharmacy providers may resubmit claims that may have denied incorrectly.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
“Balance Due” Letters to be Mailed
Providers with an outstanding balance owed to the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) will start receiving balance due letters. The first letter is sent at 30 days past the original balance set-up date. Additional letters are sent at 60 and 90 days past due. The letter contains a detailed listing of the amount(s) due associated with liabilities that were previously assessed against the provider or created by claims adjustments. Providers should refer to their Remittance Advice (RA) in the MESA provider portal for more information.
Current payments of claims may be used to offset this balance or providers may pay the balance by check. Checks should be made payable to the MS Division of Medicaid. A copy of the letter and the payment should be mailed to Gainwell Technologies, P.O. Box 6014, Ridgeland, MS 39158.
Questions can be directed to (800) 884-3222 – Option 2, Option 7, Option 0 to speak to a representative – or by sending an email to
Edit 1347 Disposition Change
Beginning Aug. 1, 2023, claims that have historically been placed in a PENDING status with Explanation of Benefit (EOB) Code 1347 (Billing Provider Number is not found or is not valid for Dates of Service) with corresponding Claim Adjustment Reason Code 208 (NPI not matched) and Remark Code N257 (Missing/incomplete/invalid billing provider/supplier primary identifier) will now be DENIED with the same EOB, Claim Adjustment Reason Code, and Remark Code combination.
The above listed code combination is set to post on a claim when the system cannot find a unique billing provider Medicaid ID to utilize when processing the claim. The system is coded to utilize the NPI, Taxonomy, Zip Code, and the 4-digit postal code to reconcile the billing provider to the appropriate Medicaid ID. In the instance that a billing provider has more than one Medicaid ID with the same NPI, Taxonomy, Zip Code, and 4-digit postal code, the claims system may be unable to reconcile the billing provider to a unique Medicaid ID, thus resulting in the claim denying and posting the above reference code combination. For more details, please see:
Should you experience this issue and need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
Excluded Taxonomies from Enrollment in MSCAN/MSCHIP
Medicaid providers, please note the following taxonomies are excluded from participation in the MississippiCAN program:
- 261QR0401X
- 252Y00000X
- 314000000X
- 311500000X
- 311Z00000X
- 315P00000X
- 310500000X
- 320600000X
- 385H00000X
- 275N00000X
- 376J00000X
- 251T00000X
- 310400000X
The following taxonomies are excluded from participation in the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP):
- 373H00000X
- 251B00000X
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) has identified that some active providers enrolled with the taxonomies listed above may have been assigned managed care contracts within the MESA provider portal during data conversion from Envision to MESA.
This may have prompted a recredentialing notice being sent to the provider. DOM is taking steps immediately to address this error. No action is required by providers. Any provider with a taxonomy excluded from participation in managed care who completed their recredentialing/revalidation application will not need to complete revalidation for another five years in accordance with federal regulations.
DOM apologizes for any inconvenience this may have caused our provider community.
IL Waiver Renewal Approved by CMS Effective 7/1/2023
CMS has approved the MS 1915(c) Independent Living (IL) Waiver effective July 1, 2023. The approved waiver is available for review at the below link.
For dates of service on or after July 1, 2023, services under that waiver will be paid in accordance with the updated fee schedule linked below. The appropriate procedure code and modifier combinations outlined in the table must be utilized for billing these services.
TBI/SCI Waiver Renewal Approved by CMS Effective 7/1/2023
CMS has approved the MS 1915(c) Traumatic Brain Injury/Spinal Cord Injury (TBI/SCI) Waiver effective July 1, 2023. The approved waiver is available for review at the below link.
For dates of service on or after July 1, 2023, services under that waiver will be paid in accordance with the updated fee schedule linked below. The appropriate procedure code and modifier combinations outlined in the table must be utilized for billing these services.
E&D Waiver Renewal Approved by CMS Effective 7/1/2023
CMS has approved the MS 1915(c) Elderly and Disabled (E&D) Waiver effective July 1, 2023. The approved waiver is available for review at the below link.
For dates of service on or after July 1, 2023, services under that waiver will be paid in accordance with the updated fee schedule linked below. The appropriate procedure code and modifier combinations outlined in the table must be utilized for billing these services.
AL Waiver Renewal Approved by CMS Effective 7/1/2023
CMS has approved the MS 1915(c) Assisted Living (AL) Waiver effective July 1, 2023. The approved waiver is available for review at the below link.
For dates of service on or after July 1, 2023, services under that waiver will be paid in accordance with the updated fee schedule linked below. The appropriate procedure code and modifier combinations outlined in the table must be utilized for billing these services.
ID/DD Waiver Renewal Approved by CMS Effective 7/1/2023
CMS has approved the MS 1915(c) Intellectual Disabilities/Developmental Disabilities (ID/DD) Waiver effective July 1, 2023. The approved waiver is available for review at the below link.
For dates of service on or after July 1, 2023, services under that waiver will be paid in accordance with the updated fee schedule linked below. The appropriate procedure code and modifier combinations outlined in the table must be utilized for billing these services.
Mass Adjustment: LTC Inpatient Crossovers
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) will reprocess all Long Term Care Crossover claims processed between October 3, 2022, and May 17, 2023. The claims will be reprocessed utilizing the applicable Medicare Coinsurance Cap pricing methodology and will result in the recoupment of previous overpayments.
DOM is processing the recoupment of these funds at a rate of up to 10% of the total recoupment amount for up to ten (10) weeks, or until the full balance is recouped. The mass adjustment will appear on your remittance advice dated July 3, 2023. Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
Certified Behavior Analyst Providers may only be reimbursed for medically necessary ASD Services
As a reminder, Mississippi Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) may only be reimbursed for medically necessary ASD Services. These services are provided to EPSDT-eligible Medicaid beneficiaries and rendered in accordance with their professional licensure and scope of practice. BCBA providers should reference the Autism Spectrum Disorder Services Fee Schedule for a list of reimbursable services and procedure codes. The ASD fee schedules can be found at
Failure to obtain prior authorization will result in denial of payment. the Mississippi Division of Medicaid is contracted with Alliant Health Solutions as the UM/QIO vendor, responsible for determining medical necessity for fee-for-service (FFS) beneficiaries. Please refer to Alliant Health Solutions’ provider portal or call Alliant directly at 1-888-224-3067.
Please direct questions regarding ASD services to Penny Hall or Kimberly Sartin Holloway at 601-359-9545.
Submission of Administrative Review for Timely Filing
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) has established a convenient and efficient way to submit a request for Administrative Review of claim denials for timely filing when attempting to resubmit or adjust the claim. This is for providers whose original claim submission was timely and resubmitted a claim during the timely processing period that was denied for timely filing. Claims are considered to comply with timely filing if they are submitted within 365 days from the date of service or 180 days from the Medicare paid date, whichever is applicable.
Providers have 365 days from the date of the original claim submission for Medicaid Fee for Service claims or 180 days from the Medicare Paid date to adjust claims, whichever is applicable. Medicaid may request additional information regarding any claims submitted for administrative review. For questions related to appeals, see
Review the Administrative Code or contact the appropriate provider representative for questions related to claims or claims billing. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
We understand the importance of streamlining administrative processes to ensure prompt reimbursement and improved provider experience. With this in mind we developed this new online submission process for timely filing requests. Effective immediately, Medicaid providers can use this user-friendly platform which eliminates the need for traditional paper-based submissions, reducing manual processing time and enhancing accuracy. By transitioning to an online system, we aim to simplify the process while optimizing efficiency for both providers and DOM staff.
Key Benefits of the Online Submission Process:
- Time-saving: Submit your timely filing requests in a matter of minutes, eliminating the need for mailing or faxing paperwork.
- 24/7 accessibility: Our online portal is available around the clock, allowing you to submit requests at your convenience.
To access the online submission process, please visit DOM’s website at where the Timely Filing Review Request Form is linked under “Providers,” or access the form directly here: Timely Filing Review Request Form.
The Division of Medicaid remains committed to delivering quality service and fostering partnerships with our valued providers. Should you have any questions or need assistance regarding the new online submission process, our dedicated support team is ready to assist you. Reach out to DOM’s Provider and Beneficiary Call Center at (800) 421-2408 and ask for one of our Provider Customer Service Representatives during regular business hours.
Thank you for your ongoing commitment to providing essential healthcare services to Mississippi Medicaid beneficiaries. We appreciate your cooperation in adopting this new online submission process, which will enable us to better serve you and the community.
DOM Resumes Provider Maintenance Operations (Licensure Review)
Under 42 CFR § 455.412, the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) has resumed its regular provider maintenance operation of monthly licensure review that was suspended in September 2022 for the implementation of MESA and transfer of our fiscal agent operations from Conduent to Gainwell Technologies. DOM will be updating provider records for both our fee-for-service/MississippiCAN providers as well as our CHIP providers.
Providers identified as having an expired or expiring license will receive notification from Gainwell Technologies by letter. In addition to the notices mailed by Gainwell Technologies, providers can refer to DOM’s website where we are posting the Provider Six-Month License Due List at This listing will be updated weekly. Providers are required to provide their updated licensure information to Medicaid. Failure to provide Medicaid with the updated license could result in closure of the Medicaid provider number.
Providers can submit their licensure information to the Provider Enrollment Department of Gainwell Technologies via secure correspondence in the MESA Provider Portal, fax, or mail. The following information is provided:
MESA Provider Portal:
Provider Services Fax Number:
(866) 644-6148
Attention: Provider Enrollment
Provider Services Mailing Address:
Provider Enrollment/MississippiCAN/MSCHIP
PO Box 23078
Jackson, MS 39225
Please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 if you need assistance between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. CST.
Centralized Credentialing for MSCAN/MSCHIP
During the 2021 Mississippi Legislative Session, Senate Bill 2799 was enacted into law that requires the Medicaid Coordinated Care Organizations (CCO) to follow a uniform credentialing process for provider enrollment in the Managed Care Programs. On July 1, 2022, in accordance with this new requirement, the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) amended the CCO contracts to require the CCOs to accept DOM’s provider enrollment and screening process, and not require providers be credentialed by CCOs for Medicaid or CHIP.
Beginning October 1, 2022, providers seeking participation in MississippiCAN and/or CHIP are now required to be enrolled, credentialed, and screened by DOM, and subsequently contract with their CCO of choice. As part of the implementation of the Medicaid Enterprise System Assistance (MESA), DOM implemented a new centralized credentialing process along with NCQA certified Centralized Verification Organization (CVO) that will be responsible for credentialing and recredentialing Medicaid providers seeking to enroll or currently enrolled with our coordinated care programs (MSCAN/CHIP). This new process eliminates the need for a provider to be credentialed or recredentialed multiple times.
The CVO will perform recredentialing for both current providers and new providers every three (3) years unless the provider is credentialed by a DOM-approved Delegated Credentialing Entity. Providers identified for recredentialing will receive notification from Gainwell Technologies by letter which is sent to the providers “mail to” address on their provider record. This letter is generated six months in advance of the recredentialing due date on the provider’s record in MESA and a link will be available in the portal to start the process.
Facilities with multiple service locations and provider IDs will receive a recredentialing notice for each provider ID. Only one provider ID for the same tax ID and service location address will need to submit the recredentialing application which will pick up and credential all the taxonomies at that location. If recredentialing is either denied or not completed by the recredential due date, all the facility enrollments at that location will be terminated and claims can no longer be paid. A new application for each taxonomy at that service location will be required to re-enroll in the Mississippi Medicaid program.
Individual providers with multiple provider IDs sharing the same NPI will receive a recredentialing notice for each of the provider IDs. The provider will only need to recredential one of the IDs to satisfy the requirement for all. If recredentialing is either denied or not completed by the recredential due date, all the individual provider’s enrollments will be terminated, and claims can no longer be paid. A new application for each service location will be required to re-enroll in the Mississippi Medicaid program.
In addition to the notices mailed by Gainwell Technologies, providers can refer to DOM’s website where we are posting the Provider Six Month Recredentialing Due List” at This listing will be updated weekly. Please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 if you need assistance between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. CST.
Congenital Syphilis – Test, Treat, Report!
With the alarming increase in congenital syphilis cases, the Mississippi Division of Medicaid is working with the Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH) to help raise awareness about the importance of testing for the disease, both during the pregnancy and at delivery.
Please read the attached MSDH memo about testing, treating and reporting for congenital syphilis:
Acute Psychiatric Hospital providers: Reminder about discharge/aftercare planning
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) requires that all Acute Psychiatric Hospital providers adhere to federal and state rules and regulations.
Per 42 CFR 482.43, Condition of participation: Discharge planning is a mandated procedure that should begin immediately after admission and be updated throughout the inpatient stay.
42 CFR 482.43(b) indicates that at the time of discharge all necessary medical information pertaining to the patient’s current course of illness and treatment, post-discharge goals of care, and treatment preferences be provided to the appropriate post-acute care providers responsible to the patient’s follow up or ancillary care.
Proper discharge/aftercare planning allows patients to achieve continuity and coordination of care and treatment by establishing supports in the community that correspond with their level of care.
Specific rules and regulations related to discharge planning and aftercare can be found in Subchapter 39 of the Minimum Standards of Operation for Psychiatric Hospitals located on the MS Department of Health (MSDH) website or can be accessed by clicking on the following link:,113,83,pdf/PsychiatricHospitals_MinimumStandards.pdf.
Outpatient hospital providers of acute partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient programs:
Reminder about Alliant prior authorization requests
Going forward, please be sure to include the number of units needed when you are entering your initial prior authorization (PA) request for the following procedure codes: H0015, H0035, and S9480.
This should decrease the number of PA-related claim denials for these services in the MESA Provider Portal.
Claims Denied with Error 4371/EOB 1379
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) is aware of a recent increase in claim denials receiving error 4371-Claim type restriction on procedure coverage rule (EOB 1379-the services are not allowed on the claim type for the member’s benefit plan.) This is primarily impacting members on the Healthier Mississippi Waiver (HMW) benefit plan who also have Medicare coverage. DOM and Gainwell are working together to address the denials. Please monitor the Late Breaking News page for future updates.
Non-Covered Current Dental Terminology Codes
Effective May 16, 2023, the fee-for-service (FFS) Utilization Management vendor, Alliant, will have new options in their prior authorization (PA) portal for submission of non-covered Current Dental Terminology (CDT) codes for members under the age of 21. Covered codes and non-covered codes cannot be entered on the same request in the Alliant portal. Detailed instructions are located on Alliant’s portal at the following link: EPSDT Dental Non-Covered Code Instructions.
In accordance with Administrative Code Title 23: Part 223, Rule 1.7, the Division of Medicaid covers any medically necessary Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) diagnostic and treatment services required to correct or ameliorate physical, mental, psychosocial, and/or behavioral health conditions discovered by a screening, whether or not such services are covered under any Medicaid Administrative Rule or the State Plan for EPSDT-eligible beneficiaries when prior authorized by a Utilization Management/Quality Improvement Organization (UM/QIO).
Non-Covered Durable Medical Equipment Codes
Effective May 16, 2023, the fee-for-service (FFS) Utilization Management vendor, Alliant, will have new options in their prior authorization (PA) portal for submission of non-covered Durable Medical Equipment (DME) codes. Covered codes and non-covered codes cannot be entered on the same request in the Alliant portal. Detailed instructions are located on Alliant’s portal at the following link: DME non-covered code instructions.
In accordance with Administrative Code Title 23: Part 223, Rule 1.7, the Division of Medicaid covers any medically necessary Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) diagnostic and treatment services required to correct or ameliorate physical, mental, psychosocial, and/or behavioral health conditions discovered by a screening, whether or not such services are covered under any Medicaid Administrative Rule or the State Plan for EPSDT-eligible beneficiaries when prior authorized by a Utilization Management/Quality Improvement Organization (UM/QIO).
AVRS No Longer Requires PIN Access
It has now become easier to use the Gainwell Technologies’ Automated Voice Recognition System (AVRS). The requirement to use a Personal Identification Number (PIN) for validation when using the AVRS has been removed. Providers will now be able to retrieve claims, eligibility, payment, and service limit information without needing to supply a PIN.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative.
The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
Attention All Providers: Physician Administered Drug State Fiscal Year 2023 Fee Updates
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid has updated Physician Administered Drug (PAD) fees for dates of service during state fiscal year 2023 (July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023). PAD claims during these dates will be adjusted. The mass adjustment will appear on remittance advice at a future date. No further action on the part of the provider is needed.
If you have any questions, please contact Gainwell Provider and Beneficiary Services at 800-884-3222 or your designated provider field representative at
Attention All Providers: Prior Authorization Reminder
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid has seen a recent increase in denied claims posting edit 3100- PA REQUIRED -PA MISSING OR INVALID. Providers are reminded to obtain prior authorization (PA) for all codes and services that require PA from the appropriate Utilization Management vendor and ensure this information is included in the appropriate location on their claim submissions.
- MESA electronic claims submitted via 837I 5010 X12 transaction files should include the prior authorization number in Loop 2300 (Claim Information Loop: Data Element REF02).
- MESA electronic claims submitted via 837P & 837D 5010 X12 transaction files should include the prior authorization number applicable to the entire claim in Loop 2300 (Claim Information Loop: Data Element REF02, whereas the prior authorization number applicable to the detail lines should be included in Loop 2400 (Service Line Information Loop: Data Element REF02).
Alliant Health Solutions is responsible for authorization requests for fee-for-service (FFS) Medicaid members. Please refer to Alliant Health Solutions’ provider portal at: or call Alliant directly at 1-888-224-3067 for assistance.
Kepro (formerly eQHealth Solutions) is responsible for advanced imaging authorization requests for FFS Medicaid members. Please refer to Kepro’s website at or call Kepro directly at 866-740-2221 for assistance.
Claims Denied/Posting Edit 798
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid advises providers to resubmit secondary claims, which previously denied for Edit 798 “TPL AMOUNT LESS THAN % SPECIFIED”, via the MESA Provider Portal or paper submission to assure these claims process accordingly.
If there is no EOB attachment and the TPL amount is less than 20%, the claim will deny with Edit 798.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or your designated provider field representative at
Providers and Member Registered Users: Portal Password Policy Updates
We would like to inform you that the Portal password policy has been updated for enhanced security. As part of this update, we now require all passwords to be at least 14 characters long. This means that your current password may no longer be compliant with our policy, and you will need to update it accordingly.
Follow the password policy requirements outlined below.
1. A password cannot be reset more than once in a 24-hour period.
2. Passwords will expire every 60 days.
3. The minimum password length is 14.
4. The password cannot repeat any of the previous 24.
5. Passwords must be complex, containing 3 of the following 4 items:
- Upper case letters (A, B, C…)
- Lower case letters (a, b, c…)
- Numbers (1, 2, 3…)
- Special characters (!, $, *…)
6. User ID cannot be part of your password.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative.
The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located
Mass Adjustment for Claims Affected by Clinic Home Health Agency Rate Updates
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid will mass adjust claims affected by the Clinic Home Health Agency Rate Updates with Taxonomy 251E00000X, processed on or after October 3, 2022. The adjustments will appear on your Remittance Advice dated May 5, 2023.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located
Inpatient Hospital: Mass Adjustment for Claims Denied with Incorrect DRG Version
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid will mass adjust claims originally processed using the incorrect DRG version. The adjustments will appear on your Remittance Advice dated May 5, 2023.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
ATTENTION: Hospice and Long-Term Care Providers
After very productive conversations with Hospice and Long-Term Care providers, the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) is working diligently with our Fiscal Agent, Gainwell Technologies, and our Utilization Management/Quality Improvement Organization (UM/QIO) Alliant Health Solutions, to address the following three issues related to Hospice Lock-ins and Claims:
- Hospice Transfers
When members transfer from once hospice provider to another hospice provider on the same date of service, and the new Hospice provider submits a claim, Error Code 2603 (Lock-in Violation Billing Prov – Deny) is posting because of the one-day overlap in the lock-in segments. Gainwell Technologies is working to develop a process to allow the one-day overlap for hospice lock-ins.
- Hospice Providers with New Medicaid Enterprise System Assistance (MESA) ID Numbers
Hospice claims submitted with the new MESA ID number are denying with Error Code 2603 (Lock-in Violation Billing Prov – Deny) and EOB Code 0631 (Member Assigned to Lock-in Program), if the approval was issued prior to the MESA transition. Gainwell Technologies is working to develop a process to address this issue. DOM advises providers not to request Alliant Health Solutions to update prior approvals to the new MESA ID.
- Hospice Members with the Healthier MS Waiver Benefit Plan
Hospice claims submitted for members with the Healthier MS Waiver Benefit Plan are denying with Error Code 4262 (Lock-In Restriction on Rev Code Billing Rule). Gainwell Technologies is working to develop a process to address this issue.
Currently, DOM does not have an anticipated date of completion for the system updates. Please continue to monitor DOM’s Late Breaking News (LBN) page and provider remittance advice messages to find out when these system updates have been completed.
Please continue to submit all new Hospice elections and recertifications timely to Alliant and retain all documents on file.
Questions concerning claims impacted for these reasons can be directed to the Office of Medical Services at (601) 359-6150.
April Provider Bulletin now available
The April issue of the MS Medicaid Provider Bulletin is now available online for read or download. Following the Mississippi Division of Medicaid’s transition to a new fiscal agent, the quarterly Provider Bulletin is shifting to a January-April-July-October publication schedule.
The Provider Bulletin aims to inform providers of Medicaid news, policy changes, a way to connect with our executive director and provides contact information for provider field representatives listed by county, and more.
Previous issues of the Provider Bulletin are archived online at
Mississippi Medicaid to remove all Medicaid copayments effective May 1, 2023
Effective May 1, 2023, the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) is eliminating all Medicaid copayments for pharmacy and health care services.
DOM plans to submit MS State Plan Amendment (SPA) 23-0011 to allow the agency to remove copays from Medicaid services. While DOM will continue to pay providers for their services, providers will no longer be able to collect copays from beneficiaries beginning Monday, May 1, 2023.
Pharmacy point-of-sale paid claims will reflect a $0.00 amount in the copayment field. This change will apply to both fee-for-service and MississippiCAN claims.
Claim Filing Indicator “16” Should be Used if member has a Medicare Part C Policy
ATTENTION: Providers Submitting Portal Claims
MESA-submitted Medicare Part C electronic claims submitted via 837 5010 X12 transaction files should include “16” as the Claim Filing Indicator in the 2320 (Other Subscriber Loop: Data Element SBR09).
The value of “16” indicates that the member has a Medicare Part C policy. MESA will process the claim as a crossover claim. Failure to use Claim Filing Indicator 16 will result in incorrect processing/payment of a claim.
Additional assistance can be found in the 837 Companion Guides available at:
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative.
The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located
Pay/Deny Date Updates After Submission of Portal Claims
When providers submit a portal claim, they will see a Pay/Deny Date of 01/01/1900. This date will be updated to the correct Pay/Deny Date once the claim finalizes through the financial cycle. The updated date will also be the Pay/Deny Date that appears on the provider’s Remittance and Status.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located
Prescription Billing Instructions During State of Emergency
Prescription billing directions for beneficiaries adversely affected by tornados during the State of Emergency declared on March 25, 2023, by Governor Reeves.
Payer and Contact Information: | Pharmacy Claim Billing Directions for Beneficiaries adversely affected by tornados |
Medicaid Fee For Service (FFS) (Gainwell)
Help Desk: |
Enter a value of ’13-Payor Recognized Emergency’ in SCC field (NCPDP Field ‘420-DK’) to override:
• Two (2) Brand / Six (6) Prescription Limit |
Magnolia (Rx Advance)
Help Desk: |
Enter a value of ’13-Payor Recognized Emergency’ in SCC field (NCPDP Field ‘420-DK’) to override:
• Two (2) Brand / Six (6) Prescription Limit |
Molina (CVS Caremark)
Help Desk: |
Enter a value of ’13-Payor Recognized Emergency’ in SCC field (NCPDP Field ‘420-DK’) to override:
• Two (2) Brand / Six (6) Prescription Limit Beneficiary’s zip code must be entered in NCPDP field ‘325-CP’ |
UnitedHealthcare (Optum Rx)
Help Desk: |
A one-time override of the following edits will process at the point of sale (without the need for submission clarification codes or call to the pharmacy help desk) for any member with an address on file with UnitedHealthcare within Carroll, Humphreys, Monroe, and Sharkey counties:
• Two (2) Brand / Six (6) Prescription Limit For members needing override of the above edits due to being impacted by the tornado, who have addresses on file outside of the impacted counties, a one-time override is available by calling the Pharmacy Help Desk. |
Reprocessing Claims Using Incorrect HAC Version
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid will Mass Adjust claims and resubmit any denied claims originally processed using the incorrect HAC version. The adjustments will appear on your Remittance Advice dated March 31, 2023.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located
Mass Adjust Claims Affected by PAD SFY22 Retro Rate
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid will Mass Adjust claims affected by the PAD SFY22 Retro Rate for claims processed on or after Oct. 3, 2022. The adjustments will appear on your Remittance Advice dated March 31, 2023. Claims processed prior to Oct. 3, 2022, will be mass adjusted at a later date.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located
Reprocessing of Claims Affected by Appendix K HCBS Rate Increases
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) will reprocess claims affected by the Appendix K HCBS Rate Increases for dates of service after Oct. 1, 2022. Affected claims submitted from Oct. 1, 2022, through Nov. 10, 2022, that have not already been adjusted by providers, will be included in the reprocessing. The mass adjustment will appear on your remittance advice dated March 31, 2023.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on DOM’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located
Professional and Outpatient Crossover Claim Submissions
All Medicare Professional and Outpatient Crossover claims require the Medicare information to be submitted at the detail level. If your Medicaid Crossover claim denied with EOB message 4502, “Medicare EOMB information is missing at the claim detail,” resubmit the claim with the Medicare EOMB information submitted at the detail level. Each of the lines billed, including the HCPCS Code, Revenue Code and units must match.
The requirement to submit detail claim information began on October 3, 2022, and allows DOM to ensure proper payment and reporting of paid claim information.
Please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative should you need assistance. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
Enhanced Functionality for Delegate Accounts
Providers often use delegates to manage their claims and other clerical functions via the portal for legitimate business reasons. Effective March 26, 2023, additional functionality was added that now allows delegates to perform recredentialing, revalidation and add program functionalities when given permissions by the Provider/Provider Administrators.
Instructions related to delegate accounts can be found at
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
Medicaid lifts prescription limits in response to State of Emergency
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid has enacted its State of Emergency provision which allows fee-for-service beneficiaries affected by the tornadoes to receive early refills and additional prescriptions above the 2brand/6prescription monthly limit.
Pharmacy providers should follow the billing guidelines found at this link:
Medicaid is directing its Coordinated Care Organizations’ pharmacy directors to enact their emergency procedures.
Dental claims must be submitted with a valid dental-related ICD-10 code
Dental claims submitted for dates of service on and after April 1, 2023, must be submitted with a valid dental-related ICD-10 diagnosis code.
In December 2022, the Division of Medicaid (DOM) advised Dental Providers to resubmit previously denied dental claims when the claim denied for edit 257-Primary Diagnosis Code Missing – Detail. DOM made temporary modifications to edit 257 to allow Dental Providers more time to update their software to include ICD-10 diagnosis codes.
Since that time, dental claims submitted without a valid dental related ICD-10 diagnosis code have still received edit 257, but the claim would pay. However, claims submitted for dates of service on and after April 1, 2023, will begin to deny when submitted without a valid dental-related ICD-10 diagnosis code.
MESA MOVEit Transfer Password Expiration Guidelines
For security reasons, Gainwell Technologies requires users to change their MOVEit Transfer passwords every 60 days.
Prior to expiration, users will receive Password Age Warning notifications sent to the contact email address associated with the MOVEit user profile. If you are a user of the MOVEit Transfer web application, please use the following instructions to change your password when you receive password expiration notices.
Click on the image or link at the bottom to open or download the MESA MOVEit Transfer Password Expiration Guidelines.
Provider Maintenance Operations (Licensure Review)
Under 42 CFR § 455.412, the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) is resuming its regular provider maintenance operation of monthly licensure review that was suspended in September 2022 for the implementation of MESA and transfer of our fiscal agent operations from Conduent to Gainwell Technologies. DOM will be updating provider records for both our fee-for-service/MississippiCAN providers as well as our CHIP providers.
Providers identified as having an expired or expiring license will receive notification from Gainwell Technologies by letter. Providers are required to provide their updated licensure information to Medicaid. Failure to provide Medicaid with the updated license could result in closure of the Medicaid provider number.
Providers can submit their licensure information to the Provider Enrollment Department of Gainwell Technologies via secure correspondence in the MESA Provider Portal, fax, or mail. The following information is provided:
MESA Provider Portal:
Provider Services Fax Number:
(866) 644-6148
Attention: Provider Enrollment
Provider Services Mailing Address:
Provider Enrollment/MississippiCAN/MSCHIP
PO Box 23078
Jackson, MS 39225
Providers can utilize the Provider Search Tool located on DOM’s website at to validate if they have an expired license on their Medicaid provider record along with other data elements.
Please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 if you need assistance between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. CST.
Attention All Providers: Additional Physician Administered Drugs to Require Prior Authorization
The Division of Medicaid (DOM) will require prior authorization (PA) of the following physician administered drugs (PADs) for services rendered on or after the dates indicated.
Effective April 1, 2023: | Effective April 15, 2023: | Effective June 1, 2023: |
Q5129 Vegzelma |
Q5108 Fulphila |
Q5118 Zirabev |
J1411 Hemgenix |
Q5122 Nyvepria |
J9304 Pemfexy |
C9148 Tzield |
Q5111 Udenyca |
Q5127 Stimufend |
Q5120 Ziextendo |
Alliant Health Solutions is responsible for authorization requests for fee-for-service (FFS) Medicaid beneficiaries. Please refer to Alliant Health Solutions’ provider portal at:, or call Alliant directly at 1-888-224-3067 for assistance. Providers are encouraged to register with Alliant to submit authorization requests via the Alliant web-portal
Providers: Web Portal Errors Related to Uploading/Downloading 837 & 835 Files
Over the last several weeks, some providers may have experienced intermittent error messages when attempting to upload 837 files or download 835 files in the MESA provider portal. At that time, providers were encouraged to utilize MOVEit SFTP accounts to transfer files until the issue was resolved. The defect was resolved with the March 12, 2023, system release.
Should affected providers continue to experience upload/download errors, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
How to Help Members Update Their Information
Coverage Champions, providers, and community organizations wishing to partner with individuals and families covered by Mississippi Medicaid who may need to update their contact information can help in two ways.
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) can accept notification of a change of address or updated contact information from Medicaid members, as well as from designated Heads of Household, or authorized representatives. An online form is located at, and this information can also be provided by calling 1-800-421-2408.
If a patient or client needs assistance filling out the form or placing a call, please feel free to help facilitate entering information into the web form or calling DOM. However, please be sure that the member, Head of Household, or authorized representative is present to participate in completing the form or making the call. Please Note: If you assist in entering form information, please indicate this by entering your name and organizational affiliation “on behalf of” the Medicaid member.
If Medicaid members have questions or need assistance maintaining information on file with the Division of Medicaid, please call 1-800-421-2408.
Sign up to be a Coverage Champion and help us share important information and resources, including the Stay Covered Flyer.
Providers Can Submit Affiliation Requests Via Portal, Fax or Mail
Currently during the individual enrollment process, the provider is not given the option to add a group affiliation. The Mississippi Division of Medicaid is working on a resolution through a change request (CR), but until the CR is implemented the following steps should be taken to request that an affiliation be added.
Providers needing to submit affiliation requests to the Provider Enrollment Department of Gainwell Technologies may do so via secure correspondence in the MESA Provider Portal, fax, or mail. Additional information is noted below. Please note the requested effective date for the affiliation within your communication request, otherwise the provider affiliation will be effective the date of processing.
MESA Provider Portal:
Provider Services Fax Number:
Attention: Provider Enrollment
(866) 644-6148
Provider Services Mailing Address:
Provider Enrollment/MississippiCAN/MSCHIP
PO Box 23078
Jackson, MS 39225
Delegates for the group that this provider needs to be affiliated with can send in a request through the Secure Correspondence link located on the right side of the Home Page. A delegate of the group can also check the Affiliated Providers link on the Home Page to see a list of all individuals affiliated with the provider.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
Provider Enrollment Application Fee Increased for 2023
(Updated from 2/28/23)
The enrollment application fee for institutional providers for the 2023 calendar year has increased from $631 to $688. This application fee will be required in the following instances:
- Initial enrollment, reactivation, revalidation or reenrollment of providers in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
- Addition of New Owners – Change of Ownership
- Providers adding a new Medicaid practice location
Note: Simple changes to the provider enrollment information, that is, new phone numbers, new bank account information, new billing address, change in the name of the provider or other such updates are not subject to the fee.
Providers required to submit a fee are:
Taxonomy | Description |
251E00000X |
Home Health |
251G00000X |
Hospice Care, Community Based |
261QA1903X |
Clinic/Center – Ambulatory Surgical |
261QE0700X |
Clinic/Center – End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Treatment |
261QF0400X |
Clinic/Center – Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) |
261QM0801X |
Clinic/Center – Mental Health (Including Community Mental Health Center) |
261QR0401X |
Clinic/Center – Rehabilitation, Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility (CORF) |
261QR1300X |
Clinic/Center – Rural Health |
282N00000X |
General Acute Care Hospital |
283Q00000X |
Psychiatric Hospital |
291U00000X |
Clinical Medical Laboratory |
293D00000X |
Physiological Laboratory |
314000000X |
Skilled Nursing Facility |
314000000X |
Skilled Nursing Facility |
3140N1450X |
Skilled Nursing Facility – Nursing Care, Pediatric |
332B00000X |
Durable Medical Equipment and Medical Supplies |
333600000X |
Pharmacy |
341600000X |
Ambulance |
Providers submitting their application fee should make their check out to the Mississippi Division of Medicaid, annotating on the check the application tracking number (ATN) and mail to Gainwell Technologies, PO Box 6014, Ridgeland, MS 39158. Providers who have already paid the application fee to Medicare or another state’s CHIP or Medicaid program have fulfilled the requirement and do not have to pay the fee to Mississippi Medicaid.
For more information, call the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at 1-800-884-3222 or your designated field representative: if you need assistance.
Medicaid Pharmacy point of sale claims system outage
The Gainwell pharmacy point-of-sale claims system will be down for hardware maintenance starting at 5:00 a.m. on Sunday, March 12, 2023, for up to 1 hour. This downtime will impact beneficiaries with fee-for-service coverage. MississippiCAN/MSCHIP beneficiaries will not be affected. If Medicaid fee-for-service beneficiaries require new/urgent prescriptions during this temporary outage, beneficiary eligibility may be checked by calling the Gainwell Provider Help Desk at 1-833-660-2402.
Long Term Care Providers: Outpatient Crossover Claim Denials Related to Audit 5518 (Home Health Visit Limit for Fiscal Year)
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) encourages providers to resubmit claims that previously denied with Audit 5518 (Home Health Visit Limit for Fiscal Year). For process dates on or after 2/15/2023, this issue is fixed. As a result, long term care therapy revenue codes billed on outpatient crossover claims will no longer deny with audit 5518.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative. The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at
TPL Denials on Dental Claims
Effective Feb. 24, 2023, the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) has updated Third Party Liability (TPL) coverage rules in MESA to correct an issue where Dental claims were incorrectly denying for Edit 2504 – TPL for Member Resubmit with TPL EOB. This occurred when the member had TPL Medical coverage on file but no TPL Dental coverage.
Providers are advised to either resubmit or adjust impacted dental claims as follows:
- Resubmit denied dental claims that denied prior to Feb. 24, 2023 with Edit 2504
- Adjust partially paid dental claims that processed prior to Feb. 24, 2023 and contained denied details with Edit 2504
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or your designated provider field representative at
Paper Claims Converted to Electronic Claims
Paper claims submitted prior to Oct. 3, 2022, and remaining unprocessed as of Oct. 3, 2022, were converted and processed as electronic claims. The paper claim and any attachments will be scanned and linked to the processed electronic claim.
Until the linking process is complete, the claims will appear on the submitting provider’s Remittance Advice (RA) with a status of Suspend with EOB 1084 – CLAIM SUSPENDED BECAUSE AN ATTACHMENT WAS INDICATED, BUT NOT RECEIVED. No action from the provider is required.
Once the linking process is completed, the claim will be processed and released. The claim will then appear on the RA with a status of Paid or Denied.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or the provider field representative (rep) designated for your county. To identify the provider field rep for your county, go to
Medicaid urges members to update their contact information before renewals begin April 1
With the federal government ending the continuous Medicaid coverage requirement on March 31, the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) is notifying Medicaid members that eligibility renewals will begin on April 1. DOM urges all Medicaid members to make sure their contact information is correct by visiting
During the COVID-19 public emergency, states and territories have continued to cover every person who has been eligible for Medicaid on or after March 18, 2020, even if their income or circumstances have changed and otherwise would no longer be eligible.
Under the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) passed in December, Congress has now required states to begin the process of redetermining the eligibility of all Medicaid members. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has instructed all states to begin normal redetermination operations by April 1, 2023, at the latest.
To prepare for the return to annual renewals, DOM is sending notices to recipients alerting them to the change in federal requirements and to look for renewal forms in the mail in the months ahead.
Members can update their information online at, or by calling DOM at 1-800-421-2408 or 601-359-6050.
DOM has been actively increasing its eligibility workforce through various recruitment and retention efforts, including hiring temporary staff to help with the caseload and streamlining training requirements.
In January, DOM also launched a Stay Covered campaign, which includes a Coverage Champions program for community partners, advocates and providers to support Medicaid members and prepare for the end of the continuous coverage requirement. The Stay Covered webpage ( includes a media toolkit, a link for members to update their contact information, and more important information about the unwinding process.
Following federal guidance, renewals for all current Medicaid members must be initiated within 12 months following April 1, and all renewals must be completed within 14 months.
When DOM begins redeterminations, electronic verification sources will first be used to try to renew a member’s benefits.
If more information is needed to complete a renewal, the member will be mailed a renewal form, and they will have 30 days to fill it out and return it. DOM is also reaching out to members via email and text messages.
Find more information and frequently asked questions (FAQs) online at
Professional Claim TPL Denials for Procedure Code A4554
Effective Feb. 23, 2023, the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) updated TPL coverage rules for Procedure Code A4554 causing inappropriate denials impacting Professional claims. Providers are advised to resubmit impacted Professional claims that denied or adjust Professional claims that were partially paid but contained denied details for Procedure Code A4554 with Edit 2504 — TPL for Member Resubmit with TPL EOB.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or your designated provider field representative at
Secondary Claims with EOB (Clarification)
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) would like to clarify that providers are not limited to sending secondary claims on paper only. All secondary claims can be submitted using the EDI claim transactions, Provider Claim Portal, or paper claims. As a reminder, DOM has temporarily discontinued the requirement that an explanation of Medicare benefits (EOMB) be attached for all secondary Medicare claims when submitted via EDI, in order to include Medicare Part C (Medicare Advantage). Please note, an EOMB will continue to be required for all claims submitted via the portal or paper submission.
Additionally, during the webinars, providers were instructed that all claims that have TPL should include an attachment. If there is no EOB attachment and the TPL amount is less than 20%, the claim will deny with Edit 798. If there is an EOB attachment, the claim will process accordingly.
Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or your designated provider field representative at
Reprocess Claims Posting Edit 452
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) will reprocess paper crossover claims that erroneously denied with the EOB message “Resubmit charges for Medicaid covered service(s) denied by Medicare on Medicaid claims.” The reprocessed claims should begin to appear on your Remittance Advice dated March 10, 2023. No further action from provider is needed. Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or your designated provider field representative at
Provider Enrollment Application Fee Increased for 2023
(Updated on 3/13/23)
The enrollment application fee for institutional providers for the 2023 calendar year has increased from $631 to $688. This application fee will be required in the following instances:
- Providers initially enrolling in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
- Providers revalidating their Medicaid or CHIP enrollment
- Providers adding a new Medicaid practice location
Providers required to submit a fee are:
Taxonomy | Description |
251E00000X |
Home Health3 |
251G00000X |
Hospice Care, Community Based |
261QA1903X |
Clinic/Center – Ambulatory Surgical |
261QE0700X |
Clinic/Center – End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Treatment |
261QF0400X |
Clinic/Center – Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) |
261QM0801X |
Clinic/Center – Mental Health (Including Community Mental Health Center) |
261QR0401X |
Clinic/Center – Rehabilitation, Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility (CORF) |
261QR1300X |
Clinic/Center – Rural Health |
282N00000X |
General Acute Care Hospital |
283Q00000X |
Psychiatric Hospital |
291U00000X |
Clinical Medical Laboratory |
293D00000X |
Physiological Laboratory |
314000000X |
Skilled Nursing Facility |
3140N1450X |
Skilled Nursing Facility – Nursing Care, Pediatric |
332B00000X |
Durable Medical Equipment and Medical Supplies |
333600000X |
Pharmacy |
341600000X |
Ambulance |
Providers that have already paid the application fee to Medicare or another state’s CHIP or Medicaid program have fulfilled the requirement and do not have to pay the fee to Mississippi Medicaid. Proof of payment should be submitted with the application.
For more information, call the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at 1-800-884-3222 or your designated field representative: if you need assistance.
Inpatient Hospitals: MESA Issues Impacting Inpatient Claims Payment
MESA does not use the DRG/SOI values that may be submitted by providers on inpatient claims. MESA utilizes 3M APR-DRG assignment software to assign the DRG/SOI to the claims. APR-DRG assignment depends chiefly on the ICD-10-CM/PCS codes, age, gender, and other C specific information. The 3M assigned DRG/SOI is then used in the pricing of the claims. If providers are using the APR-DRG desktop grouper from 3M, confirm that MS Medicaid state-specific information is used in conjunction with the same grouper settings as documented in the grouper settings document (Microsoft Word – MSI22005 MS Medicaid Grouper Settings 2022-09-28.docx). Providers that are licensing the APR-DRG grouper directly from 3M can contact 3M HIS Customer Support to help ensure they are set up properly.
Between 10/1/2022 and 2/12/2023 an incorrect version of the 3M software was used to assign the DRG/SOI on the claims. This may have resulted in an incorrect assignment of the DRG/SOI and pricing of the claims during this timeframe.
Between 10/1/2022 and 2/12/2023 there was an error in the pricing calculation in the situation where the number of DRG days are less than the Length of Stay days on the claim. This error resulted in the underpayment of claims during this timeframe.
Gainwell and DOM will identify claims paid incorrectly due to both situations described above, and perform mass adjustments on the impacted claims to correct the paid amounts. There is no timeframe determined yet for the mass adjustments of these claims. A notification will go out to providers prior to the execution of the mass adjustments.
In lieu of waiting on the mass adjustment process, providers have the option of submitting claims adjustments to expedite the correction of their claims payments.
Inpatient Hospital Claim Denials Related to Edit 4032
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) advises providers to resubmit inpatient hospital claims which previously denied for Edit 4032 – PROCEDURE CODE NOT ON FILE. When procedure codes are submitted on inpatient hospital claims, providers must use a valid procedure code. Providers may also need to check billing software settings to ensure that only valid values are submitted on these fields. Please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at 1-800-884-3222 or your designated field representative: if you need assistance.
1099s for Tax Year 2022
1099 tax forms generated by the Mississippi Division of Medicaid are reflective of the claims that have processed during that tax year. Providers will get one 1099 for each Tax ID number/Social Security Number. If they have more than one provider number associated to one Tax ID number/SSN, the 1099 will have the combined 1099 earnings for all the Medicaid provider numbers.
Providers who have not received their 1099 for Tax Year 2022 can submit their request to (Please note that there is an underscore between ms and financial).
Please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at 1-800-884-3222 or your designated field representative: if you need assistance.
Pharmacy Changes to Ease Provider Burden
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid is implementing the following changes to ease provider burden:
- Universal Preferred Drug List (PDL) changes for fee-for-service, MississippiCAN and CHIP claims will be implemented no later than February 22 , 2023: All Adderall XR and Concerta brand name products will be moving to preferred status to ease provider burden due to the stimulant medication shortage issues.
- The reimbursement rate for HCPCS Code J0561, penicillin G benzathine 100,000 units (Bicillin LA) has been updated to $22.0505, with an effective date of 1/1/2023. Providers may reverse and resubmit claims, with dates of service 1/1/2023 and forward, on which reimbursement was below the ingredient cost. The fee-for-service system has been updated and the MississippiCAN systems will be updated no later than February 27, 2023.
Frequently Denied Edits
Billing providers can find a list of frequently denied edits that have been posting on Remittance Advices recently in the MESA Provider Portal, as well as helpful hints to resolve those issues at:
Providers Can Submit Updated Licenses Via Portal, Fax or Mail
Providers needing to submit updated licenses to the Provider Enrollment Department of Gainwell Technologies may do so via secure correspondence in the MESA Provider Portal, fax, or mail. The following information is provided:
MESA Provider Portal:
Provider Services Fax Number:
Attention: Provider Enrollment
(866) 644-6148
Provider Services Mailing Address:
Provider Enrollment/MississippiCAN/MSCHIP
PO Box 23078
Jackson, MS 39225
Please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at 1-800-884-3222 or your designated provider field representative: if you need assistance.
Attention All Providers: Physician Administered Drug State Fiscal Year Fee Updates
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid has updated Physician Administered Drug (PAD) fees for dates of service during State Fiscal Year 2022. PAD claims during these dates will be adjusted. The mass adjustment will appear on remittance advice at a future date. No further action on the part of the provider is needed. If you have any questions, please contact Gainwell Provider and Beneficiary Services at 800-884-3222.
Verisys Serves as Credentials Verification Organization (CVO) for Mississippi Division of Medicaid
With the implementation of a centralized credentialing process for providers enrolling with any MississippiCAN or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) for our Coordinated Care Organizations, providers will choose during the MESA application process for both credentialing and recredentialing, if they are currently credentialed through a MIssissippi Division of Medicaid-approved delegated credentialing entity or if they will credential through the state’s Credentials Verification Organization (CVO). Verisys is contracted to perform credentialing for DOM’s Fiscal Agent, Gainwell Technologies.
The below screenshot is an example of an email notification a provider will receive from Verisys if additional information is required. Please contact Verisys directly if you have any questions pertaining to the information being requested at 855-743-6161, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET, or via email at
Physician Administered Drug PA Requirement: Q5126 – Alymsys to require Prior Authorization
Effective Jan. 1, 2023, the Mississippi Division of Medicaid will require prior authorization (PA) of the following physician administered drug (PAD): Alymsys – Q5126, Injection, bevacizumab-maly, 10 mg.
Alliant Health Solutions is responsible for authorization requests for fee-for-service (FFS) Medicaid beneficiaries. Please refer to Alliant Health Solutions’ provider portal at:, or call Alliant directly at 1-888-224-3067 for assistance.
Providers are encouraged to register with Alliant to submit authorization requests via the Alliant web portal:
For billing issues, call Gainwell Provider and Beneficiary Services at 800-884-3222.
January Provider Bulletin now available
The January issue of the MS Medicaid Provider Bulletin is now available online for read or download. Following the Mississippi Division of Medicaid’s transition to a new fiscal agent, the quarterly Provider Bulletin is shifting to a January-April-July-October publication schedule.
The Provider Bulletin aims to inform providers of Medicaid news, policy changes, a way to connect with our executive director and provides contact information for provider field representatives listed by county, and more.
Previous issues of the Provider Bulletin are archived online at
Medicaid members urged to update contact information before return to routine eligibility operations
Following the passage of the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA), states will soon return to routine eligibility operations, and the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) will begin re-qualifying all Medicaid members this spring.
It is very important for Medicaid members to update their contact information by visiting or calling DOM at 1-800-421-2408 or 601-359-6050.
To keep Medicaid members – as well as providers and advocacy groups – informed of the latest information, FAQs, alerts and other resources, DOM has launched a “Stay Covered” website at
Help DOM spread the word by sharing the attached flyer (click on the image to open) and looking for additional resources as they become available at
Temporary Discontinuance of EOMB Attachments on Secondary Medicare Claims
Effective immediately, the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) has temporarily discontinued the requirement that an explanation of Medicare benefits (EOMB) be attached for all secondary Medicare claims submitted via EDI to include Medicare Part C (Medicare Advantage). Please note, an EOMB will continue to be required for all claims submitted via portal or paper submission. DOM will provide advanced notice to providers before reinstating this requirement for EDI submitted claims.
Claim denials related to Edit 2505 (Member over 65 Medicare)
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) advises providers to resubmit claims which previously denied for Edit 2505 – Member over 65 Bill Medicare. Please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at 1-800-884-3222 or your designated field representative: if you need assistance.
Comprehensive Fee Schedule now available for download
As of Jan. 23, 2023, the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) has updated its online Fee Schedules format and added a downloadable Comprehensive Fee Schedule that provides detailed information.
The Comprehensive Fee Schedule can be found of DOM’s external website at:
Additionally, Fee Schedules are now available on the MESA Provider Portal: Once the link opens, scroll down, and click on Resources. Once the Resources link opens, click on Fee Schedules and Rates.
Updated Sterilization Consent Form
In accordance with Title 42 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 441 Subpart F, all sterilizations require a valid consent form. Providers are responsible for using the most current form published on the date the consent is obtained. Effective Feb. 1, 2023, the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) will no longer accept sterilization consent forms with the expiration date of April 30, 2022. The current sterilization consent form has an updated expiration date of July 31, 2025, and is available on DOM’s website at Forms – Mississippi Division of Medicaid under Provider Forms.
Additional information regarding policy and procedures for sterilizations can be found in the Mississippi Administrative Code Title 23 Part 202 at
Updated Paper Claims Billing Manual
If you are a provider that uses the paper UB-04 Claim Form to bill institutional, outpatient, institutional crossover and outpatient crossover claims, please be advised that the billing provider taxonomy on the paper UB-04 Claim Form is required to be entered in FL 81cc (a-d) as well as the B3 qualifier. The previous instruction for entry of the billing provider taxonomy in FL 57 with qualifier ZZ is no longer valid. The Paper Claims Billing Manual has been updated to reflect this change. Please contact the Gainwell Technologies Provider and Member Services at 1-800-884-3222 with any questions.
Targeted Case Management (TCM) and HCBS Services
Please be advised that individuals receiving Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) case management/support coordination (CM/SC) cannot also receive Community Mental Health Services Targeted Case Management (T2017). This is considered a duplicative service by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). If an individual is locked-in to a waiver or Community Support Program (CSP), the HCBS agency is the case management service provider. Should the Community Mental Health Center/Private Mental Health Center become aware of a beneficiary’s need normally handled through Targeted Case Management, they should contact the beneficiary’s support coordinator or CSP Targeted Case Manager.
As a reminder, providers should check beneficiary eligibility for each date of service. To determine if a beneficiary is enrolled in a HCBS program, go to your MESA provider portal:
- Select the “Eligibility” tab at the top of the screen, then select “Eligibility Verification”.
- Enter the “Member ID” or other requested information if Member ID is unknown. Enter an effective from and effective to date (no more than a 30-day span) and click the blue “Submit” button at the bottom left of the screen.
- Click on “Medicaid State Plan” located at the bottom of the screen under “Benefit Details” and “Coverage”.
- Click on “Expand All” option above the “Effective/End Dates”.
- The “Lock-in Details” and “Benefit Plan” are displayed for the date range selected.
- HCBS Lock-ins are identified in MESA as follows: Assisted Living (WAL), Elderly and Disabled (WED), Independent Living (WIL), Intellectual Disabilities/Developmental Disabilities (WID), Traumatic Brain Injury/Spinal Cord Injury (WTB), or Community Support Program (CSP).
Please refer to Mississippi Division of Medicaid Administrative Code and State Plan references as follows:
Part 206: Mental Health Services
Chapter 1, Rule 1.2.X and Chapter 1, Rule 1.3.D
Part 208: Home and Community Based Long Term Care Services
Assisted Living (WAL) Waiver – Chapter 3, Rule 3.6
Elderly and Disabled (WED) Waiver – Chapter 1, Rule 1.6
Independent Living (WIL) Waiver – Chapter 2, Rule 2.6
Intellectual Disabilities/Developmental Disabilities (WID) Waiver – Chapter 5, Rule 5.5
Traumatic Brain Injury/Spinal Cord Injury (WTB) Waiver – Chapter 4, Rule 4.5
Community Support Program (CSP) Attachment 3.1-A, Exhibit 19b, Page 1 Supplement 1C to Attachment 3.1-A, Pages 1-4
If you have any further questions, please contact Tamatha Creel at 601-359-2056.
Attention inpatient hospital providers
Gainwell Technologies identified a claim-processing issue related to inpatient hospital claims: Hospital Acquired Condition/Present on Admission (POA) and the External Cause of Injury Diagnosis. For institutional claims, the system required a POA value on the External Cause of Injury when it was submitted in the External Cause of Injury (ECI) field. An update to the system was made on December 18, 2022, to no longer require a POA on the diagnosis entered in the External Cause of Injury field. Claims received on or after December 19, 2022, will no longer deny for Explanation of Benefits (EOB) 1531 – INDICATOR FOR PRESENT ON ADMISSION (POA) IS NOT A VALID VALUE for diagnosis codes entered in the External Cause of Injury field. Providers may resubmit impacted claims to Gainwell Technologies at this time.
Claim denials related to TPL amount is less than % specified
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) advises providers to resubmit previously denied claims with TPL attachments—when the claim was denied for Edit 798 – TPL Amount Less than % Specified. Effective December 15, 2022, any claim with a TPL payment greater than zero and a TPL attachment will process without denying for this edit. Claims submitted with TPL attachments will still receive Edit 798; however, the claims will process.
2023 Home Health Agency rates to be corrected
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) must rescind the 2023 Home Health Agency (HHA) rates issued with an effective date of October 1, 2022. The State Plan currently in effect does not allow for this rate increase. DOM will correct the rate in our system and adjust any claims with dates of service after September 30, 2022. The managed care organizations will also be notified of the rate correction.
DOM will request a State Plan Amendment (SPA) to allow a rate update effective February 1, 2023.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact Requests For Information at
Attention All Providers: General Claims Submission Information
The process for reconsideration of claims has changed with the transfer of Fiscal Agent operations from Conduent to Gainwell Technologies effective October 3, 2022. This was shared through a Late Breaking News post in October and posted on the Division’s website.
Denied claims should be submitted as new day claims with appropriate supporting documents via the Provider Web Portal at, or paper submission to P.O. Box 23076, Jackson, MS 39225.
Electronically submitted claims with attachments must include the new Claim Attachment Form which can be found at Examples of appropriate supporting documentation may include, but is not limited to consent forms, third-party insurance EOBs, operative reports, physician notes, prior authorization information, MSRPs, invoices, and certificates of medical necessity (CMNs).
Providers receive a Remittance Advice (RA) which provides Detail EOBs (explanation of benefits) for each line on a claim. The corresponding EOB Code and Description are located at the end of the RA and provide guidance to address denied services. A comprehensive list of EOBs may be located at
The Fiscal Agent is unable to void or adjust medical claims on behalf of the provider. This process must be completed by the provider. Effective November 21, 2022, providers can now void and adjust legacy claims on the MESA Provider Web Portal. The issue affecting providers when attempting to void or adjust legacy claims has now been resolved. Providers should no longer receive an error message.
Claims submitted for services that require a prior authorization (PA) must include the authorization number on the claim. Retroactive authorization of fee-for-service (FFS) medical services will only be granted in cases of retroactive eligibility. Claims lacking a PA number will be denied. Contact the appropriate Utilization Management/Quality Improvement Organization (UM/QIO) to obtain a PA. Providers should contact Magnolia Health, Molina Healthcare or United Healthcare Community Plan for specific prior authorization and documentation requirements for members enrolled in Mississippi Coordinated Access Network (MSCAN).
Timely Filing rules may be found on the Division of Medicaid website at (Administrative code Part 200; Chapter 1; Rules 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8). Providers may submit an Administrative Review of a claim when:
- A beneficiary’s retroactive eligibility prevents the provider from filing the claim timely and the provider submits the claim within ninety (90) days of the system’s add date of the beneficiary’s eligibility determination
- The Division of Medicaid adjusts claims after timely filing and timely processing deadlines have expired, or
- The provider has submitted a Medicare crossover claim within one-hundred and eighty (180) days of the Medicare paid date and the provider is dissatisfied with the disposition of the claim.
- The request should include a new day claim, supporting documentation, and a cover letter containing specific details of why the claim denied and actions taken to file timely.
Requests for Administrative Reviews must be submitted to the Office of Appeals at the Division of Medicaid and must include:
- Documentation of timely filing or documentation that the provider was unable to file the claim timely due to the beneficiary’s retroactive eligibility,
- Documentation supporting the reason for the Administrative Review, and
- Other documentation as required or requested by the Division of Medicaid.
Submit Administrative Reviews to:
Division of Medicaid
Attention: Office of Appeals
550 High Street, Suite 1000
Phone: 601-359-6050
Fax: 601-359-9153
If you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at 1-800-884-3222 or your designated field representative:
Attention: Dental Providers
The Division of Medicaid (DOM) requires dental claims be submitted on the 2012 American Dental Association (ADA) claim form. As a reminder, claims must be submitted with appropriate Current Dental Terminology procedure codes (CDT). DOM accepts both electronic and paper dental claims. Dental providers are strongly encouraged to bill electronic claims.
Attention Ambulance Providers: Denial related to Mileage and Base Rate
DOM’s new fiscal agent, Gainwell Technologies, completed work on a recent system update to address issues related to claims denying with error code 6402-Mileage charge must have emergency base rate paid. As part of this system update, Providers will need to resubmit denied claims.
Effective for dates of service on and after January 1, 2023, procedure codes A0380 and A0390 will no longer be covered for fee-for-service (FFS) Medicaid. Providers should use existing procedure code A0425 beginning with the twenty-sixth (26th) patient loaded mile of ground ambulance transportation.
Attention COBA Crossover Providers
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid will reprocess COBA-submitted crossover claims that denied in error for Medicare EOMB is Missing or Does not Match the Services on the Claim. The resubmitted COBA claims will appear on the December 9, 2022, Remittance Advice. No further action is required from the provider.
Hospice Prior Authorization Information
Effective December 1, 2022, Hospice Prior Authorization information will not be available to view in the Medicaid Enterprise System Assistance (MESA) System. All Hospice Prior Authorization information will be viewed on the Alliant Health Solutions web portal. Providers that do not access the Alliant web portal may contact the Alliant Utilization Management team at or 1-888-224-3067 for Hospice Prior Authorization assistance.
Claims Impacted by Explanation of Benefit (EOB) code 0503
Gainwell Technologies identified a claim processing error related to Hospice claims billed with revenue code, ‘659 – Hospice Service-Other Hospice Service’, and members enrolled in Medicare Part C Hospice claims processed between October 3, 2022, and November 22, 2022, erroneously denied for Explanation of Benefit (EOB) code, ‘0503 – Member is Enrolled in Medicare Part C on the Date(s) of Service’. MESA has been updated and impacted claims may be resubmitted to Gainwell Technologies at this time.
Claim Denials Related to Diagnosis Codes
The Division of Medicaid (DOM) advises Dental Providers to resubmit previously denied dental claims when the claim denied for edit 257-Primary Diagnosis Code Missing – Detail. DOM will make temporary modifications to edit 257 to allow Dental Providers more time to update their software to include ICD-10 diagnosis codes. Dental claims submitted without a valid dental related ICD-10 diagnosis code will still receive edit 257; however, the claim will pay. Claims submitted for dates of service on and after April 1, 2023, will begin to deny when submitted without a valid dental-related ICD-10 diagnosis code.
Update: Processing Medicare Crossover Claims
On 11/8/2022, Gainwell published a Late Breaking News article related to improvement processes for Medicare Crossover operations. Please review the following new updates.
- The functionality of the Web Portal regarding submission of Medicare Part A, B and C Crossover claims (including Dental Part C) was enhanced. The enhanced functionality is available on the Web Portal November 28, 2022. Gainwell Technologies will provide training on Web Portal Crossover Submission during the November 29 and December 1 Webinars. In addition, the Job Aids (training materials) for Inpatient and Professional services associated with Web Portal Crossover Claim submission (including Dental with Medicare Part C) will be updated and posted by November 29, and the Outpatient Job Aid will be posted by December 1, under MESA Tips on the provider portal resource page:
Please go to for upcoming webinar details.
- Gainwell Technologies began processing Medicare COBA files in the new MESA system on November 10, 2022, that included a backlog of files from Medicare based on the last file that was processed by the former Division of Medicaid’s Fiscal Agent, Conduent. These are claims that cross directly from Medicare to Medicaid. The claims began appearing on the November 13, 2022, Remittance Advice (RA)/835.
Contact the Provider/Beneficiary Services call center at 1-800-884-3222 if you have questions regarding crossover claims that have processed. Please have your Claim ID available for the call center representative to assist with research.
- Gainwell Technologies is implementing a process that will allow providers to submit a paper EOMB attachment with claims which have been submitted via an EDI 837 transaction. This will improve the claims submission experience for providers related to Medicare Crossover Claims utilizing EDI 837 transactions.
Providers are required to submit the Explanation of Medicare Benefits (EOMB) with all Medicare Crossover claims. For Medicare Crossover claims submitted via the EDI X12 (electronic submission), the provider must create a unique Attachment Control Number (ACN) for each claim. The ACN must be entered in the ‘PWK06’ segment of the transaction. Also, a value of ‘BM’ (for By Mail) must be entered in the ‘PWK02’ segment. A Claim Attachment Form must accompany each EOMB and must identify the Provider NPI, Attachment Control Number (ACN) as it was entered in the PWK segment, Claim ID/ICN and Member ID Number. The Claim Attachment Form is located at:
The updated 837 Companion Guides are located at:
Once GWT receives the 837 electronic claim transaction with the PWK segments completed as instructed, the claim will suspend for 21 days awaiting the attachment. Suspended claims will appear on the Remittance Advice with an EOB 1084 – CLAIM SUSPENDED BECAUSE AN ATTACHMENT WAS INDICATED, BUT NOT RECEIVED. CLAIM WILL SUSPEND FOR UP TO 21 DAYS, UNTIL ATTACHMENT IS RECEIVED, OR AFTER 21 DAYS YOUR CLAIM WILL DENY. This EOB message will not show on the 835 Health Care Payment/Advice Transaction. If the Claim Attachment Form and EOB are not received within 21 days from the claim ID Julian date, the claim will deny with EOB 0989 – CLAIM DENIED. ATTACHMENT WAS NOT RECEIVED WITHIN 21 DAYS OF A CLAIM RECEIPT.
Mail the Claim Attachment Cover Sheet along with the supporting documentation to:
Gainwell Technologies
PO Box 23076
Jackson, MS 39225
Voiding/Adjusting Claims
Effective November 21, 2022, Providers can now void and adjust legacy claims on the MESA Provider Web Portal. There was an issue affecting providers when attempting to void or adjust legacy claims. This issue has now been resolved. Providers should no longer receive an error message.
Prior Authorization Related Issues in MESA
Prior Authorization numbers issued by Alliant or Kepro are case sensitive – The new MESA claims-processing system requires prior authorization (PA) numbers containing an uppercase letter “A” when issued by Alliant or an uppercase letter “K” when issued by Kepro. Providers who submitted a claim with a PA number containing a lowercase “a” or “k” must resubmit denied claims.
PA updates by Alliant – The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) is aware of an issue related to updated PA information being transmitted to the new MESA system. This appears to be occurring when a PA is changed or updated by Alliant and the update must be transmitted to MESA.
Medicare Crossover Claims
After very productive conversations with providers, the Mississippi Division of Medicaid is working diligently with our Fiscal Agent, Gainwell Technologies, to address the following three issues related to Crossover Claims:
- The functionality of the Web Portal regarding submission of Medicare Crossover claims in being enhanced. In an effort to reduce provider burden when submitting Medicare Crossover Claims, the Web Portal is being modified to reduce the amount of information required at the detail level for professional crossover and institutional outpatient crossover claims. The Gainwell Technologies team anticipates this being available in Web Portal by week of November 28, 2022.
- As you may be aware, Gainwell Technologies has not processed any Medicare COBA files in the new MESA system. These are claims that cross directly from Medicare to Medicaid. While the request for COBA files to be sent to Gainwell from the Medicare contractor was made prior to go-live, Gainwell has not received any of these files in production. Gainwell Technologies received the first ‘COBA test files’ on October 31, 2022 and is diligently working to ensure they are processing as expected. Once the testing is complete, COBA files will begin to process in the MESA production environment. It is anticipated that Gainwell Technologies will receive a backlog of files from Medicare based on the last file that was processed by the former Division of Medicaid’s Fiscal Agent, Conduent. Gainwell Technologies anticipates processing the first of the COBA files the week of November 14, 2022. Please monitor forthcoming communication regarding the status of processing COBA files and when providers can anticipate seeing them on the Remittance Advice (RA)/835.
- Gainwell Technologies is working to develop a process that will allow providers to submit a paper EOMB attachment with claims which have been submitted via an EDI 837 transaction. This will improve the claims submission experience for providers related to Medicare Crossover Claims utilizing EDI 837 transactions. Testing is currently in progress and it is anticipated this process will be communicated to providers by November 30, 2022.
We want to thank our provider community for working closely with us as we seek to improve our operations.
Community/Private Mental Health Centers, LPC/LMFT and BCBA Provider Update
Temporary Fix for Medicare Crossover Claim Errors in MESA
The disposition for Medicare-related claim errors 2502, 2503, and 2505 have been updated for providers in the 261QM0801X Clinic/Center – Mental Health (Including Community Mental Health Center), 101Y00000X Licensed Professional Counselor (includes Marriage and Family Therapist providers) and 103K00000X Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) taxonomies who were previously receiving denials. While the errors may still post on claims for those providers, they should not result in claim denials. DOM will continue to work with Gainwell to make updates to the Medicare crossover logic for mental health services in the coming weeks and will provide additional provider education to ensure that crossover claims are submitted and adjudicated appropriately.
Denial Code related to PA/Procedure Conflict
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid’s (DOM) new fiscal agent, Gainwell Technologies, completed work on a recent system update to address issues related to claims denying with error code 3106-PA/Procedure Conflict. Providers that have had claims deny for this reason since October 1, 2022 and know that prior authorization had been obtained will need to resubmit claims that denied for error code 3106-PA/Procedure Conflict.
Taxonomy Related Claim Denials
As part of the Mississippi Division of Medicaid’s (DOM) transition to a new system, Medicaid Enterprise System Assistance (MESA), important changes were implemented that involve Medicaid Provider IDs. All actively enrolled Medicaid Providers received letters in June 2022 that detailed the changes made to their Provider IDs.
The letter included the taxonomy code that was assigned which was derived from your current provider type and specialty information. A taxonomy code was issued for each specialty. MESA requires that each service location and taxonomy combination have its own unique provider ID to correctly process claims. Providers must submit claims with the appropriate taxonomy code to avoid taxonomy related claim denial error codes.
If you or your clearinghouse submitted claims to MESA via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) that were not reflected on your remittance advice (RA) or in your portal claims search, the issues you are experiencing may be caused by the incorrect taxonomy being submitted on the claim. Since your claim did not have a taxonomy that matched your provider ID on file, the system could not accurately associate the claim with your account. In these instances, please verify the taxonomy on your provider record as it may have been updated in conversion from the Conduent system to the MESA system. If you determine that the claims were submitted with the incorrect taxonomy originally, please resubmit them with the correct information.
There are also multiple ways to find the assigned taxonomy code. It can be found on the top of the web portal screen after signing in. Additionally, resources are available on DOM’s website to help lookup the new MESA Provider ID. Access the lookup tool using this link, or by following the instructions in the images below. The MMIS Replacement Project webpage contains the Provider ID Search Tool.
Claim Reconsideration Form Updates
Effective October 3, 2022, the Claim Reconsideration Form will no longer be available for providers to submit to the new fiscal agent, Gainwell Technologies. Providers are encouraged to submit electronic claims to reduce the potential for error. Resources are available to providers to assist with learning more about how to use the new Medicaid Enterprise System Assistance (MESA) portal (Resource Information – MESA Portal for Providers). Providers who submit electronic claims should adjust claims electronically, which allows for attachments for medical review. Additionally, providers who submit paper claims should refer to their return to provider (RTP) letter and follow instructions in the letter.
Appeal claim reconsideration options are reserved for instances when a claim is denied based on medical necessity. Should an appeal be necessary, please follow the requirements in the Administrative Code, Title 23, Part 300: Appeals.
Waiving copay on COVID-19 claims
COVID-19 related claims that should bypass the copayment requirement must include the CS modifier, as the “V” suffix will not be recognized in the new MESA system.
Directions for waiving $3 copay on COVID-19-related prescriptions
Effective 10/1/2022 and through the end of the Public Health Emergency, the directions for waiving the $3 copay on COVID-19-related prescriptions when:
- The prescriber has indicated a diagnosis of COVID-19 on the prescription,
- The prescriber notates the beneficiary may have COVID-19 illness on the prescription, or
- The beneficiary states that they may have COVID-19 or are being treated for COVID-19
The V suffix on the member ID will no longer be accepted.
In Field # 461-EU (Prior Authorization Type Code) enter a value of “4” (exempt from copay and/or coinsurance)
In Field # 462-EV (Prior Authorization Number) enter a value of “19”
Dental Claims Require Valid Diagnosis Codes
Effective October 3, 2022, the Division of Medicaid (DOM) transitioned to a new fiscal agent, Gainwell Technologies. The new provider-enrollment and claims-processing solution is called MESA: Medicaid Enterprise System Assistance. Dental claims submitted on or after October 3, 2022, to the new MESA system, require both the Current Dental Terminology (CDT) code and valid International Classification of Diseases-10th Edition (ICD-10) diagnosis codes. Failure to use valid ICD-10 diagnosis codes will result in denied claims. Dental related ICD-10 diagnosis codes are in the range of K000-K1379.
MESA does not accept copay exception codes
Effective October 3, 2022, the Division of Medicaid (DOM) transitioned to a new fiscal agent, Gainwell Technologies. The new provider-enrollment and claims-processing solution is called MESA: Medicaid Enterprise System Assistance. DOM claims processing policy removed the need for the submittal of the copay exception codes to bypass copayment. Providers who used a copay exception code in the beneficiary identification number field of their claim received and will continue to receive claim denial edit 2001-MEMBER ID NUMBER NOT ON FILE. Providers should submit new claims without the copay exception code.
Prior Authorization update for Physician Administered Drugs
Effective October 1, 2022, the Division of Medicaid (DOM) will require prior authorization (PA) of 4 additional physician administered drugs (PADs). The chart below reflects the PADs that will require PA. Alliant Health Solutions is responsible for authorization requests for fee-for-service (FFS) Medicaid beneficiaries. Please call Alliant directly at 1-888-224-3067 for assistance with the PA process for these 4 PADs.
Q2053 brexucabtagene autoleucel (Tecartus)
Indication | Infusion Bag NDC | Metal Cassette NDC |
MCL | 71287-0219-01 | 71287-0219-02 |
ALL | 71287-0220-01 | 71287-0220-02 |
Q2054 lisocabtagene maraleucel (Breyanzi)
Product | NDC |
Vial | 73153-0900-01 |
CD8 Component | 73153-0901-08 |
CD4 Component | 73153-0902-04 |
Q2055 Idecabtagene vivleucel (Abecma)
Product | NDC |
50 ml infusion bag and metal cassette | 59572-0515-01 |
250 ml infusion bag and metal cassette | 59572-0515-02 |
500 ml infusion bag and metal cassette | 59572-0515-03 |
Q2056 ciltacabtagene autoleucel (Carvykti)
Product | NDC |
70 ml infusion bag and metal cassette | 57894-0111-01 |
30 ml infusion bag and metal cassette | 57894-0111-02 |