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HCBS Waiver Providers

Home and Community-Based Services Rate Study Project Update

The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM), in collaboration with Milliman and various stakeholders, has completed a comprehensive rate study for all 1915(c) waiver and 1915(i) State plan home and community-based services. The draft report and final stakeholder update presentation are available at the links below. All rates outlined in Appendix 1 of the report under “Total Modeled Rate” study are strictly proposals. Implementation of these proposed service rates will require legislative action, increased state appropriations and approval by CMS. The legislative request was included in DOM’s FY2026 budget submission. Any questions or feedback regarding the report or associated proposed rates can be emailed to us at


ARPA HCBS 1915(c) Waiver Direct Care Workforce One Time Supplemental Payment Announcement

DOM will be issuing one-time supplemental payments to eligible 1915(c) Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Direct Care Workforce providers. More information on the Spending Plan and the One Time Payment is available at

Completed attestations must be emailed to DOM at no later than 8/15/2022 to receive a supplemental payment.

The Office of Long Term Care is responsible for ensuring that all providers of 1915(c) home and community based waiver services for the following waivers meet enrollment requirements as documented in the CMS approved waiver applications.

Agencies may currently apply to enroll as providers of Personal Care services, In-Home Respite services or Adult Day Care services under the Elderly & Disabled (E&D) Waiver or Assisted Living services under the Assisted Living (AL) Waiver.


1915(c) HCBS E&D Waiver Provider Enrollment Process

Information for agencies interested in applying to enroll as providers of Personal Care services, In-Home Respite services or Adult Day Care services under the Elderly & Disabled (E&D) Waiver.

Click on the image to view the Virtual Provider Orientation presentation. 

All potential E&D Waiver providers must complete mandatory provider orientation prior to submitting a provider proposal to the Office of Long Term Care for review. The virtual orientation is available every other month.

Please email or call 601-359-6141 with any questions. Provider type specific proposals as well as the associated Quality Assurance Standards are linked below.


1915(c) HCBS Personal Care & In Home Respite Resources

1915(c) HCBS Personal Care and In-Home Respite waiver providers should use the forms linked below to ensure compliance the Quality Assurance Standards and Administrative Code.


1915(c) HCBS AL Waiver Provider Enrollment Process

Information for agencies interested in applying to enroll as providers of Assisted Living services under the Assisted Living (AL) Waiver.


1915(c) HCBS Adult Day Care Resources

1915(c) HCBS ADC waiver providers are required by the Quality Assurance Standards to annually assess participant needs using Individualized Service Plans and document Daily Progress Notes. The forms linked below should be used to ensure compliance.


1915(c) HCBS Case Management Resources


1915(c) HCBS Waiver Background Checks

1915(c) HCBS waiver providers are required by Administrative Code to conduct a national criminal background check with fingerprints on all employees and volunteers prior to employment and every two (2) years thereafter. The training presentation linked below outlines the process for providers to obtain these required checks through the Mississippi Department of Health (MSDH) .


1915(c) HCBS Waiver Training Requirements

1915(c) HCBS waiver providers are required by Administrative Code to ensure all staff meet training requirements as defined by the Division of Medicaid.  The provider type specific memorandums linked below define the current training requirements for all direct care staff.


MS Person Centered Practices Institute

The Mississippi Person Centered Practices Initiative (MS-PCPI) is a partnership between the Mississippi Division of Medicaid and The University of Southern Mississippi’s School of Social Work. The primary objective of MS-PCPI is to provide training workshops and consultation to professionals from Home & Community Based Medicaid Waiver programs on person-centered practices. MS-PCPI provides a range of person-centered workshops (free of charge) to providers across Mississippi. Workshops include CE credits for several professional disciplines including social work, nursing, and those holding MS Department of Mental Health (DMH) credentials.

Please contact Courtney Williams, MS-PCPI Program Director/Trainer, at for more information.