MS SPA 23-0013 Drugs to Treat Obesity approved by CMS
September 18, 20230Read moreState Plan Amendment (SPA) 23-0013 Drugs to Treat Obesity was submitted to add coverage for selected drugs that treat...
MS SPA 23-0027 Recovery Audit Contractors (RACs) submitted to CMS
September 5, 2023Read moreState Plan Amendment (SPA) 23-0027 Recovery Audit Contractors (RACs) is being submitted to allow the Division of Medicaid (DOM)...
MS SPA 23-0007 Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) submitted to CMS
September 5, 2023Read moreState Plan Amendment (SPA) 23-0007 Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) is being submitted to allow the Division of Medicaid...
Medicaid Vital Signs – April-June 2023
August 22, 2023Read moreThis update of the Medicaid Vital Signs dashboard contains enrollment and expenditure data from the second quarter of 2023....
MS SPA 23-0011 Copay approved by CMS
August 18, 2023Read moreState Plan Amendment (SPA) 23-0011 was submitted to allow the Division of Medicaid (DOM) to remove copays from Medicaid...
CMS approves renewal of Medicaid’s five Home and Community Based Services waivers
August 18, 2023Read moreAlignment to enhance services, efficiency The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) earlier this summer approved the renewal...
MS SPA 23-0016 All Patient Refined Diagnosis Related Groups (APR-DRG) Reimbursement Submitted to CMS
August 16, 2023Read moreMS SPA 23-0016 All Patient Refined Diagnosis Related Groups (APR-DRG) Reimbursement is being submitted to update the hospital inpatient...
MS SPA 23-0010 Private Duty Nursing (PDN) Rate Updates approved by CMS
July 28, 2023Read moreState Plan Amendment (SPA) 23-0010 is being submitted to allow the Division of Medicaid to continue the same PDN...
MS SPA 23-0019 Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care (PPEC) approved by CMS
July 28, 2023Read moreState Plan Amendment (SPA) 23-0019 was submitted to allow the Division of Medicaid (DOM) to continue the fifteen percent...
MS SPA 23-0009 Early Intervention Case Manager approved by CMS
July 21, 2023Read moreState Plan Amendment (SPA) 23-0009 was submitted to allow the Division of Medicaid (DOM) to revise the education and...
News and Notices
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