Program Year 1 For Eligible Professionals (EPs): Adopt / Implement / Upgrade
- Visit the Mississippi State Level Registry (MS SLR) website to begin your EHR Attestation for Year 1.
Establishing Medicaid Patient Volume Eligibility:
- Determine if you as an EP will use Medicaid patient volume taken from your individual patient volume statistics or if your group / practice will combine all patient volume, utilizing the Group Proxy volume. You can either use individual or group statistics. It’s either one way or another. All Individual or All Group.
- Select a continuous 90-day period from the previously finished calendar year
- Report all encounters (regardless of payment type). This will be the denominator.
- Report all Medicaid encounters (a unique patient seen on a particular date). This will be the numerator.
- Medicaid Patient Volume should be at least 30% for Eligible Professionals (20% – for pediatricians).
- Supply certification numbers from the Office of National Coordinator (ONC). This is referred to as the CHPL Website.
- Required documentation: Contract with vendor, Medicaid patient Volume calculator, Supporting Management Report, Signed Attestation Agreement.
Program Year 2-6 For Eligible Professionals (EPs): Meaningful Use
- Visit the CMS Meaningful Use website for additional information.
- Visit the Mississippi State Level Registry (MS SLR) website to begin your EHR Meaningful Use Attestation for Years 2-6.
Establishing Medicaid Patient Volume Eligibility:
- Determine if you as an EP will use Medicaid patient volume taken from your individual patient volume statistics or if your group / practice will combine all patient volume, utilizing the Group Proxy volume. You can either use individual or group statistics. It’s either one way or another. All Individual or All Group.
- Select a continuous 90-day period from the previously finished calendar year
- Report all encounters (regardless of payment type). This will be the denominator.
- Report all Medicaid encounters (a unique patient seen on a particular date). This will be the numerator.
- Medicaid Patient Volume should be at least 30% for Eligible Professionals (20% – for pediatricians).
- Supply certification numbers from the Office of National Coordinator (ONC). This is referred to as the CHPL Website.
- Required documentation: Contract with vendor, Medicaid patient Volume calculator, Supporting Management Report, Signed Attestation Agreement.
Electronic Health Record (EHR Reporting period):
Your Certified Electronic Health Record software should be able to generate reports for a prescribe number of objectives and measures. You will be asked to supply those results in a numerator/denominator format. Some objectives will ask for a Yes/No response.
- Meaningful Use Year One – Select a 90-day period within the current calendar year to attest for your EHR
- Meaningful Use Years Two-Five – This must be a full 365-day reporting period. (NOTE: you will be allowed to use a 90-day reporting in 2014 because of the required re-certification of all Electronic Health Record software programs).
- Complete the required MU CORE measures and attach the required documentation.
- Select five MU MENU measures.
- Complete the three MU CQM measures and select an additional six MU CQM measures for a total of nine.