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MS SPA 21-0035 Telehealth Services submitted to CMS

State Plan Amendment (SPA) 21-0035 is being submitted to allow the Division of Medicaid (DOM) to 1) set the fees for telehealth services the same as those in effect on July 1, 2020, 2) add Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and Rural Health Centers (RHCs) as distant site providers, 3) add language that FQHCs, RHCs and Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs) delivering simultaneous distant and originating site can receive the originating or distant site facility fees when such services are appropriately provided by the same organization, 4) add school which employs a school nurse, inpatient hospital and the beneficiary’s home as an originating site, and 5) add telehealth services must be Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliant. Changes 1) through 3) are being made to be in compliance with Miss. Code § 43-13-117, as amended by Senate Bill 2799, effective July 1, 2021. Additional authority: Miss. Code § 43-13-121.

For more information, read the submitted SPA pages.