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Medicaid updates Voluntary 90-Day Drug Maintenance List for providers

Effective April 1, 2019, the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) has updated its Voluntary 90-Day Drug Maintenance List for prescribing/pharmacy providers. The Voluntary 90-Day Drug Maintenance List is a resource giving providers the option of prescribing and dispensing certain widely-used drugs for common disease states in 90-day supplies in order to schedule the refilling of those drugs on different months. This helps clinicians manage a Medicaid beneficiary’s monthly prescription drug limit, unless clinically contraindicated.

Last updated in 2012, DOM has carefully updated the list in consultation with physicians and pharmacists, as well as members of the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee. With new drug therapies introduced to the market every year, the new list includes a significant number of new drugs used to treat chronic conditions. In addition, two major classes of drugs have been added: cystic fibrosis agents and the antiretroviral drugs used to treat human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

This list is available in two formats, one arranged alphabetically, and one arranged by disease state.