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Updates to MESA Portal for Providers

Updates to MESA Portal for Providers

Mississippi Medicaid’s web portal for providers had been modified with the following improvements to make information easier to locate.

Eligibility Verification Request:

• The ‘Eligibility Verification Request’ section was modified to allow the users to run a search for a span of 3 years. The system now allows running a search for eligibility up to 3 years in the past.

Note: The system currently allows searching for eligibility up to 4 months in the future.
• The ‘Eligibility Verification Request’ section was modified to rename the fields “Effective From” and “Effective To” to “Begin Date” and “End Date”.
• The Eligibility Verification Response section was modified to display the Aid Categories for the primary plan active during the search period.
• The Eligibility Verification Response section was modified to return the member’s primary aid category’s eligibility begin date and end date for the ‘Effective Date’ and ‘End Date’ fields. Member’s add date of eligibility and the last date of update for the aid category are being displayed.
• The Eligibility Verification Inquiry Response Section was modified to display members’ Hospital Presumptive Eligibility (HPE) along with the Effective Date, End Date, Add Date, and Last Update Date, if applicable. This section will not be displayed if there is no HPE data on the Members file.

Member Focus View Page:

• The ‘Member Focus View’ page was modified to display the member’s primary aid category and the effective and end dates of the primary aid category under the ‘Coverage Details’ section.
• The ‘Member Focus View’ page was modified to display the member’s Hospital Presumptive Eligibility (HPE) along with the Effective Date, and End Date, if applicable. This section will not be shown if there is no HPE data.

Coverage Details Page:

• The ‘Limit Details’ section on the ‘Coverage Details’ page has a new field for “Service Date” input to display the relevant service limits.

• The ‘Lock-In Details’ section on the Coverage Details page was modified to display the Lock-in plan start and end dates for the Effective and End Dates if the member has Lock-In coverage for the eligibility verification search duration.

• The ‘Lock-In Details’ section on the Coverage Details page was modified to display ‘None’ if the member does not have Lock-In coverage for the eligibility verification search duration.

• The ‘Living Arrangements Details’ section on the Coverage Details page was modified to also display the Provider NPI and Provider Name by adding two new fields ‘Provider NPI’ and ‘Provider Name’ if the member has Long-Term Care/Nursing Home facility coverage for the eligibility verification search duration. The ‘Level of Care’ field was renamed to ‘Level of Care Plan’.

• The ‘Living Arrangements Details’ section on the Coverage Details page was modified to display the Level of Care plan start and end dates for the Effective and End Dates if the member has Long-Term Care/Nursing Home facility coverage for the eligibility verification search duration.

• The ‘Living Arrangements Details’ section on the Coverage Details page was modified to display ‘None’ if the member does not have Long-Term Care/Nursing Home facility coverage for the eligibility verification search duration.

• The ‘Managed Care Assignment Details’ section on the Coverage Details page was modified to display the member’s PCP’s name and telephone number if the member is enrolled in a Managed Care plan for the eligibility verification search duration. The ‘Primary Care Provider’ and ‘Provider Phone’ are left blank if PCP is not selected by the member enrolled in a Managed Care plan for the eligibility verification search duration.

• The ‘Managed Care Assignment Details’ section on the Coverage Details page was modified to display the member’s active enrollment begin and end date along with the CCO of participation if the member is enrolled in a Managed Care plan for the eligibility verification search duration. Earlier, the Portal displayed the dates the eligibility verification search was being run for.

• The ‘Managed Care Assignment Details’ section on the Coverage Details page was modified to display ‘None’ if the member is NOT enrolled in a managed care plan for the eligibility verification search duration.

Should you need assistance, please contact the Provider and Beneficiary Services Call Center at (800) 884-3222 or use the Provider Field Representative list on Medicaid’s website to identify your designated representative.

The Provider Field Representative list includes email addresses and phone numbers for each representative. This resource document is located at

Posted 8/22/23