Medicaid to implement single Pharmacy Benefit Administrator for all pharmacy claims on July 1. Click here for more information.
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Trading Partner FAQs

Trading Partner: Frequently Asked Questions


If I already have a Trading Partner number, do I need a new one?

Yes, the old Trading Partner (TP) ID issued by Conduent will not transfer over to the new system called MESA: Medicaid Enterprise System Assistance.

Will my Trading Partner ID work for the provider portal?

No, The TP ID is used for submitting electronic claims to the new MESA system. It is not used to access the MESA Provider Portal. To access the MESA Provider Portal, providers must register for it on or after Oct. 3.

When I enroll as a Trading Partner, do I also have to register for the provider portal?

Typically, only clearinghouses enroll as a Trading Partner to submit electronic transactions (such as an 837 claim.) You are not required to register for the MESA Provider Portal at the time of enrollment as a Trading Partner. However, you will need to register for the MESA Provider Portal to access your remittance advice, verify patient eligibility, and file individual claims on or after Oct. 3.

If we are an out-of-state provider, do we still need to enroll and register as a Trading Partner?

If a provider submits claims through a clearing house or vendor then the provider would not need to enroll for a TP ID; however, the clearing house or vendor would need to enroll for a Trading Partner ID. If you only use the Provider Portal to enter claims, verify eligibility or check your remittance advice, then you would only need to register in the new Provider Portal on or after Oct. 3.

Why do I have need to register again with MS Medicaid, if I am already a MS Medicaid provider?

The new Medicaid system called MESA is going live on Oct. 3. This requires that providers register for the new Provider Portal with the new Medicaid Provider ID that was mailed out in early June. If you did not receive the letter that was mailed in early June, you can retrieve your information at

Does every provider in a group practice need to register for the MESA Provider Portal?

Yes, every provider within the practice must be registered for the MESA Provider Portal on or after Oct. 3.

Does every provider in our group practice need to enroll as a Trading Partner?

No, if you are using a clearing house to submit your claims, you would only need to register your providers for the MESA Provider Portal on or after Oct. 3.

If we only submit claims through a clearing house, do we need to do anything? Do we need to enroll as Trading Partner or register for the MESA Provider Portal?

Yes, the clearing house that is submitting claims will need to enroll as a Trading Partner in the new system. Providers may register for the new MESA Provider Portal on or after Oct. 3. Once registered, providers will be able to use the portal to link the TP ID using the delegate option on their profile page to review the Remittance Advice related to claims submitted by the Trading Partner on their behalf.

If we only submit claims one at a time, do we need to enroll as a trading partner? Or can we just register through the MESA Provider Portal and submit claims there?

If you intend to only submit claims one at a time through the MESA Provider Portal, you will only need to register for the new MESA Provider Portal on or after Oct. 3.

Can I register for the MESA Provider Portal before Oct. 3?

At this time, the MESA Provider Portal will not be available prior to Oct. 3, 2022; however, should the portal become available, this will be communicated through the Division of Medicaid’s website located at The Division of Medicaid will continue to post important updates to this website as we near implementation.

What if I don’t remember my password to the MESA Provider Portal or MOVEit site for Trading Partners?

Please use the “forgot password” function on the MESA Provider Portal or on the MOVEit page to reset your respective password.

Is there a separate user ID and password for MOVEit and the MESA Provider Portal?

Yes, the MOVEit and MESA Provider Portal have different user IDs and passwords.