1915(c) Waivers and 1915(i) State Plan Transition Plans for Home and Community-Based Settings
30 Day Comment Period: September 17 – October 17, 2014
On January 16, 2014, CMS issued a final rule, effective March 17, 2014, which amends the requirements for qualities of home and community-based (HCBS) settings. These requirements reflect CMS’s intent that individuals receive services and supports in settings that are integrated in and support full access to the greater community. All Medicaid 1915(c) waivers and 1915(i) State Plans must comply with these requirements. The final rule includes a provision that allows the Division of Medicaid the opportunity to develop transition plans that encompass a period of up to five (5) years after the effective date of the regulation to meet the provisions of the final rule.
Transition Plans
The transition plans, public notice, public hearing locations and times, and public comments can be accessed for the following 1915(c) waivers and 1915(i) State Plan affected by this final rule by choosing the link:
- Assisted Living (AL) Waiver
- Independent Living (IL) Waiver
- Elderly and Disabled (E&D) Waiver
- Intellectual Disabilities/Developmental Disabilities (ID/DD) Waiver
- 1915(i) State Plan Services
Public Hearings
The State’s transition plans will be developed with stakeholder input to include public comment including the following two public hearings on the following dates and locations:
- 1. A public hearing and teleconference regarding the Division of Medicaid’s 1915(c) waiver and 1915(i) State Plan Transition Plans for Home and Community-Based Settings will be held Friday, September 26, 2014, at the Woolfolk Building in Room 145 located at the Woolfolk State Office Building, 501 N. West Street, Jackson, Mississippi 39201. To join the teleconference dial toll-free 1-877-820-7831 and enter the participant passcode 3599662.
- 2. A second public hearing regarding the Division of Medicaid’s 1915(c) waiver and 1915(i) State Plan Transition Plans for Home and Community-Based Settings will be held Friday, October 3, 2014, at the War Memorial Auditorium located at 120 South State Street, Jackson, Mississippi 39201. Please note, teleconference access will not be available at this hearing.
The specified times for each Transition Plan are:
- Assisted Living (AL) Waiver – 9 a.m.
- Independent Living (IL) Waiver – 10 a.m.
- Elderly and Disabled (E&D) Waiver – 11 a.m.
- Intellectual Disabilities/Developmental Disabilities (ID/DD) Waiver – 1 p.m.
- 1915(i) State Plan Services – 2 p.m.
Written Comments
If you cannot attend the public meetings but would still like to provide input, written comments will be received via mail at the Division of Medicaid, Office of the Governor, Office of Policy, Walter Sillers Building, Suite 1000, 550 High Street, Jackson, Mississippi 39201, or by submission via e-mail to Margaret.Wilson@medicaid.ms.gov from September 17 through October 17, 2014. Comments will be available for public review at the above address and at www.medicaid.ms.gov in the News and Notices section.