The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) maintains a policy in line with the Mississippi Public Records Act (Miss. Code Ann. §§ 25-61-1 et seq.) and the Mississippi Ethics Commission’s Model for Public Records Rules for public records requests. Public records mean all books, records, papers, accounts, letters, maps, photographs, films, cards, tapes, recordings or reproduction thereof, and any other documentary materials, regardless of physical form or characteristics, having been used, being in use, or prepared, possessed or retained for use in the conduct, transaction or performance of any business, transaction, work, duty or function of any public body, or required to be maintained by any public body.
Types of Information Requests
Public Records
Requests for public records may be submitted in writing by contacting the Mississippi Division of Medicaid’s (DOM) Public Records Officer in multiple ways as listed below, including postal mail, fax and email. It is advised that you do not email forms or submit online forms with protected health information or personally identifiable information, to protect your confidentiality in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.
- Mailing address: Mississippi Division of Medicaid, Attn: Public Records Officer, 550 High Street, Suite 1000, Jackson, MS 39201-1399
- Fax: 601-576-6342
Email: If you have questions regarding public records policy or procedure, contact the Public Records Officer by phone at 601-359-6093.
Time Frame
As specified by the Mississippi Public Records Act (Miss. Code Ann. § 25-61-5) and DOM’s policy(Do we have a policy?), DOM will produce the requested information no later than seven working days from the date of receipt of the request.
If DOM is unable to produce the information requested within seven working days, DOM will notify the requestor of the delay by written notification specifying with particularity why the records cannot be produced within seven working days and will obtain a mutually agreed upon delivery date for the records/information to be released. Requests for medical records or information related to third party casualty recovery cases are not considered public records requests and are not processed within the timeline described above.
Fees may apply for public records requests including the processing and retrieval of information or records not readily available in accordance with Miss. Code Ann. § 25-61-7. Requests estimated at a total invoice charge of $250 or more will require a certified check or money order deposit for the full estimated charges before DOM staff will begin the retrieval process. Upon completion of the records or information retrieval process, DOM will invoice for the final payment balance (if any remains). The final invoice will reflect the credit for the initial deposit. The deposit will be held in escrow until final payment is received. If the final invoice is less than the deposit, the requestor will be notified with a revised invoice. The deposit check will be returned to the requestor upon receipt of the newly invoiced amount.
The charges related to staff time or contractual services is at the pay scale of the lowest level employee or contractor competent to respond to the request.
Requests for Information and HIPAA
DOM processes any type of public records request in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), as amended, and any other applicable state and federal laws regarding the privacy and security of information. Additionally, the Privacy Officer will be consulted when necessary. The DOM Public Records Officer is responsible for notifying the requestor if, and when, additional information or forms are needed for release of permissible protected health information (PHI). Learn more about HIPAA and DOM’s Notice of Privacy Practices.
Inspecting Records Onsite
When requested, those inspecting records will be provided adequate space to work during normal business hours at no cost. Requested records will be provided by a DOM staff member. Those requesting to provide clerical staff to make their own copies on DOM copiers will be charged $0.50 per page for copies plus clerical and/or professional staff time necessary to provide the information for copying. Copies will have to be made during times when DOM staff is not in need of the copiers for agency business.
Claims Payment and Lien Requests
Attorneys and Third Parties requesting claims payment information and Medicaid lien amounts for Medicaid beneficiaries should submit their requests, along with a completed Authorization for the Use/Disclosure of Protected Health Information form to
Beneficiary Records Requests
Medicaid Beneficiaries requesting their own Medicaid claims or eligibility documentation should submit their requests, along with a completed Authorization for the Use/Disclosure of Protected Health Information form and a photocopy of your state issued photo ID to
Available Resources
There are many resources available online, such as:
- Mississippi Medicaid State Plan;
- Title 23 of the Mississippi Administrative Code;
- Current contracts on;
- Enrollment reports;
- Eligibility policies and eligibility guideline brochures;
- Provider billing handbook;
- Fee schedules and rates;
- Publications – annual reports, presentations, informational materials;
- Late Breaking News articles and Provider Notices.