The Mississippi Division of Medicaid maintains a list of providers whose Medicaid provider agreement has been terminated. Refer to the Miss. Code Ann. §43-13-121 and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §455.416 for the reasons a provider’s enrollment may be denied or revoked. The following list contains individuals or entities whose participation in the Medicaid program has been terminated for cause. Excluded individuals and entities are not allowed to receive reimbursement for providing Medicare and Medicaid services in any capacity, even if they are not on this listing.
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires that all physicians or other professionals who order or refer services for which a claim will be submitted to the Medicaid program must be enrolled as participating providers (see 42 CFR §455.410 (b)). Therefore, any un-enrolled provider, including any provider who is terminated from the Medicaid program for any reason, is not allowed to furnish, order, prescribe, or make referrals for services for which claims to the Medicaid program will be generated. Use of this list will help providers avoid submitting claims for medical care, services, and/or supplies that are ordered or prescribed by individuals or entities who are not authorized to submit such orders. Providers are responsible for screening all employees and contractors to identify excluded individuals and are responsible for searching the Office of Inspector General website, the System for Award Management (SAM) and the Mississippi Medicaid Sanction Provider List monthly to capture exclusions and reinstatements.
The Office of the Inspector General maintains a national list of all individuals who are excluded from receiving reimbursement from Medicare and Medicaid. For a comprehensive list of all individuals, go to
The files below contain providers who have been terminated from participation in the Mississippi Medicaid Program.
• PDF Version
• Excel Version