The Division of Medicaid (DOM) has been notified that the Board of Pharmacy is encountering delays processing bi-annual pharmacy permit renewals. Pharmacies enrolled in the Mississippi Medicaid program must be in good standing with their regulatory authority to be a Medicaid provider. Due to the delay with the permit renewal process at the Board of Pharmacy, DOM will extend the deadline for submission of updated permit renewals from Dec. 31, 2016, to Jan. 31, 2016. This extension will allow Mississippi Medicaid pharmacy providers to continue to provide services for Mississippi Medicaid beneficiaries.
Please note that once the Board of Pharmacy is current in issuing permits, DOM will verify that all Medicaid enrolled pharmacies and pharmacy based DMEs have provided a copy of their renewed pharmacy permit updated their respective provider file(s). DOM will recoup monies paid during this grace period for those pharmacy providers without a valid pharmacy permit during January 2016.
To ensure your MS Medicaid provider file is updated; follow the instructions below as soon as you get your updated Board of Pharmacy permit.
Fax the following to Xerox’ Provider Enrollment at 888-495-8169:
- Cover sheet to include the:
- Provider name
- MS Medicaid provider number(s): if you are going to use the pharmacy license to update both pharmacy and pharmacy based DME numbers, please indicate that on the cover sheet. Otherwise, only the pharmacy license will be updated.
- NPI(s)
- Servicing pharmacy location email address
- Telephone number
- Facsimile number
- Copy of the renewed license/permit from the Board of Pharmacy.
If you encounter problems faxing documents or if there are questions, call Xerox toll-free at 800-884-3222.
Remember, do not fax these documents to DOM as they will be returned to you and not routed to Xerox.