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Beneficiary Advisory Council

The Mississippi Medicaid Beneficiary Advisory Council

The purpose of the Mississippi Medicaid Beneficiary Advisory Council (MBAC) is to advise the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) Executive Director with recommendations that will enhance the experience of Medicaid members and facilitate access to high quality medical care delivered in a cost-effective manner. The goal is to obtain the insight and recommendations of Mississippi’s Medicaid members and to strive for a healthier Mississippi.


The Division will utilize multiple channels for recruiting council members that may include DOM’s website, social media platforms, newsletters, community engagement activities, managed care organizations, provider and advocacy outreach.


Individuals can apply to be on the Council by completing the online application. The Division will also make paper applications available at its Regional Offices. Paper applications should be returned to:

MS Division of Medicaid
Attn: MBAC, 10th Floor
550 High Street, Suite 1000
Jackson, MS 39201


The three (3) person selection committee, established by DOM’s Executive Director, will review applications for alignment with the requirements stated in 42 C.F.R. ยง431.12 (e.) and make their recommendations to the Executive Director for final selection.

The Executive Director or their designee will notify the selected candidate(s) electronically and or in writing.